吉林大学学报(信息科学版) ›› 2024, Vol. 42 ›› Issue (4): 637-644.

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C / S 架构的新型控压钻井计算模拟与控制软件

刘 1, 韩霄松2, 付加胜1, 唐纯静1, 郭庆丰1, 赵 庆1   

  1. 1. 中国石油集团 工程技术研究院有限公司, 北京 102206; 2. 吉林大学 计算机科学与技术学院, 长春 130012
  • 收稿日期:2023-07-08 出版日期:2024-07-22 发布日期:2024-07-22
  • 作者简介:刘伟(1977— ), 男, 河北任丘人, 中国石油集团教授级高级工程师, 主要从事钻井工艺研究, ( Tel) 86-13681185279 ( E-mail) liuweidri@ cnpc. com. cn; 通讯作者: 韩霄松(1984— ), 男, 河北泊头人, 吉林大学副教授, 主要从事智能钻井研究, ( Tel)86-13756698685( E-mail) hanxiaosong@ jlu. edu. cn。
  • 基金资助:

     国家重点研发计划基金资助项目(2019YFA0708304); 国家自然科学基金资助项目(62172187); 中国石油天然气集团有限公司课 题 基 金 资 助 项 目 ( 2021DQ0503; 2020B-4019 ); 吉 林 省 科 技 发 展 计 划 基 金 资 助 项 目 ( 20220201145GX; 20200708112YY; 20220601112FG); 广东省科技发展计划基金资助项目( 2020A0505100018 ); 广东省高校创新团队基金资助项目(2021KCXTD015); 广东省重点学科基金资助项目(2021xDJS138)

Novel Managed Pressure Drilling Simulation and Control Software Based on C / S Architecture

LIU Wei1 , HAN Xiaosong2 , FU Jiasheng1 , TANG Chunjing1 , GUO Qingfeng1 , ZHAO Qing1   

  1. 1. Engineering Technology R&D Company Limited, China National Petroleum Corporation, Beijing 102206, China; 2. College of Computer Science and Technology, Jilin University, Changchun 130012, China
  • Received:2023-07-08 Online:2024-07-22 Published:2024-07-22


由于油气勘探开发中井下高温高压和复杂压力系统导致钻井过程面临的风险日益增大, 因此迫切需要一款集工况数据模拟计算与井下复杂监测控制相结合的软件系统, 助力实现安全高效钻井。为此, 运用先进的控压钻井技术, 实时监测井底压力、钻井液循环出入口流量差和密度等关键参数的变化, 分析井下工况的变化, 实现在钻井过程中井筒压力的快速、准确控制, 有效降低钻井过程的安全隐患, 及早发现并快速控制井下复杂情况, 为形成预测、预控和快速处置的井筒安全提供支持。设计的控压钻井计算模拟与控制软件旨在从录井、PWD( Pressure While Drilling)、MWD( Measure While Drilling)、控压等设备获取钻井相关信息, 建立水力学模型计算井筒压力、流量等参数。通过采用客户端/ 服务端网络架构, 实现了多个客户端同时连接一个服务端, 达到客户端数据同步的效果, 经现场验证既可满足单机使用, 又可方便网络连接, 实现后方集中分析处理与远程操控。结果表明, 该软件能准确地模拟计算各种钻井参数, 保证安全高效钻井。实现了控压钻井由现场工程师处理模式转变为后方基于数据平台的模式, 奠定了 1 个平台对 N 个现场控压钻井装备之间的互联互通基础, 有力推动了控压钻井的智能化发展。

关键词: 控压钻井, 实时监控, 水力学模型, 客户端/ 服务端架构

Abstract: With the gradual development of oil and gas exploration and development into deep and complex formations, the risks and rewards faced in the drilling process are increasing. The market increasingly needs software that can integrate monitoring and control to ensure safe and efficient drilling. Using managed pressure drilling technology can effectively control the pressure in the gas production process and make it more convenient to deal with equipment failure. It can realize real-time monitoring of fluid pressure and density changes in the production process, effectively reducing potential safety hazards, preventing the occurrence of downhole accidents, and providing a guarantee for the safe and stable production of oil and gas wells. The Managed Pressure Drilling Simulation and Control Software aims to obtain drilling-related information from logging, PWD ( Pressure While Drilling ), MWD ( Measure While Drilling ), pressure control, and other equipment. It establishes hydraulic models to calculate wellbore pressure, flow, and other parameters. This software adopts client / server architecture, which allows multiple clients to connect to a server simultaneously and synchronize data. The client data synchronization effect has been verified on-site, meeting the needs of single machine use and facilitating network connection. The results indicate that this software can accurately simulate and calculate various drilling parameters, ensuring safe and efficient drilling. The centralized analysis, processing, and remote control have created a good foundation for pressure control drilling, transitioning from on-site engineer processing mode to a data platform-based approach. This lays the foundation for interconnectivity between multiple on-site pressure control drilling equipment on one platform, effectively promoting the development of intelligent pressure control drilling.

Key words: managed pressure drilling, real-time monitoring, hydraulic model, client / server architecture


  • TP319