variational mode decomposition(VMD); hausdorff distance(HD),kendall correlation coefficient,the signal denoising ,"/> Application of VMD-HD-KT Denoising Method in Gas Pipeline Leakage Detection 

Journal of Jilin University (Information Science Edition) ›› 2023, Vol. 41 ›› Issue (2): 202-206.

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Application of VMD-HD-KT Denoising Method in Gas Pipeline Leakage Detection 

WANG Dongmei a , SHI Shaoxiong a , LU Jingyi a,b   

  1. (a. School of Electrical and Information Engineering; b. Heilongjiang Provincial Key Laboratory of Networking and Intelligent Control, Northeast Petroleum University, Daqing 163318, China)
  • Received:2022-09-25 Online:2023-04-13 Published:2023-04-16

Abstract: It is difficult to select the preset scale K for VMD(Variational Mode Decomposition) and to distinguish the effective mode from the noise mode after decomposition. In order to solve the problem, a joint criterion method (VMD-HD-KT) is proposed to determine the presetscale K by HD(Hausdorff Distance) and the effective mode by Kendall correlation coefficient KT(Kendall ’s Tau). And it is used to denoise the leakage signal of natural gas pipeline. First, the HD of the last mode and the original signal when K = 2 to 8 is calculated, K is determined by evaluating HD, and then K value is input for VMD decomposition. The original signal is decomposed into K IMF(Intrinsic Mode Functions) with different characteristic time scales. IMF with KKT greater than 0. 1 is selected as the effective mode for signal reconstruction. The experimental results show that the VMD- HD-KT algorithm can accurately select the preset scale K and effective modes, and has a good denoising effect on the simulation signals and pipeline leakage signals. 

Key words: variational mode decomposition(VMD); hausdorff distance(HD)')">

variational mode decomposition(VMD); hausdorff distance(HD), kendall correlation coefficient, the signal denoising

CLC Number: 

  • TN911. 72