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Journal of Jilin University (Information Science Edition)
ISSN 1671-5896
CN 22-1344/TN
主 任:田宏志
编 辑:张 洁 刘冬亮 刘俏亮
电 话:0431-5152552
地 址:长春市东南湖大路5377号

Table of Content
20 May 2019, Volume 37 Issue 3
Research on Harmonic Restoration in α Noise Background
CHE Xiaonan, SHI Yaowu, WANG Shiqian, LI Xuchen
Journal of Jilin University (Information Science Edition). 2019, 37 (3):  223-229. 
Abstract ( 394 )   PDF (357KB) ( 135 )  
In order to solve the harmonic recovery problem in the background of α noise,a normalized cyclic
correlation combined with multiple signal classification algorithm is proposed. It consists of two proposed
multiple signal classification algorithms ( MUSIC: Multiple Signal Classification ) : sample space MUSIC
algorithm and feature space MUSIC algorithm. The two MUSIC algorithms make full use of the signal subspace
and the noise subspace to perform spectral peak search in the spatial domain to find the harmonic frequeacy.
This algorithm can estimate the harmonic signal frequency and improve the accuracy of harmonic estimation.
The computer simulation results show that the two algorithms can effectively estimate the frequency of the
harmonic signal,and the effect is better than the original fractional lower moment and its derived fractional loworder
statistic,and effectively solve the non-integer operator. The resulting phase distortion problem has broad
application prospects.
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High Gain DC /DC Converter Based on Coupled Inductance with Low Input Current Ripple#br#
FU Guangjie, GUO Changjiang, DING Shanfeng, NIU Lulu, JU Bulan
Journal of Jilin University (Information Science Edition). 2019, 37 (3):  230-237. 
Abstract ( 386 )   PDF (505KB) ( 258 )  
In order to further improve voltage gain and conversion efficiency,and reduce the input current ripple
of the coupled inductance converter. a high gain DC /DC converter based on coupled inductance ripple with low
input current is proposed. By introducing passive zero-ripple circuit,the ripple of input current and the stress of
input current are reduced. The high gain characteristics of the converter can be realized by reasonably designing
the coupled inductance ratio. The theoretical analysis and simulation results show that the converter has the
following advantages. Soft switch is realized in all switch tubes,and the switching loss is reduced. The voltage
stress of all components is much lower than the output voltage,which is beneficial to reduce the conduction loss
and improve the performance of the converter.
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Adaptive Vertical Switching Algorithm Based on Hidden Naive Bayesian Classification#br#
LI Honglei, CONG Yuliang, REN Baihan
Journal of Jilin University (Information Science Edition). 2019, 37 (3):  238-344. 
Abstract ( 454 )   PDF (322KB) ( 114 )  
In order to solve the“ping-pong effect”of network switching caused by vehicles moving at relatively high speed,according to the idea of Hidden Naive Bayesian Classification,the relationship between attributes is established by breaking through the assumption that attributes are completely independent in the original Bayesian decision-making. And self-adaptive correction probability is introduced to reduce the number of switching and avoid calculation complexity. The simulation results show that,compared with the original algorithm and other
algorithms,the improved algorithm can effectively reduce the number of handoffs,and has lower running time,
which improves the stability and efficiency of vertical handoff in the environment of vehicular networking.
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Two-Stage Multi-Application Resource Allocation Algorithm in Mobile Edge Computing#br#
LI Ling, GU Lin
Journal of Jilin University (Information Science Edition). 2019, 37 (3):  245-252. 
Abstract ( 548 )   PDF (357KB) ( 89 )  
During the process of applications deploying their VRCs( Virtual Machine Replica Copies) resources on base stations and edge servers side in MEC ( Mobile Edge Computing) ,deployment strategy that unreasonably considers the user request distribution,and the matching between different applications resource request and edge servers' capacity will lead to a large amount of data traffic,network resource consumption and service delay. In order to solve this problem,a two-stage multi-application multi-VRC allocation algorithm is proposed: VRC block combination and VRC block allocation. The VRC block combination algorithm maximizes the quantity of highquality VRC blocks and the swap matching-based VRC block allocation algorithm minimizes the average data traffic. Experiments show that our algorithms can reasonably allocate VRC,achieve the result that a 62. 8% reduction in data traffic through iteration,and provide effective support for the provision of multi-application services in the edge network.
