吉林大学学报(信息科学版) ›› 2021, Vol. 39 ›› Issue (5): 491-497.

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基于 MFI4OR 标准的本体融合模型研究

袁 满a , 杨 静a , 陈 萍b   

  1. 东北石油大学 a. 计算机与信息技术学院; b. 经济管理学院, 黑龙江 大庆 163318
  • 收稿日期:2021-01-28 出版日期:2021-10-01 发布日期:2021-10-01
  • 作者简介:袁满(1965— ), 男, 吉林农安人, 东北石油大学教授, 博士生导师, 主要从事数据科学与知识工程、 数据标准化与数据质量等研究,(Tel)86-15765959186(E-mail)yuanman@ nepu.edu.cn。
  • 基金资助:

Research on Ontology Fusion Model Based on MFI4OR Standard

YUAN Man a , YANG Jing a , CHEN Ping b   

  1. a. School of Computer and Information Technology; b. School of Economics and Management, Northeast Petroleum University, Daqing 163318, China
  • Received:2021-01-28 Online:2021-10-01 Published:2021-10-01

摘要: 本体融合已经成为学科领域知识图谱的重建和知识共享的重要途径, 为解决本体融合领域缺乏标准融合 框架问题, 提出一种基于国际标准 MFI4OR 的本体融合模型。 该模型提供一个标准的本体信息划分标准, 即 本体鄄本体构件鄄本体原子构件, 实现对本体信息的管理和映射。 在融合计算过程中, 选择编辑距离算法并引入 外部资源 WordNet 词典进行相似度计算。 最后, 以省级基金项目中的学习者模型构建需求为应用背景, 将 FOAF(Friend-Of-A-Friend)本体和 RELATIONSHIP 本体进行融合试验。 结果表明, 该标准化融合模型能实现 通用本体融合。

关键词: 本体融合, MFI4OR 标准, 编辑距离, WordNet 词典

Abstract: Ontology fusion has become an important way to reconstruct knowledge map and share knowledge in the subject field. In order to solve the problem of lack of standard fusion framework in ontology fusion field, we propose an ontology fusion model based on international standard MFI4OR. This model provides a standard ontology information partition standard, namely ontology-ontology component-ontology atomic component, and realizes the management and mapping of ontology information. In the process of fusion calculation, we choose editing distance algorithm and introduces external resources WordNet dictionary to calculate similarity. Finally, based on the application background of learner model construction requirements in provincial fund projects, the FOAF (Friend-Of-A-Friend)and RELATIONSHIP ontologies are fused. The results show that the standardized fusion model can achieve fusion and has good recall rate and accuracy.

Key words: ontology fusion, MFI4OR standard, editing distance, WordNet dictionary


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