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Journal of Jilin University (Information Science Edition)
ISSN 1671-5896
CN 22-1344/TN
主 任:田宏志
编 辑:张 洁 刘冬亮 刘俏亮
电 话:0431-5152552
地 址:长春市东南湖大路5377号

Table of Content
24 September 2013, Volume 31 Issue 5
Simple Positioning Algorithm and Its Implementation Based on WSN
GU Hai-jun, WANG Yong, CUI Qi-fan, ZHAO Xiao-hui
Journal of Jilin University(Information Science Ed. 2013, 31 (5):  443-448. 
Abstract ( 307 )   PDF (548KB) ( 482 )  

To achieve high efficiency, lowpower regional positioning, we combine mainstream WSN(Wireless Sensor Network)location algorithm, bring up a weighted centroid localization method using RSSI(Received Signal Strength Indication), and build a wireless sensor network, formulate an efficient communication protocol. Based on communication protocol, first the PC sends instruction to poll the target node, and then target node broadcasts acknowledgement, finally PC
computes coordinate of the target with the aggregation data from anchor-nodes. The results fully prove that the method can efficiently locate the target node, reduce target node power consumption, which can place an important role in location application.

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Research of Priority Distinguished RED Algorithm
LI Feng-juan, YANG Xiao-ping, LIU Xiao-jiao
Journal of Jilin University(Information Science Ed. 2013, 31 (5):  449-455. 
Abstract ( 245 )   PDF (594KB) ( 383 )  

To solve the problem of network congestion and realize the service distinguish of users, an active queue management algorithm based on IPv6 network which can distinguish the user's priority is proposed. It is called the priority distinguish RED(Random Early Detection) algorithm. The algorithm tags the user's priority in the flow label field of the IPv6 basic header. Different priorities of packets are dealt with different packet loss process. With the simulator of OMNET++3.2, the experiment results show that the priority distinguish RED algorithm based on the IPv6 network can distinguish the priority of users, and ensure the service quality of priority users.

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Design and Analysis of Full Diversity Full Rate Space Time Codes in Multiple Antenna OFDM Systems
LU Zhao-gan, PANG Xiang-rui, ZHOU Wei-jie, TANG Hai-yan
Journal of Jilin University(Information Science Ed. 2013, 31 (5):  456-463. 
Abstract ( 360 )   PDF (862KB) ( 628 )  

For the space time codes in the multiple antenna OFDM (Orthogonal Frequency Division Multiplexing) systems, one could obtain the tradeoff between diversity and multiplex gains as their performance metric, which is the indictor of their adaptations in wireless links. So, the tradeoff relationships of diversity and multiplex gains were deduced in the scenarios of multiple antenna OFDM system settings. The tradeoff is optimal and indicates whether the space time codes are the optimal space time design schemes. It could obtain full diversity and full rate (FDFR:Full Diversity Full Rate) gain with better spatial link adaptations. Aiming at the China FuTURE 4G system configurations, one design of the FDFR space time codes was presented. Compared with other optimal space time designs, its performance analysis and test results verified its better performance in terms of spatial link adaptations and system symbol rates.

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Research on Wireless Synchronization Device in Superficial Seismic Exploration
ZHANG Lin-hang, PEI Li-ran, SUN Zi-chao, WANG Cong
Journal of Jilin University(Information Science Ed. 2013, 31 (5):  464-469. 
Abstract ( 318 )   PDF (861KB) ( 456 )  

In order to solve the time synchronization problem of shallow seismic prospecting signal acquisition, a data acquisition system of shallow seismic exploration based on wireless network is presented. It uses AT89C51 micro-controller as the main controller, uses AD7705 modulus conversion chip with low power consumption and high resolution to realize data collection, chooses nRF24L01 to set up wireless network. In accordance with the characteristics of modulus conversion unit and MCU, the power module and the voltage stabilizing circuit are designed to realize accurate flexible power supply. By determining the realtime data of different transmission distance, using seismograph for time compensation the data acquisition synchronization is realized, solving the complex wiring and synchronization problems when the conditions for exploration, realizing low power, portable and synchronization function in the shallow seismic exploration. Tests show that the system power consumption is 2 500 mW, the wireless transmission distance is 94 m, and transmission delay time is less than 1.87 μs.

