Journal of Jilin University (Information Science Edition) ›› 2021, Vol. 39 ›› Issue (6): 669-674.

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Reform and Practice of Optical Communication Network Experimental Teaching Based on Virtual-Real Combination

SUN Tiegang, LI Zhijun, LIU Dan   

  1. College of Communication Engineering, Jilin University, Changchun 130012, China
  • Received:2021-05-12 Online:2021-12-01 Published:2021-12-02

Abstract: In order to meet multi-level experimental teaching needs in cultivating talents majoring in communication engineering, an experimental teaching system of optical communication is established and the problems faced by practical optical communication network training are summarized. The commercial passive optical network equipment is expensive, and single equipment does not support multi-person operation simultaneously. The internal communication signal processing can not been seen or touched, and communication service opening process is complicated. The size of teaching laboratory is limited, however the space span of broadband access application scenario is large. The virtual simulation models of passive optical network equipment with high fidelity are established; complex and comprehensive communication service opening process is streamlined; training scenario of broadband access application with large space span is constructed; virtual simulation experiment of passive optical network is thus developed. The whole training procedure is divided into three different stages, including cognitive basis, experimental practice and experimental evaluation. Teaching mode based on virtual-real combination is designed, which improves students’ comprehensive ability to solve problems in the application of optical communication network.

Key words: optical communication network, experimental teaching, passive optical network, virtual simulation experiment

CLC Number: 

  • TN913. 7