Journal of Jilin University (Information Science Edition) ›› 2018, Vol. 36 ›› Issue (6): 639-647.

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Review of Path Planning for Mobile Robots

HUO Fengcai1a,1b,CHI Jin1a,HUANG Zijian1a,REN Lu2,SUN Qinjiang3a,CHEN Jianling3b   

  1. 1a. School of Electrical Engineering and Information; 1b. Key Laboratory of Heilongjiang Provincial Networking and Intelligent Control,
    Northeast Petroleum University,Daqing,163318,China; 2. Offshore Oil Engineering Company Limited
    Design Company,Tianjin 300461,China; 3a. Project Construction Center; 3b. Bohai Oil Research Institutea,
    Tianjin Branch of China National Off Shore Oil Corp ( CNOOC) Limited,Tianjin 300452,China
  • Received:2018-05-03 Online:2018-11-23 Published:2019-02-20

Abstract: In order to improve the search speed and shorten the search time of robot path planning,the characteristics of various algorithms is summarized. First,the history of mobile robot development and outline the key technologies of path planning are reviewed. Secondly,the mobile robot path planning is classified and summarized. From the perspective of the mobile robot's grasp of the environment,the mobile robot path planning is divided into two categories: global planning and local planning. Then the related algorithms of global planning and local planning are reviewed,and the development status,advantages and disadvantages of related algorithms are summarized. Finally,the future development trend of robot path planning technology in further research,hybrid algorithm, multi-robot collaboration, complex environment and multi-dimensional environment is pointed out.

Key words: mobile robot, path planning, global path planning, local path planning

CLC Number: 

  • TP39