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关伟哲1, 丛滨2   

  1. 1. 长春金融高等专科学校 计算机系, 长春 130022; 2. 中石油吉林天然气管道有限责任公司, 长春 130062
  • 出版日期:2013-11-26 发布日期:2014-01-06
  • 作者简介:关伟哲(1980—), 女, 沈阳人, 长春金融高等专科学校讲师, 硕士, 主要从事计算机应用技术与网络数据库研究, (Tel) 86-13504411862(E-mail)guanweizhe1122@163.com。

Design and Implementation of Network Teaching Platform Based on ASP

GUAN Wei-zhe1, CONG Bin2   

  1. 1. Department of Computer, Changchun Finance College, Changchun 130022, China;2. Petro China Jilin Gas Pipelined Limited, Changchun 130062, China
  • Online:2013-11-26 Published:2014-01-06


为更好地给教师和学生提供相应的教学资源, 实现教学资源共享, 使学生更好地掌握相关知识, 通过基于ASP(Active Server Page)技术, SQL(Structured Query Language) Server 2005数据库结合的方式, 设计了一种网络教学平台。该平台通过多媒体技术与应用网络教学平台实现其动态性特征。经实践检验, 该设计更好地实现了师生的互通和交流, 使教学效果更加明显。

关键词: ASP技术, 多媒体技术与应用, 网络教学平台


It is better for teachers and students in education to provide the corresponding teaching resources, share resources of teaching, enable students to better grasp the relevant knowledge. Based on ASP (Active Server Page) technology, we put forward a kind of combination of SQL (Structured Query Language) Server 2005 database, design a network teaching platform through the multimedia technology and application of network teaching platform to realize its dynamic characteristics. Practice proves that a better communication between teachers and students can make the teaching obviously efficient.

Key words: active server page (ASP), multimedia technology and application, network teaching platform

