J4 ›› 2009, Vol. 27 ›› Issue (01): 104-.

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肖 军1|邓海鸿1|高允锋2|周春贵3|刘 雷1   

  1. 1.长春工业大学 计算机科学与工程学院|长春130012;2.长春师范学院 物理学院|长春130032;3.长春职业技术学院 工程技术分院|长春130033
  • 出版日期:2009-01-20 发布日期:2009-07-02
  • 通讯作者: 肖军(1959— ),男,长春人, 长春工业大学高级工程师,硕士生导师,博士,主要从事通信与多媒体技术研究 E-mail:jxiao@jl.gov.cn
  • 作者简介:肖军(1959— )|男|长春人| 长春工业大学高级工程师|硕士生导师|博士|主要从事通信与多媒体技术研究|(Tel)86-13804313546(E-mail)jxiao@jl.gov.cn

Workflow Modeling and Time Performance Analysis Based on Petri Net

XIAO Jun1,DENG Hai-hong1,GAO Yun-feng2,ZHOU Chun-gui3|LIU Lei1

  1. 1.College of Computer Science and Engineering, Changchun University of Technology, Changchun 130012,China;2.College of Physics, Changchun Normal University,Changchun 130032,China;3.School of Engineering Technology, Changchun Vocational Institute of Technology,Changchun 130033,China
  • Online:2009-01-20 Published:2009-07-02



关键词: 工作流模型, 时延Petri网, 时间性能分析


The performance equivalence formulas of stochastic Petri nets can not be applied to analyze the time performance relative to instance arrival rate. To address the issue, the Petri net model was extended. The authors provided a new method of workflow modeling, i.eETdPN (Extended Timed Petri Net). Formal definition of extended timed Petri net was presented. Thereafter, this new method can be used to analyze four basic workflow models, i.e the sequence, parallel, choice and iteration model. We also provided a new calculation method of workflow response time by using queuing theory and stochastic Petri nets theory.  Finally examples of the four basic workflow models were evaluated with the proposed method using Exspect. Simulation results show that the largest relative error is about 2%, which proves the validity of the proposed method.

Key words: workflow model, timed Petri net, time performance analysis


  • TP302