J4 ›› 2011, Vol. 29 ›› Issue (4): 319-322.

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  1. 空军航空大学 航空信息对抗系,长春 130022
  • 出版日期:2011-07-25 发布日期:2011-11-28
  • 作者简介:刘畅(1985—)|男,长春人,空军航空大学硕士研究生,主要从事无源干扰技术应用研究|(Tel)86-15943025950(E-mail)stonez306z306@yahoo.com.cn;张国毅(1965—),男|吉林辽源人|空军航空大学教授|博士|硕士生导师|主要从事雷达信号处理研究,(Tel)86-13756084691(E-mail)zhanggy1211@sina.com

New Mathematical Model of Chaff's RCS and Its Simulation

LIU Chang, ZHAN Guang, LU Jing-shuang, ZHANG Guo-yi   

  1. Department of Aviation Information Countermeasure, Aviation University of Air Force, Changchun 130022,China
  • Online:2011-07-25 Published:2011-11-28



关键词: 箔条, 雷达散射截面, 功率谱, 高斯分布, 箔条弹


In order to show change of chaff RCS(Radar Cross Section) with electromagnetic wave of different frequency,a new mathematical model of chaff's RCS is presented by analyzing statistics of chaff cloud echo's ower spectrum. The model indicates that Gaussian distribution can be used to describe the frequency response characteristic of single chaff RCS, and its maximum is the average chaff RCS. The result demonstrates that the simulation is useful for analyzing the frequency response characteristic of chaff with electromagnetic wave of different frequency and verifying the feasibilty in designing chaff cartridge. It has a high application value.

Key words: chaff, radar cross section(RCS), power spectrum, gaussian distribution, chaff cartridge