Journal of Jilin University Science Edition ›› 2022, Vol. 60 ›› Issue (3): 756-766.

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Study on  Survival Characteristics and Influencing Factors of Common Enterobacteriaceae in River Water under Freeze-Thaw Cycles by Indoor Simulation Experiment Method#br#

GUO Ping1,2,  YUAN Weilin1,2,  FENG Baogen1,2,3, SHEN Yanping1,2, CHEN Weiwei1,2   

  1. 1.Key Laboratory of Groundwater Resources and Environment of the Ministry of Education,  College of New Energy and Environment,  Jilin University,  Changchun 130012,  China;  2. Jilin Provincial Key Laboratory of Water Resources and Environment,  Jilin University,  Changchun 130012,  China;  3. China Three Gorges Corporation,  Wuhan 430010,  China

  • Received:2022-01-04 Online:2022-05-26 Published:2022-05-26

Abstract: The survival characteristics and main influencing factors of common Enterobacteriaceae such as Escherichia coli (Ec10538),  Salmonella enterica subsp. Enterica (sd-51) and Enterobacter cloacae subsp. Cloacae (Ec7256) in river water under freeze-thaw cycles were studied by indoor  simulation experiment method, and the mechanism of freeze-thaw cycle influencing bacterial survival was analyzed. The  results show that the three Enterobacteriaceae in river water is significantly inhibited by freeze-thaw cycles,  and the inhibitory effects gradually stronger with the increase of freeze-thaw frequency. The survival characteristics  of Enterobacteriaceae in river water under freeze-thaw cycle are  related to its tolerance to freeze-thaw stress and water quality. EC7256 is stronger  than the Ec10538 and sd-51  to freeze-thaw stress.   The  better river water quality, the stronger its tolerance  to freeze-thaw cycles. The electrical conductance (EC),  pH value and total organic carbon (TOC) of river water have significant effect on survival of Enterobacteriaceae (P<0.05). The freeze-thaw cycles lead to increase of cell surface hydrophobicity (CSH),  and reach the peak at last freeze-thaw cycles,  which is conducive to the   bacterial agglomeration and resistance to  the freeze-thaw stress. The activities of superoxide dismutase (SOD) and catalase from micrococcus lysodeikticus (CAT) increase with the increase of freeze-thaw frequency,  so as to  reduce the damage of the active oxygen generated by freeze-thaw stress to the bacteria, and then improve the tolerance of bacteria to freeze-thaw stress.

Key words: freeze-thaw cycle,  , river water property,  , Enterobacteriaceae,  , survival,  , influencing factor

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