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Adaptive Formation Control for Vehicles Based on Leader-Follower Strategy
HUANG Jianfei, MA Yan
Journal of Jilin University (Information Science Edition). 2019, 37 (3):  253-259. 
Abstract ( 579 )   PDF (361KB) ( 176 )  
The parameters of traditional feedback linear formation controller maybe uncertain due to the influence of road humidity. Aiming at the disadvantage,this paper designs an adaptive feedback linear controller based on variable estimation. And the accuracy of relative distance is improved. In order to verify the effectiveness of the algorithm,simulation experiments are taken by using Matlab /Simulink. The experimental results show that the adaptive control method is valid and it has shorter adjustment time and better interference immunity than the traditional feedback linear control method. And research conclusion has certain application value in intelligent transportation in the future.
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Variational Mode Decomposition Filtering Combining Mutual Information and Its Application#br#
YIN Shuxin, DUAN Yubo, LIU Yunfei
Journal of Jilin University (Information Science Edition). 2019, 37 (3):  260-264. 
Abstract ( 502 )   PDF (285KB) ( 262 )  
In traditional VMD ( Variable Mode Decomposition) combination algorithms,there is no standard for the K value selection,which leads to a certain degree of error in signal extraction. In order to solve the problem,
a method for judging the effective IMFs of VMD based on mutual information is introduced. The algorithm
implements fuzzy optimization of the preset scale K value to extract the main features of the signal by the
difference between the original signal and the sum of the IMFs obtained by the VMD. Simulation results show that
the proposed method has the largest output SNR ( Signal-to-Noise Ratio) and minimum MSE ( Mean Square
Error) ,and realizes the fuzzy optimization of K. The effectiveness of the proposed method for filtering pipeline
leakage signals is verified by experiments.
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Design of Multi-Terminal Democracy Evaluation System Based on B /S Architecture
HUO Qingsheng, TAN Hong, WU Nan
Journal of Jilin University (Information Science Edition). 2019, 37 (3):  265-272. 
Abstract ( 465 )   PDF (375KB) ( 169 )  
In order to fully implement the work requirements of the party management cadres. It is must be sure that the distribution of personnel is reasonable,the people can fully utilize their talents and talents can be fully used and improve the efficiency of cadres' assessment of democratic evaluation. Based on the research practice of the cadre assessment work of a university for many years,a democratic evaluation management system based on B / S architecture and selected JAVA language technology is proposed. The system has modules such as evaluation
project management,evaluation personnel management,statistical analysis of evaluation results and report generation,and uses information technology to complete the calculation and analysis of data in the cadre assessment process. The system realizes the requirements of efficient and accurate assessment work,ensures the rationality of the assessment results of cadres,and is of important for improving the scientific,democratic and institutionalized assessment of college cadres.
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Optimized LPQ Method for Extracting the Dorsal Vein of Hand
ZHANG Zheyuan, LIU Fu
Journal of Jilin University (Information Science Edition). 2019, 37 (3):  273-277. 
Abstract ( 399 )   PDF (273KB) ( 101 )  
Aiming at the problem that the traditional LPQ( Local Phase Quantization) feature extraction algorithm can not extract the details of the hand vein image,the region is divided into sub-blocks for LPQ feature extraction according to the characteristics of the vein texture image. Firstly,the back vein texture image is divided into 9 equal-sized sub-images. Then,the LPQ feature extraction algorithm is used to extract the features from the dorsal vein of the opponent,and the extracted vein texture information extracted from each sub-region is integrated to form a whole vein image. The vector feature is then classified using the nearest neighbor classifier to the samples in the dataset. The experimental results show that the highest recognition rate is 96. 50% when the number of blocks is 4 × 4.
