吉林大学学报(信息科学版) ›› 2014, Vol. 32 ›› Issue (1): 36-40.

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张择书, 郭树旭   

  1. 吉林大学 电子科学与工程学院, 长春 130012
  • 收稿日期:2013-10-15 出版日期:2014-01-24 发布日期:2014-04-03
  • 作者简介:张择书(1988—), 男, 吉林大安人, 吉林大学硕士研究生, 主要从事可见光通信研究, (Tel)86-13894870035(E-mail)zhangzeshu1988@qq.com; 郭树旭(1959—), 男, 长春人, 吉林大学教授, 博士生导师, 主要从事信号检测与信息处理研究,(Tel)86-13089111921(E-mail)guosx@jlu.edu.cn。

Analysis of Cascaded Codes Using Convolution Code and RS Code of Visible Light Communication Channel Coding

ZHANG Ze-shu, GUO Shu-xu   

  1. College of Electronic Science and Engineering, Jilin University, Changchun 130012, China
  • Received:2013-10-15 Online:2014-01-24 Published:2014-04-03


为解译平衡码的复杂性与纠错能力, 提出一种机联码。该级联码将短码组成长码, 可满足信道在纠错过程中对码长的需求, 得到与长码相同的纠错能力, 且实现简单, 复杂度低。使用卷积码与RS码形成级联码。经仿真计算测试, 该方法与传统的卷积码相比, 在误码率超过10-4时, 可提高编码增益1.5 dB以上, 纠错能力有较大提升。该级联码更适合可见光通信的实际应用。

关键词: 可见光通信, 信道编码, 卷积码, RS码, 级联码


As a means of antiinterference, the channel coding has important research significance in many technical problems which can be resolved in the visible light communication. Cascade code makes short code to long code, which can satisfy the channel of yards long in the error correction process to get the same ability of long code error correction, and easy to implement with low complexity. We use convolution code and RS code to generate cascaded codes of the visible light communication channel coding. Through simulation test, this method compared with traditional convolution code, when the bit error rate reaches more than 10-4, it can improve the coding gain amounting to more than 1.5 dB. The ability of error correction has more promotion. So this cascade code is more suitable for visible light communication requirements in practical application.

Key words: visible light communication, channel coding, convolution code, RS code, cascaded codes


  • TN929