Journal of Jilin University (Information Science Edition) ›› 2021, Vol. 39 ›› Issue (2): 185-191.

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Novel Detection for Long-Distance Pipeline Leakage Based on PSO-FCM

ZHANG Yonga, WANG Chena, WANG Chuangb, JIANG Xinleia, LIU Jiea   

  1. a. School of Physics and Electronic Engineering; b. School of Electronic Engineering & Information,Northeast Petroleum University, Daqing 163318, China
  • Received:2020-02-18 Online:2021-04-19 Published:2021-04-27

Abstract: In order to improve the accuracy and efficiency of leakage detection for long-distance pipeline, the modified fuzzy C-means algorithm is applied. Particle swarm optimization algorithm is introduced to optimize the troditional fuzzy C-means algorithm, which is used to represent the gradient descent so as to improve the efficiency and accuracy of fuzzy C-means algorithm. Then the proposed fuzzy C-means algorithm is used to analyze the same group of pipeline leakage experimental data compared with troditional fuzzy C-means algorithm and 3-layer BP (Back Propagation) neural network. The result proves that the proposed fuzzy C-means algorithm has a better property than the other two algorithms, so it is feasible to apply the PSO-based Fuzzy C-Means model in pipeline leakage detection.

Key words: particle swarm optimization, fuzzy c-means, long-distance pipeline leakage detection

CLC Number: 

  • TP206