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The Design and Implementation of Attendance System Used in Classroom Based on Radio Frequency Identification Technology
LING Zhen-bao, LI Jiao-yang, PIAO Guan-yu, WU Zi-yu
Journal of Jilin University(Information Science Ed. 2013, 31 (5):  470-476. 
Abstract ( 422 )   PDF (774KB) ( 641 )  

In order to make up the disadvantage that the traditional attendance system used in classroom takes up the class time. At the same time, in order to improve students'class attendance, and eliminate the burden that the teachers Statistics students usually scores manually. We developed a attendance system used in campus classroom based on radio frequency identification technology. The system combines student IC card which has been popular used on campus. It uses two alignment type infrared sensors combined FM1702SL wireless RF card reader to Get students' name, number, and status that students out of the classroom or not. Then the information is transmitted to the host computer through the nRF24L01 wireless transmission module and the FT232RL level conversion circuit. The host computer statistics, organizes information and generate students usual results through the software program written in Visual Basic language. It can eliminate the burden of teachers. System testing arrangements for 183 college students carrying the Student IC card out of the classroom, which 101 students from bringing himself and other students IC card and continuous brush cards illegal operations in and out of the classroom, and the remaining 82 students make a normal credit cardoperation. The test results show that 98 students violate the rules amd 81 students obey the rules, the relative error is less than 3%.

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Monitoring System of Soccer Positioning Based on Zigbee Technology
XIANG Liang-liang, QI Gui-bao, LI Xiao-long, SONG Zhan-wei
Journal of Jilin University(Information Science Ed. 2013, 31 (5):  477-482. 
Abstract ( 327 )   PDF (1011KB) ( 238 )  

In order to achieve the positioning training for soccer players systematically and scientifically, requires the help of electronic technology. After the study of previous experimental results, this thesis presented a soccer positioning control system based on Zigbee technology to achieve a realtime result, high positioning accuracy and facilitating networking, and many other requirements. The results achieved the expected goals in Laboratory simulation testing environment.

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Research of Wireless Video Communication Terminal Based on H.264
MA Yu, SHEN Long-mei, LI Xiao-long, SONG Zhan-wei
Journal of Jilin University(Information Science Ed. 2013, 31 (5):  483-488. 
Abstract ( 324 )   PDF (950KB) ( 434 )  

In order to meet the requirements of realtime video communication system, a new plan encoding the video data with H.264 and wireless transmission by streaming media technique was designed. To improve encoding speed, the system adopts S3C6410 own internal hardware coding module MFC (Multi Format Codec). We make a further research of H.264 video packet method and network transmission method based on RTP (Real-time Transport Protocol) protocol, finally by sending data to the receiver through Wi-Fi network H.264 video transmission based on C/S architecture is achieved. The test results show that the system meet the requirements of real-time video communications, the framerate of hard-coding is 30 frame/s with advantages of high proportion of video compression ratio and transmisson stability.

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Design of Embedded Image Interaction System Based on MPEG-4 Technology
WU Di, MA Yu, LI Xiao-long, SONG Zhan-wei
Journal of Jilin University(Information Science Ed. 2013, 31 (5):  489-494. 
Abstract ( 293 )   PDF (1112KB) ( 295 )  

Within the scope of the wireless local area narrow network bandwidth, it is necessary to compress and decode the original image data for improving the instantaneity and efficiency of image transmission. The image interaction system based on MPEG-4(Moving Pictures Experts Group) video codec technology and streaming media real-time transport protocol uses ARM11 as the core of embedded hardware processor and Linux operating system as the software development platform. The testing result indicates that under the wireless network environment using IEEE 802.11 g standard the network bandwidth is more than 54 Mbit/s, the communication distance in barrierfree line is within a range of 50 meters and the network performance is good. The transmission delay is less than 10 ms and the packet loss rate is less than 0.1% whereas the frame rate is more than 15 frame/s. The image compression ratio of 53.2 ∶1 and the optimal frame quality with the minimum amount of data has been achieved. The size, power consumption and the cost of the system based on embedded processors are much smaller whereas the functionality and the specificity is much better than those in the system based on PC.

