Journal of Jilin University Science Edition

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Jordan Multihomomorphisms on Associative Rings

LI Lingyue, XU Xiaowei   

  1. College of Mathematics, Jilin University, Changchun 130012, China
  • Received:2014-03-14 Online:2014-11-26 Published:2014-12-11
  • Contact: XU Xiaowei


We introduced the notions of Jordan multihomomorphisms, multihomomorphisms and Boolean homomorphism. Using Boolean homomorphisms, we described the structures of Jordan multihomomorphisms on associative rings with identity, and then showed that a Jordan multihomomorphism is a multi-homomorphism on associative rings with identity, and finally, gave general forms of Boolean homomorphisms on some special rings.

Key words: Jordan multi-homomorphism, multihomomorphism, Jordan Boolean homomorphism, Boolean homomorphism

CLC Number: 

  • O153.3