J4 ›› 2009, Vol. 27 ›› Issue (06): 624-.

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产 |品 |设 |计 |过 |程 |管 |理 |模 |型

冯 雷1|2|陈贺新1,邸朝生3|唐春华4

  1. 1吉林大学 通信工程学院|长春 130012; 2长春工程学院 电气与信息工程学院| 长春 130012;3吉林长邮通信建设有限公司|长春 130012;4中国联合通信有限公司长春分公司|长春 130034
  • 出版日期:2009-11-20 发布日期:2009-12-18
  • 通讯作者: 冯雷(1971— ),女,长春人,吉林大学博士研究生,长春工程学院副教授,主要从事计算机仿真、工作流研究, E-mail:fengleitianyu@163.com
  • 作者简介:冯雷(1971— ),女,长春人,吉林大学博士研究生|长春工程学院副教授,主要从事计算机仿真、工作流研究,(Tel)86-13019103096(E-mail)fengleitianyu@163.com;陈贺新(1951— ),男|吉林省吉林市人|吉林大学教授|博士生导师|主要从事图象处理研究|(Tel)86-13086825533(Email)chx@jlu.edu.com。
  • 基金资助:


Study of Process Management Model for Product Design

FENG Lei1|2|CHEN He-xin1,DI Chao-sheng3,TANG Chun-hua4

  1. 1. College of Communication Engineering, Jilin University, Changchun 130012, China|2. School of Electrical and Information Engingeeing, Changchun Institute of Technology, Changchun 130012,China;3Jilin Changyou Communications Construction Limited Liability Company,Changchun 130012,China;4China United Telecommunications Company Limited Changchun Branch,Changchun 130034,China
  • Online:2009-11-20 Published:2009-12-18



关键词: 产品设计, 过程管理, 多视图


The development condition of collaborative product design is never-ending varying, the process of product development need to be managed and various resources is dynamically organized according to development process to realize optimization of design process. This paper analyzes the characteristic of modern product collaborative development process and concludes the demand realizing process management model and puts forward multi-view process management modeling method. Model describes the restriction relation between related element and information flow. The model sustains function view and behavior view,organization view,information view of product development making by process information.

Key words: product development, process management, multi-view


  • TP391