
• 地质与资源 • 上一篇    下一篇


和钟铧1,刘招君1,郭宏伟2,侯 伟1,董林森1   

  1. 1.吉林大学 地球科学学院, 长春 130061;2.辽宁省第十一地质大队,辽宁 葫芦岛 125000
  • 收稿日期:2007-07-03 修回日期:1900-01-01 出版日期:2008-05-26 发布日期:2008-05-26
  • 通讯作者: 和钟铧

Provenance Analysis of Middle Jurassic Sediments and Its Geological Significance in Mohe Basin

HE Zhong-hua1,LIU Zhao-jun1,GUO Hong-wei2,HOU Wei1,DONG Lin-sen1   

  1. 1.College of Earth Sciences, Jilin University, Changchun 130061, China;2.The Eleventh Geologic Party of Liaoning Province,Huludao,Liaoning 125000,China
  • Received:2007-07-03 Revised:1900-01-01 Online:2008-05-26 Published:2008-05-26
  • Contact: HE Zhong-hua

摘要: 漠河盆地位于额尔古纳地块北缘,其北为蒙古-鄂霍茨克造山带,与紧邻的俄罗斯上阿穆尔盆地在中生代时期同属一个盆地。漠河盆地中侏罗统包括绣峰组、二十二站组、额木尔河组和开库康组。根据盆地碎屑岩中的砾石、岩屑和重矿物的组合特征,确定母岩类型以变质岩和中酸性火成岩为主,少量沉积岩和基性火成岩;结合古水流方向,确定盆地沉积物源主要来自南侧。沉积物源具有多源性:其一为陆块抬升基底,其二为切割的岩浆弧。与区域岩石对比分析表明,陆块抬升基底可能来自古元古界兴华渡口群和寒武系兴隆群,切割的岩浆弧与古生代同碰撞和后碰撞花岗质岩石及早中生代中酸性火成岩有关。根据母岩供给特点,认为中侏罗世沉积时期漠河盆地不是典型的前陆盆地,而应是挤压背景下形成的挤压挠曲盆地或山间盆地。

关键词: 物源分析, 中侏罗世, 漠河盆地

Abstract: Mohe Basin situates in the northern edge of Erguna massif and to the Mongolia-Okhotsk orogenic belt in north. Both Mohe Basin and Amur Basin in Russia belonged to the same basin in the Mesozoic. The Middle Jurassic of Mohe Basin includes Xiufeng Formation, Ershierzhan Formation, Emuer River Formation and Kaikukang Formation. According to the composition of gravel, debris and the heavy mineral of clastic rocks, it can be determined that the mother rocks are of mainly metamorphic rocks and intermediate-acid igneous rocks, few of sediments and basic igneous rocks. Taking the paleocurrent direction into account, the source of the sediments are in the south. Sediments were transported from multiple provenances, one provenance is the block-uplifted basement, and another is the opened magmatic arc. Comparing with the regional lithology, the block-uplifted basement may be from the Xinghuadukou Formation (Paleoproterozoic) and Xinglong Formation (Cambrian), the cut magmatic arc is related with the collision and post-collision granitic rocks of Paleozoic and acidic igneous rocks of Early Mesozoic. According to the supply of mother rock features, it is concluded that Mohe Basin in the Middle Jurassic period is not a typical foreland basin, but compressive flexure basin or intermountain basin under the setting of compression.

Key words: provenance analysis, Middle Jurassic, Mohe Basin


  • P618.130.2
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