Journal of Jilin University (Information Science Edition) ›› 2021, Vol. 39 ›› Issue (4): 470-478.

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Design and Implementation of Automatic Weather Station Data Three Level Quality Control System

FAN Hongfei   

  1. Hubei Meteorological Information and Technical Support Center, Wuhan 430074, China
  • Received:2020-12-16 Online:2021-07-24 Published:2021-08-07

Abstract: In order to solve the problem of inconsistent quality and integrity of observation data acquired by users at different times caused by lagging quality control, combined with the complexity and real-time characteristics of automatic weather station observation data, based on the physical and climatic characteristics of atmospheric variables reflected by the data and the basic rules that the data must follow, a three-level automatic quality control system for automatic weather station data is designed and developed based on the data validity and consistency check. The key quality control technologies used in the development mainly include the first level quality control technology effectiveness check, the second level quality control technology time consistency check and internal consistency check, and the third level quality control technology space consistency check. The time consistency check also includes time-varying check and continuity check. The internal consistency check includes three kinds of check technologies: the relationship between the same elements, different elements, and the relationship between element values and statistical values. The spatial consistency check adopts the optimal interpolation method. After consulting a large number of references, the boundary range and threshold of relevant meteorological elements are optimized. The system implements hierarchical quality control technology, and carries out three-level quality control for the element value and statistical value of automatic weather station. It has good operability and practicability, can realize computer automatic processing, and has high efficiency in detecting suspicious data. It can effectively improve the consistency and accuracy of data and reduce manual labor.

Key words: temporal consistency checks, internal consistency checks, spatial consistency checks, validity checks, automatic weather station (AWS), data, quality control

CLC Number: 

  • TP274