吉林大学学报(信息科学版) ›› 2019, Vol. 37 ›› Issue (4): 390-398.

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基于Bi-LSTM 和Max Pooling 的答案句抽取技术


  1. 西北民族大学中国民族语言文字信息技术教育部重点实验室,兰州730030
  • 出版日期:2019-07-24 发布日期:2019-12-16
  • 通讯作者: 万福成( 1985— ) ,男,辽宁台安人,西北民族大学副教授,硕士生导师,主要从事自然语言处理、机器翻译与自动问答研究,( Tel) 86-18919126076 ( E-mail) 30626163@ qq. com。 E-mail:30626163@ qq. com
  • 作者简介:王策( 1994— ) ,男,河北迁安人,西北民族大学硕士研究生,主要从事自然语言处理、问答系统研究,( Tel) 86-18617852116( E-mail) 852876572@ qq. com; 通讯作者: 万福成( 1985— ) ,男,辽宁台安人,西北民族大学副教授,硕士生导师,主要从事自然语言处理、机器翻译与自动问答研究,( Tel) 86-18919126076 ( E-mail) 30626163@ qq. com; 于洪志( 1947— ) ,女,山东龙口人,西北民族大学教授,博士生导师,主要从事自然语言处理、人工智能研究,( Tel) 86-13909318273( E-mail) yuhongzhi@ hotmail. com。
  • 基金资助:
    国家科学基金青年资助项目( 61602387)

Answer Sentence Extraction Technology Based on Bi-LSTM and Max Pooling

WANG Ce,WAN Fucheng,YU Hongzhi,MA Ning,WU Tiantian,YANG Fangtao   

  1. Key Laboratory of China's Ethnic Languages and Information Technology of Ministry of Education,Northwest Minzu University,Lanzhou 730030,China
  • Online:2019-07-24 Published:2019-12-16

摘要: 针对传统问答系统答案抽取方式对答案片段的分词和上下文语义理解准确性的依赖严重,抽取过程耗费大量的人力和时间的问题,提出采用分步抽取答案的方法,先从答案片段中抽取包含答案的句子,再从提取的答案句中进行最终答案的抽取方式。在答案句抽取过程中使用Bi-LSTM( Bi-directional Long Short-Term Memory)和Max Pooling 结合的方法构建答案句抽取模型。实验结果表明,在答案句的抽取中,该模型的MRR( Mean Average Precision) 指数接近0. 75。

关键词: 中文问答系统, 答案句抽取, Bi-LSTM 算法

Abstract: In automatic question and answering system,traditional way of the answer extraction depends on participle of answer fragment and the accuracy of semantic comprehension from the context,which consumes manpower and time during the extraction process. To solve the above problems,the approach of step answer extraction is adopted where the final answer extraction is conducted through the extracted answers from the sentences. The model of answer sentence extraction is built in combination of Bi-LSTM ( Bi-directional Long Short-Term Memory) and Max Pooling during the extraction process. The experimental results show that the MRR ( Mean Average Precision) index of this model is close to 0. 75 in the extraction of the answer sentence.

Key words: Chinese question answering system, answer sentence extraction, bi-directional long short-term memory ( Bi-LSTM)


  • TP312