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邹溪, 董险峰   

  1. 吉林大学 数学学院, 长春 130012
  • 收稿日期:2013-05-10 出版日期:2013-09-24 发布日期:2014-04-04
  • 作者简介:邹溪(1967—), 女, 辽宁丹东人, 吉林大学高级工程师, 主要从事计算机技术及应用研究, (Tel)86-13578718868(E-mail)zouxi@jlu.edu.cn;通讯作者:董险峰(1967—), 男, 北京人, 吉林大学研究员, 主要从事计算机图形学的应用与软件开发研究, (Tel)86-431-85167499(E-mail)dongxf@jlu.edu.cn。
  • 基金资助:


Electronic Document Handwritten Markup System Implementation

ZOU Xi, DONG Xian-feng   

  1. College of Mathematics, Jilin University, Changchun 130012,China
  • Received:2013-05-10 Online:2013-09-24 Published:2014-04-04


为解决网络教学中远程作业批改的问题, 提出了电子课业的一种手写批注方法, 阐述了该系统的开发背景、 技术路线、 关键技术及其功能与应用。系统以富文本格式打开文档, 通过安装的钩子监视处理窗体的诸多消息, 显示或重绘批注留痕, 自行创建坐标系, 将文本层与批注层进行逻辑上的叠加, 形成整体的批注场景。实验结果证明, 该系统是电子课业手写批注的公共平台, 具有很好的教学效果和推广价值。

关键词: 手写批注, 电子课业, 富文本格式


To solve the problem of remote homework markup, we propose a method of implementing electronic documents handwritten markup system, expound the development background of the system, technical route and its function and application. The system is able to open documents using rich text format control, monitor and process the messages in the forms via the hook of Windows. The system could also either display or redraw handwritten markup and obtain the coordinate axis between text level and markup level, which creates the environment of the whole markup. As a public platform of electronic documents handwritten markup for school using, the system contributes to a better teaching effect and great economic value.

Key words: handwriting, electronic document, rich text format (RTF)


  • TP391