吉林大学学报(信息科学版) ›› 2024, Vol. 42 ›› Issue (3): 387-392.

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基于 MEC-UAV 的海域物联网设备的覆盖优化算法

苑 毅a , 黄 珍b   

  1. 兰州文理学院 a. 传媒工程学院; b. 数字媒体学院, 兰州 730000
  • 收稿日期:2023-03-19 出版日期:2024-06-18 发布日期:2024-06-17
  • 作者简介:苑毅(1979— ), 男, 河北衡水人, 兰州文理学院教授, 主要从事信息技术、 智能控制研究, ( Tel) 86-13919350077 (E-mail)hz_457@ sina. com。
  • 基金资助:
    兰州文理学院科研攻关专项基金资助项目(2020YQZX01); 甘肃省高等学校创新基金资助项目(2023A-180)

Coverage Optimization Algorithm in UAV-Aided Maritime Internet-of-Things

YUAN Yi a , HUANG Zhen b   

  1. a. School of Media Engineering; b. School of Digital Media, Lanzhou University of Arts and Science, Lanzhou 730000, China
  • Received:2023-03-19 Online:2024-06-18 Published:2024-06-17

摘要: 为增强对海域物联网( MIoT: Maritime Internet-of-Things) 设备的覆盖, 提出基于移动边缘计算( MEC: Mobile Edge Computing)的无人机(UAV: Unmanned Aerial Vehicle)部署的 MIoTs 的覆盖优化算法(UMCO: MEC- UAV-based Coverage Optimization algorithm) UMCO 算法通过部署配备 MEC-UAV, 从而满足日益增加 MIoTs 的覆盖需求, 提升网络增益。 先将 MEC-UAVs 的部署以及其关联的 MIoT 设备问题形成联合问题, 并将其转换成线性规划问题, 最后利用基于 Bender 分解法的迭代算法求解该线性规划问题。 仿真结果表明, UMCO 算法能获取逼近穷尽搜索算法的最优解。

关键词: 海域物联网, 无人机, 移动边缘计算, Benders 分解法, 网络增益

Abstract: To increase the coverage of MIoTs(Maritime Internet-of-Things) devices, a coverage Optimization algorithm based on Deployment of MEC-UAV(UMCO: MEC-UAV-based Coverage Optimization algorithm) is proposed. In UMCO, MEC(Mobile Edge Computing) empowered UAVs(Unmanned Aerial Vehicles) is used to meet the network coverage demand for MIoT, and to maximize the network profit. We formulate a problem of joint MEC-UAVs deployment and their association with MIoT devices as an ILP(Integer Linear Programming) to maximize the network profit. An iterative algorithm is developed based on the Bender decomposition to solve the ILP. Finally, numerical results demonstrate that the proposed UMCO algorithm achieves a near-optimal solution.

Key words: maritime internet-of-things ( MIoTs), unmanned aerial vehicle ( UAV), mobile edge computing (MEC), benders decomposition, network profit


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