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Characteristics of Band Gap of Two-Dimensional Embedded Structure Photonic Crystals
FAN Xiao-dan, SHAN Jiang-dong
Journal of Jilin University(Information Science Ed. 2013, 31 (5):  495-500. 
Abstract ( 274 )   PDF (851KB) ( 326 )  

Because the PBG (Photonie Band Gap) of Square lattice photonic crystal has some disadvantages, its application has been limited. A new photonic crystal of embedded structure, which has been embedded in the gaps of square lattice with the same kind of square lattice, has been researched and designed. Both the substrate column and air hole types with this new structure have been studied. The simulated experiment results show that the number of band gaps is increased by 2~10 with this new structure, the band gap rate is also increased observably. A new way has been found, which can get complete forbidden bands of square latt
ice photonic crystals.

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Design of Video Character Overlay System Based on Dual Mode Navigation Module
YANG Yang, XIANG Li-ling, HU Zhi-hui
Journal of Jilin University(Information Science Ed. 2013, 31 (5):  501-507. 
Abstract ( 261 )   PDF (1324KB) ( 318 )  

In order to store the date, time and place of a wrecked ship at sea on time, a dual-mode navigation module based video character overlay system was presented. It introduces the structural characteristics of the TD3020C module of dual-mode navigation and the chip MAX7456 of character overlay, and then the methods of hardware circuit design and software design are given in the video character overlay system. According to the experiment result, the system can be very good to dual-mode navigation module returns the date, time, longitude, latitude information overlay on the input PAL (Phase Alteration Line)analog video.

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Circuit Design and Simulation of Avalanche Photodiode in Inverse Voltage
LV Xiao-ling, XING Chun-xiang, SONG Dan, SUN Xiao-bing
Journal of Jilin University(Information Science Ed. 2013, 31 (5):  508-512. 
Abstract ( 461 )   PDF (1265KB) ( 452 )  

To ensure the high sensitivity of detector, inductive booster circuit design method is proposed. The method uses the switch tube, single inductor, capacitance, resistance to step up for 5 V dc, the VCO(Voltage-Controlled Oscillator) is composed of 555 chip to produce the frequency of the VCO. The computer simulation analysis method is used by Multisim9, the simulation results show that when input is 5 V, output is 160.096 V to keep stable. It solved the problem that the avalanche photo diode needs high dc reverse bias in normal work at the cathode.

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Integrated Gyro's On-Line Calibration of Unmanned Aerial Vehicle Based on MPF
JIA He-ming, SONG Wen-long, MU Hong-wei, CHE Yan-ting
Journal of Jilin University(Information Science Ed. 2013, 31 (5):  513-518. 
Abstract ( 344 )   PDF (957KB) ( 477 )  

When the vehicles are sailing for a long time, the changes in environmental and other factors will cause gyro drift, scale factor and installation errors. Therefore gyro's on-line calibration is necessary. We uses high precision attitude information provided by CNS (Celestial Navigation System), installs gyro's on-line calibration models based on quaternion error, a method of hybrid filter of SINS(Strap Down Inertial Navigation System)/CNS integrated gyro's on-line calibration based on MPF (Model Prediction Filter) is presented. Results of simulation show that this method is good for on-line calibration, not only meets the requirements of calibration acuracy, but also reduces the amount of calculation, improves the numerical stability.

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Polymer Solar Cells Based on Surface Plasmon Resonance
SUN Hong-bin, SUN Yi-feng
Journal of Jilin University(Information Science Ed. 2013, 31 (5):  519-521. 
Abstract ( 303 )   PDF (563KB) ( 332 )  

To enhance the light absorption, charge collection effectivety and improve device efficency, we fabricated the inverted polymer solar cells using MoO3/Ag NPs/M
oO3 as composite anode buffer layer to study the effect of metal nanoparticles on device performance. Experimental results show that the short circuit current
 density and the power conversion efficiency are improved by introducing 1 nm of Ag in MoO3 buffer layer. The short circuit current density increas from 9.54 mA/cm2 to 12.83 mA/cm2, and the power conversion efficiency varies from 2.14% to 3.23%. Surface plasmon resonance effect of Ag nanoparticles effectively enhances the light absorption, charge collection and results in improving the overall device efficiency.

