J4 ›› 2011, Vol. 29 ›› Issue (6): 561-564.

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  1. 空军航空大学 航空军械工程系|长春 130022
  • 出版日期:2011-11-24 发布日期:2011-12-06
  • 作者简介:刘成亮(1984—)|男|长春人|空军航空大学助教|硕士|主要从事导航、制导与控制研究|(Tel)86-13596192468(E-mail)zhunan2006@tom.com。

Design and Implementation of Missle Launcher Integrated Test System

LIU Cheng-liang|FAN Hui-lin|BAO Xue-liang|ZHU Wu-lin   

  1. Aviation Armament Engineering, Aviation University of Air Force,Changchun 130022,China
  • Online:2011-11-24 Published:2011-12-06
  • About author:



关键词: 导弹发射装置, PC104计算机, 电气系统, 气动系统


The detection methods of a missle launcher has the problem of time-consuming and laborious, and the test results were not accurate and intuitive. Therefore, based on the analysis of testing requirements.We chooese the right card, design a power supply module and a signal conditioning circuit, and build a comprehensive testing platform and a integrated system of a missle launcher based on PC104 embedded computer under the development environment in the VC++6.0. Applications prove that the test system is  advanced in technology,rational in design and simple to  operate, it is reliable to detect the missle launcher, and it has high accuracy and short time detection, and effective guarantee of the operational and training missions.

Key words: missle launchers, PC104 computer, electrical system, pneumatic sy


  • TH873.7