智能手机; ,GNSS 定位; ,高精度定位; ,地理信息应用 ," /> 智能手机; ,GNSS 定位; ,高精度定位; ,地理信息应用 ,"/> 基于 Android 智能手机的 GNSS 定位精度和准度分析

吉林大学学报(信息科学版) ›› 2021, Vol. 39 ›› Issue (5): 512-517.

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基于 Android 智能手机的 GNSS 定位精度和准度分析

代喜庆1 , 童成宝2   

  1. 1. 青海省地理国情监测院 调查部, 西宁 810001; 2. 青海省基础测绘院 技术部, 西宁 810001
  • 收稿日期:2021-03-18 出版日期:2021-10-01 发布日期:2021-10-01
  • 作者简介:代喜庆(1972— ), 男, 青海西宁人, 青海省地理国情监测院工程师, 主要从事卫星导航定位、遥感、航空摄影测绘以及无人机研究, (Tel)86-13086267383(E-mail)qh_yangjianlin@sina.cn。
  • 基金资助:

Analysis of GNSS Positioning Accuracy and Precision Based on Android Smartphone

DAI Xiqing1 , TONG Chengbao2   

  1. 1. Survey Department, Qinghai Institute of Integrated Natural Resources Survey and Monitoring, Xining 810001, China; 2. Technical Department, Qinghai Institute of Basic Surveying and Mapping, Xining 810001, China
  • Received:2021-03-18 Online:2021-10-01 Published:2021-10-01

摘要: 为更准确定位 Android 终端(GNSS: Global Navigation Satellite System)定位精度, 使手机更好地在泛测绘 场景应用, 选取两个典型测点, 通过 48 h 连续观测并采用 GAMIT/ GLOBK 软件解算获得测点“真实”坐标。 使用两款智能手机采集全球导航卫星系统原始观测数据, 进行静态和动态定位精度和准确度对比实验。 结果 表明, 三星 Galaxy S8 定位结果普遍优于华为 P10; 静态后处理, LGO(Leica Geo Office)解算结果好于 RTKLIB 解算结果; 动态实时解, 三星 Galaxy S8 实现固定解且具有较好的准度(优于 1dm); 华为 P10 的结果较差, 准度 在 3. 18 ~ 5. 52 m 之间, 精度在 2. 67 ~ 4. 88 m 之间, 且未实现固定解。

关键词: 智能手机; ')">智能手机; , 定位; ')">GNSS 定位; , 高精度定位; ')">高精度定位; , 地理信息应用 ')">地理信息应用

Abstract:  In order to more accuratey locate the positioning accuracy of Android terminal, the mobile can be better applied in fan mapping scene, we select two typical measuring points, through 48 hours of continuous observation and using GAMIT / GLOBK software to calculate the “real" coordinates of the measuring points. Two smart phones are used to collect GNSS(Global Navigation Satellite System) raw observation data, and conduct static and dynamic positioning accuracy and accuracy comparison experiments. The results show that the positioning results of the Samsung Galaxy S8 are generally better than those of the Huawei P10; the static post- processing, the LGO(Leica Geo Office) solution result is better than the RTKLIB solution; the dynamic real- time solution of Samsung Galaxy S8 achieves a fixed solution and has better accuracy ( better than 1dm). The results of Huawei P10 are poor, with accuracy ranging from 3. 18 m to 5. 52 m, accuracy ranging from 2. 67 m to 4. 88 m, and no fixed solution is achieved. The positioning accuracy and accuracy of consumer-grade GNSS mobile terminals are fully recognized.

Key words: smart phone, global navigation satellite system (GNSS), high-precision positioning, geographic information application


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