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Quadrotor Tracking Control System Based on PTZ Camera
CHE Yuhan, LIU Fu, KANG Bing
Journal of Jilin University (Information Science Edition). 2019, 37 (3):  278-285. 
Abstract ( 616 )   PDF (510KB) ( 258 )  
Aiming at the problem that the quadrotor has fined angle of view during the tracking process and is easy to lose the targot,a four-rotor UAV ( Unmanned Aerial Vehicle) tracking control system based on pan /tilt camera is designed for the problem of quadrotor UAV. Firstly,the head camera is used to shoot the ground moving target. By detecting and recognizing the color and shape features of the target,the KCF ( Kernel Correlation Filter) method is used for visual tracking,and the position of the ground moving target in the image coordinate system is obtained and used. The method of cascading PD( Proportion-Differential) control is used to move the perspective of the PTZ ( Pan /Tilt /Zoom ) camera to achieve tracking of the target. Then,by establishing a pinhole model,the relative positional relationship between the drone and the ground target when the PTZ camera has a pitch angle is calculated. Finally,a discrete cascading PID ( Proportion-Integral-Differential) controller is designed to realize the tracking of the quadrotor UAV. The experimental results show that the four-rotor UAV tracking control system designed in this paper can achieve stable tracking of ground moving targets.
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Non-Fragile Robust H Control of T-S Fuzzy Switched Systems
LI Yanhui, BO Peng
Journal of Jilin University (Information Science Edition). 2019, 37 (3):  286-291. 
Abstract ( 417 )   PDF (273KB) ( 122 )  
In order to solve the problem that the traditional controller reduces the reliability and expected dynamic performance of the closed-loop system in the presence of parameter perturbation,Controller design of non-fragile robust H∞ is implemented for a class of uncertain nonlinear time-varying delay systems based on T-S fuzzy model description. Firstly,the global fuzzy model of the nonlinear switched closed-loop system is established by using the PDC ( Parallel Distributed Compensation) algorithm. Secondly,the closed-loop system is obtained by constructing the fuzzy basis-dependent Lyapunov-Krasovskii function based on the ADT ( Average Dwell Time) method. The condition for the non-fragile robust H∞ controller existence are obtained,and the design of controllers is converted into a convex optimization problem of solving a set of linear matrix inequalities.Finally,a simulation example demonstrates the feasibility of the method.
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Parameter Optimization of PID Controller Based on Improved Ant Lion Optimization Algorithm#br#
BIAN Li, HE Hui, YANG Yanfang, LIU Wenjing
Journal of Jilin University (Information Science Edition). 2019, 37 (3):  292-298. 
Abstract ( 511 )   PDF (350KB) ( 128 )  
Because of the high order nonlinearity of the controlled object,the traditional PID ( Proportion Integration Differentiation) controller of parameter tuning method can easily lead to overshoot,oscillation and poor performance for the controller. To solve this problem,the parameters are optimized by using the ant lion algorithm which improves the moving step size of ants and ant lions. The optimal position of ant lion is selected to determine the controller parameters through its interaction relationship,and the algorithm is compared with the former ant lion algorithm and other optimization algorithms. The simulation results show that the PID controller based on the improved ant lion algorithm has better performance index. Compared with the former ant lion algorithm,genetic algorithm and particle swarm optimization,this algorithm has the advantages of higher system control accuracy and shorter response time,and its implementation is simpler. This method has superiority and validity in optimizing the parameters of PID controller,and provides a reference for the parameter optimization of PID controller.
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Wind Turbine and Energy Storage System Control for Stabilizing Wind Power
WANG Jinyu, WANG Jiaojiao, MENG Zihui
Journal of Jilin University (Information Science Edition). 2019, 37 (3):  299-304. 
