J4 ›› 2012, Vol. 50 ›› Issue (01): 49-53.

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Some Convergence Properties for Weighted Sum ofMixing Random Arrays

HU Xueping, LI Huibao   

  1. School of Mathematics and Computation Science, Anqing Teachers College, Anqing 246133, Anhui Province, China
  • Received:2011-03-29 Online:2012-01-26 Published:2012-03-06
  • Contact: HU Xueping E-mail:hxpprob@yahoo.com.cn


Using the moment inequality for 〖AKρ~D〗mixing
 sequences, 〖AKφ~D〗mixing sequences and truncated method, we investigat
ed the weak convergence, the Lr convergence and the complete convergence f
or weighted sum max〖DD(〗〖〗1≤j≤kn〖DD)〗〖JB((〗∑〖DD(〗j〖〗k
 of 〖AKρ~D〗mixing arrays and 〖AKφ~D〗mixing arrays under the
condition of {ank, 1≤k≤kn, n≥1}uniform integrability. The resul
ts presented in this paper have extended and improved some results in related li

Key words: 〖AKρ~D〗mixing sequence, 〖AKφ~D〗mixing sequence, Lr convergence, complete convergence, {ank}uniform integrability

CLC Number: 

  • O211.4