吉林大学学报(信息科学版) ›› 2024, Vol. 42 ›› Issue (2): 294-300.

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基于 GIS 的电力应急物资配送路径规划方法

郎 飞   

  1. 南京工业大学 计算机科学与技术学院, 南京 210000
  • 收稿日期:2023-03-22 出版日期:2024-04-10 发布日期:2024-04-12
  • 作者简介:郎飞(1979— ), 男, 南京人, 南京工业大学硕士研究生, 主要从事电力物资专业的物流、 配送和仓储等研究, (Tel)86- 13805172042(E-mail)1472824091@ qq. com。
  • 基金资助:

A GIS-Based Route Planning Method for Emergency Distribution of Power Supplies

LANG Fei   

  1. School of Computer Science and Technology, Nanjing Tech University, Nangjing 210000, China
  • Received:2023-03-22 Online:2024-04-10 Published:2024-04-12

摘要: 为保证电力应急物资及时配送, 使其可快速恢复供电, 减少经济损失, 以地理信息系统为基础, 提出 电力应急物资配送路径的规划方法。 先基于 GIS(Geographic Information System)地理信息系统中的 Map X 组件, 构建地理空间数据预处理模型, 然后根据处理后数据, 建立配送路径规划数学模型与约束条件, 最后融合遗传 算法、 爬山算法与蚁群算法, 循环运算数学模型, 取得最优配送路径。 实验以某次电力设备突发事件为背景, 当满足物资需求时, 规划路径在道路状况正常与非正常条件下的配送时间各减少 14 min 30 min, 成本分别 减少10. 9 元和 5. 09 , 证明所设计的规划方法具有显著优越性。

关键词: 地理信息系统, 电力资源, 应急物资, 配送路径, 路径规划

Abstract: To ensure timely distribution of emergency power supplies, enable them to quickly restore power supply, and reduce economic losses, a planning method for the distribution path of emergency power supplies is proposed based on geographic information systems. Firstly, based on the Map X component in the GIS (Geographic Information System) geographic information system, a preprocessing model for geospatial data is constructed. Then, based on the processed data, a mathematical model and constraint conditions for distribution path planning are established. Finally, genetic algorithm, mountain climbing algorithm, and ant colony algorithm are integrated, and the mathematical model is iteratively operated to obtain the optimal distribution path. The experiment is based on a power equipment emergency. When the material demand is met, the delivery time of the planned path under normal and abnormal road conditions is reduced by 14 minutes and 30 minutes respectively, and the cost is reduced by 10. 9 yuan and 5. 09 yuan respectively. This proves that the designed planning method has significant superiority. 

Key words: geographic information system, power resources, emergency supplies, distribution route, path planning


  • TP399