Abstract ( 336 )   PDF (357KB) ( 52 )  
Wind power is highly dependent on wind speed,which is variable,so it would bring serious stability problems to the power system. To solve this problem,many power generation companies or grid operators start to use ESS( Energy Storage System) . In order to reduce the cost of the ESS and wind power fluctuations,A pitch Angle of the ESS and coordinated control method are proposed. According to the size of the rotating speed,to control pitch Angle and ESS,decrease can measurement of fluctuation of wind power in the power system and reduce the capacity of ESS,in Matlab /Simulink environment,the simulation results show that compared with the traditional ESS control,power fluctuation has fallen by 5. 6%,ESS capacity is reduced by 50%,The effectiveness of the proposed control strategy in reducing power fluctuation is proved.
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Bridge Circuit with Analog-to-Digital Conversion Function Based on Digital Potentiometer
KONG Dexu, LI Chuannan
Journal of Jilin University (Information Science Edition). 2019, 37 (3):  305-309. 
Abstract ( 431 )   PDF (356KB) ( 117 )  
Aiming at the problem that the output of general measuring bridge circuit is analog signal,a measuring bridge circuit with analog-to-digital conversion function applying digital potentiometer is proposed. The circuit is composed of a digital potentiometer,a microprocessor and a voltage comparator. A conversion rate of 226 ~ 926 μs and an error less than 0. 15% are realized. The circuit can adjust balance automatically,and the digital value of variable resistor in bridge circuit or the digital of signal to be surveyed can be measured and output in real time. The circuit expended the function of bridge circuit,and eliminated the A/D conversion chip in the bridge circuit system and simplified the structure of circuit.
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Design and Research of Signal Conditioning Circuit in Infrared Oil Content Analyzer#br#
ZHANG Qingling, ZHAO Gege, PIAO Shenghua, LI Baohua
Journal of Jilin University (Information Science Edition). 2019, 37 (3):  310-314. 
Abstract ( 441 )   PDF (275KB) ( 131 )  
In order to realize and improve the technical indexs of infrared oil content analyzer,a new design of signal conditioning circuit in infrared oil meter is presented. The signal conditioning circuit combines the phasesensitive
detection circuit composed of analog switches with the dual-channel ideal integrator,which can improve the signal-to-noise ratio and speed up the scanning speed of the spectrogram. The control signal of the system is realized by LPC2136 chip of ARM7 series. The circuit is suitable for processing output voltage signal converted from optical signal through sample cell,pyroelectric sensor,pre-amplification and filtering in infrared oil content analyzer. Experiment results show that the scanning speed and accuracy of the oil content analyzer have been improved. The experimental results verify the reliability and effectiveness of the circuit,and the optimization of the signal conditioning circuit of the infrared oil content analyzer.
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Study of Organic Solar Cells Based on Double Anode Interface Modified Layer
SHEN Si, SHI Jinglong, KANG Bonan
Journal of Jilin University (Information Science Edition). 2019, 37 (3):  315-321. 
Abstract ( 440 )   PDF (404KB) ( 144 )  
In order to improve the energy conversion efficiency of organic solar cells,we propose an optimization scheme for organic solar cells based on double anode interface modification layer. The method mainly uses PTFE and V2O5 as the anode interface modification layer to prepare an organic solar cell with device structure of ITO/PTFE /V2O5 /PCDTBT ∶ PC71BM/LiF /Al. The maximum energy conversion efficiency of organic solar cells with PTFE /V2O5 double anode interface modification layer can reach 6. 52%. Compared with V2O5 single-anode interface modification layer device,it is increased by 11. 5%. The test results show that the work function of the double anode interface modification layer matches with the HOMO level of PCDTBT material,which is conducive to the transmission and extraction of holes. PTFE /V2O5 improves the surface morphology of ITO,reduces the interface defects and inhibits the recombination of carriersat the interface.
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Design and Implementation of Small Self-Adaptive Flip Climbing Robot
LIU Sinan, MA Ning, DU Qiaoling
Journal of Jilin University (Information Science Edition). 2019, 37 (3):  322-331. 