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Clustering Algorithm Based on Normalized B-Spline Density Model
LIU Zhe, TAN Zhen-jiang, WANG Hong-jun
Journal of Jilin University(Information Science Ed. 2013, 31 (5):  522-527. 
Abstract ( 349 )   PDF (1078KB) ( 340 )  

Parametric mixture models for clustering algorithm depend too much on the prior assumptions and the orthogonal series density estimator is not a probability density function. To overcome these problems, a new image clustering algorithm based on normalized B-spline density model is proposed. A non-parametric mixture models based on normalized B-spline density function is designed, and NNBEM (Non-parametric B-spline Expectation Maximum) algorithm is used to
 estimate the unknown parameter of the density model, and the image clustering is in accordance with the Bayesian criterion. This algorithm dose not require any prior assumptions on the model, and it can effectively overcome the problem of the inconsistency between the parametric mixture models and the actual distribution. Some experiments about artificial data and real images are tested. These results show that the clustering method based on normalized B-spline density model is better than other algorithms.

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Application Research of DBSCAN Algorithm Based on High-Performance Computing Center Users Classification
XU Hai-xiao, MA Jing, WU Qi
Journal of Jilin University(Information Science Ed. 2013, 31 (5):  528-534. 
Abstract ( 420 )   PDF (926KB) ( 512 )  

To enhance service efficiency on cluster resource, administrator needs to make classification of users, and provide various strategies on resource utilization to different users. DBSCAN (Density Based Spatial Clustering of Applications with Noise) algorithm can achieve users classification, but the initial parameters are very sensitive. The improved algorithm classifies the level of density firstly, then gets the densitythreshold of each level, and uses DBSCAN under each threshold which solves the problem of global  parameters. It uses a sorted queue of directly accessible distance as an innovation, makes the sorting information as variable parameter to decrease the influence of initial parameter. The algorithm has verified its feasibility through example data of HPC users. The experimental result demonstrates that this improved algorithm can achieve a more accurate and comprehensive user classification.

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Electronic Document Handwritten Markup System Implementation
ZOU Xi, DONG Xian-feng
Journal of Jilin University(Information Science Ed. 2013, 31 (5):  535-539. 
Abstract ( 350 )   PDF (1212KB) ( 352 )  

To solve the problem of remote homework markup, we propose a method of implementing electronic documents handwritten markup system, expound the development background of the system, technical route and its function and application. The system is able to open documents using rich text format control, monitor and process the messages in the forms via the hook of Windows. The system could also either display or redraw handwritten markup and obtain the coordinate axis between text level and markup level, which creates the environment of the whole markup. As a public platform of electronic documents handwritten markup for school using, the system contributes to a better teaching effect and great economic value.

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Vehicle Detection Algorithm Based on Distribution of Matching and Gaussian Mixture Model
DAI Xia-qiang, ZHOU Da-ke, LU Le
Journal of Jilin University(Information Science Ed. 2013, 31 (5):  540-547. 
Abstract ( 375 )   PDF (1521KB) ( 317 )  

Aiming at solving several problems in vehicle detection,  a GMM (Gaussian Mixture Model) detection algorithm based on distribution of matching rate was proposed. The algorithm got the initial value of GMM with c mean clustering method, which formed the original background model. It fully took the timeliness and spatiality into consideration by proposing the concept of distribution of matching. And it changed the learning rule of background of current frame to eliminate interference and adapt to the change of background according to the distribution of matching rate corresponding to the former several frames. The experimental results indicate that the algorithm improves the detection rate by at least over 16%. The updated background is also more stable and accurate. It overcomes the problems of fracture of vehicle detection and saltation of illumination and improves the accuracy of detection of vehicle region.

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Research of Objects Management in Object Oriented Database
YANG Yu-fen, LI Ming-ming, GAO Xiao-yang
Journal of Jilin University(Information Science Ed. 2013, 31 (5):  548-553. 
Abstract ( 342 )   PDF (1140KB) ( 383 )  

To solve the management problem of objects in object\|oriented database, we describe an objectoriented database management system (OODBMS: Object Oriented Data Base Management System), the basic concept and its implementation process. The data model of the system, the system structure and implementation of the system modules are described in detail. The system introduces object-oriented concepts and methods to the traditional relational database storage structure for the underlying proposed objectoriented database data model to support the data type class layer relationships and inheritance, complex object management, version management capabilities, while detailed data definition (DDL: Data Definition Language) data manipulation (DML: Data Manipulation Language), the object module buffer management and query processing and version management and other subsystems of the implementation process and methods, and proposed that the system engineering database management aspects of a graphic image application, non-formatted data can be effectively managed.

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