吉林大学学报(信息科学版) ›› 2024, Vol. 42 ›› Issue (2): 217-225.

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预警发布中基于可扩展 TTI 的动态带宽分配策略

谢 勇a , 吴诗雨a , 李 田b , 姚志平b , 徐 昕   

  1. 吉林省气象局 a. 吉林省突发事件预警信息发布中心; b. 吉林省气象服务中心; c. 吉林省气象信息网络中心, 长春 130062
  • 收稿日期:2023-04-06 出版日期:2024-04-10 发布日期:2024-04-12
  • 通讯作者: 姚志平( 1985— ) , 男, 湖南邵阳人, 吉林省气象服务中心正研级高级工程师, 主要从 事 气 象 服 务 与 应 用 气 象 研 究, ( Tel) 86 -13756670058 ( E-mail) 36034209@ qq. com E-mail:36034209@ qq. com
  • 作者简介:谢勇(1985— ) , 男, 湖南邵阳人, 吉林省突发事件预警信息发布中心高级工程师, 主要从事气象预警与大数据 分析研究, ( Tel)86 -13624493619( E-mail) 87900158 @ qq. com
  • 基金资助:
    国家自然科学基金资助项目(41875119); 吉林省科技发展计划基金资助项目(20220203196SF; 20230203134SF) 

Dynamic Bandwidth Allocation Strategy Based on Extensible TTI in Warning Information Dissemination

XIE Yong a , WU Shiyu a , LI Tian b , YAO Zhiping b , XU Xin c   

  1. a. Jilin Emergency Warning Information Dissemination Center; b. Jilin Meteorological Traffic Center; c. Jilin Meteorological Information Network Center, Jilin Meteorological Service, Changchun 130062, China
  • Received:2023-04-06 Online:2024-04-10 Published:2024-04-12

摘要: 为更好地使 URLLC( Ultra-Reliable and Low Latency Communications) 与增强型移动宽带业务( eMBB: enhanced Mobile Broad Band)在同一载波频段有效复用, 进一步提升混合业务系统性能, 提出一种基于可扩展 传输时间间隔(TTI: Transmission Time Interval)的动态带宽分配策略。 系统根据业务类型进行带宽动态划分; 时域上提升 URLLC 调度优先级; 频域上采用不同长度的 TTI 进行以用户为中心的无线资源分配。 动态系统级 仿真表明, 在不同程度的负载水平下, 相比传统无线资源分配算法, 该方案能在有效满足 URLLC 用户时延 需求的前提下优化 eMBB 用户的吞吐量消耗, URLLC 用户时延增益最高达到 83. 8% , 提升了 5G 混合业务系统 中不同类型业务的服务质量(QoS: Quality of Service)

关键词: 预警发布, 传输时间间隔, 增强型移动宽带, 超可靠低时延通信, 带宽动态划分

Abstract: To effectively reuse URLLC(Ultra-Reliable Low-Delay Communications) and eMBB(enhanced Mobile Broad Band) on the same carrier band and improve the performance of the hybrid traffic system, a dynamic bandwidth allocation strategy based on scalable transmission time interval is proposed. The system bandwidth is dynamically divided according to the traffic type. URLLC scheduling priority is promoted in time domain. And in the frequency domain, different lengths of TTI ( Transmission Time Interval) are adopted to carry out user- centered wireless resource allocation. The dynamic system-level simulation shows that, compared to the traditional wireless resource allocation algorithm, the proposed scheme can effectively meet the delay requirements of URLLC users and optimize the throughput consumption of eMBB users under different load levels. The maximum delay gain of URLLC users is 83. 8% . The quality of service for different types of traffic in the 5G hybrid traffic system is satisfied.

Key words: emergency warning dissemination, transmission time interval, enhanced mobile broadband, ultra- reliable low-latency communication, bandwidth dynamic partition 


  • TN92