Abstract ( 448 )   PDF (601KB) ( 150 )  
In order to solve the danger problem of working at height,a small self-adaptive flip climbing robot is designed and implemented,which consists of five links and four joints. The position of the key links are obtained by acceleration sensor. A control algorithm of the flip robot is proposed,and the PID ( Proportional-Integral-Derivative) closed-loop control algorithm is used to improve the climbing accuracy of the flip robot. The performance results of the robot are as follows: the average time of single step is 29 s,the maximum relative error of step distance is 4. 5%,the average relative error is 2. 1%,and the maximum load is 3. 79 kg. Therefore,the robot can realize stable and continuous climbing.
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Research on Full Driven Five-Fingered Dexterous Hand for Grasping Based on CFFCA
MA Ning, LIU Sinan, CHEN Hongwei, DU Qiaoling
Journal of Jilin University (Information Science Edition). 2019, 37 (3):  332-340. 
Abstract ( 502 )   PDF (543KB) ( 109 )  
In order to accurately control the grasping between target objects and dexterous hand,to achieve an accurate grasping,a full-drive five-fingered dexterous hand prototype DH-MN-I is designed. The forward and inverse kinematics of a single finger are analyzed. CFFCA ( Contact Force Feedback Control Algorithm) is proposed,which can control the contact force between the dexterous hand test prototype DH-MN-I and the target object by using the feedback value of pressure sensor. Two different grasp types of dexterous hand are described,including power grasping and precision grasping. Experiments of the full driven five-fingered dexterous hand test prototype DH-MN-I are carried out,which are proved that the algorithm is feasible to grasp the object of two sizes under two grasping modes. The experimental results show that the CFFCA can control the contact force between dexterous hand and target object and control the full driven dexterous hand to grasp objects with different sizes steadily. It has high real-time performance and dexterity,and practical value.
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Low Noise Instrumentation Amplifier for Small Signal Detection
LI Jiefei, NI Qiliang, WANG Fuxin
Journal of Jilin University (Information Science Edition). 2019, 37 (3):  341-345. 
Abstract ( 610 )   PDF (362KB) ( 182 )  
A low noise capacitively-coupled chopper instrumentation amplifier which is able to measure small signals is proposed. In this design,chopper is adopted which can make the input common-mode voltage achieve a rail-to-rail range and also has a low power consumption. A two stage folded-cascode opamp is employed to boost the open-loop gain effectively. Furthermore,a ripple reduction loop is used to suppress the chopping ripple at the output of the CCIA ( Capacitively-Coupled Chopper Instrumentation Amplifier ) . A tunable positive feedback loop based on the MOS capacitors is adopted to boost the input impedance of the CCIA opamp. At last,a DC( Direct Current) cancellation loop is introduced to suppress the electrode offset and to facilitate the weak signal sensing. The CCIA is implemented in a standard 0. 18 μm CMOS ( Complementary Metal Oxide Semiconductor) process. Simulation results show that the gain inaccuracy of proposed CCIA is 0. 11% and the input referred noise is 6. 98 nV at 100 Hz.
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Method of Measuring Single Orientation Based on Cross-Correlation Algorithm
JI Chunqiu, LIU Wenjie, ZHANG Guangpeng, CHEN Xiaoyan, LI Baohua
Journal of Jilin University (Information Science Edition). 2019, 37 (3):  346-350. 
Abstract ( 414 )   PDF (248KB) ( 154 )  
In order to ensure the quality of monofilament production,a measurement method of monofilament orientation based on cross-correlation algorithm is proposed,which uses sound velocity method to measure monofilament orientation. STM32 is selected as the microprocessor,the excitation pulse amplification circuit and the receiving signal processing circuit are designed. The single pulse generated by the microprocessor is transmitted to the piezoelectric ceramic sensor at the transmitter through the excitation pulse amplification circuit to generate vibration. The receiving signal processing circuit filters and amplifies the signal waveform at the receiver and sends it to the microprocessor for AD ( Analog-to-Digital) acquisition and storage. According to the principle of correlation,the receiving time difference of the sensor at different positions and the moving distance of the sensor are calculated. The sound velocity of the sound signal in the single wire can be calculated. The orientation degree can be calculated by formula. The experiment shows that the measurement precision of this method is better than 1%.
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