吉林大学学报(信息科学版) ›› 2014, Vol. 32 ›› Issue (6): 612-617.

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刘明1, 孙祾1, 孙雷2, 张馨丹1   

  1. 1. 吉林大学 通信设计院股份有限公司, 长春 130012; 2. 中国移动通信集团吉林有限公司 工程部, 长春 130012
  • 收稿日期:2014-05-26 出版日期:2014-11-25 发布日期:2015-01-09
  • 作者简介:刘明(1979—), 男, 新疆伊宁人, 吉林大学工程师, 主要从事通信工程传输与接入, 工程项目管理研究, (Tel)86-13604337952(E-mail)liuming0715@163.com; 孙祾(1965—), 男, 长春人, 吉林大学高级工程师, 硕士,主要从事通信工程规划设计研究, (Tel)86-13844878802(E-mail)cy_sunling@263.net。

Application of Earned Value Analysis Method in the Communication Network of Construction Project

LIU Ming1, SUN Ling1, SUN Lei2, ZHANG Xindan1   

  • Received:2014-05-26 Online:2014-11-25 Published:2015-01-09


为确保通信网络建设工程的各项重要目标的实现, 对工程采用有效的综合管理, 结合通信网络建设工程的实际案例, 给出了赢得值分析法(EVM: Earned Value Management)在通信工程中的应用, 以及赢得值参数及分析法在通信网络工程中的动态监测, 分析了工程费用、 工程进度的变化对最终目标的影响及为避免偏差采取的措施。应用结果表明, 赢得值分析法可使工程进度和费用有效地控制在计划范围内, 保障工程预期目标得以实现。

关键词: 赢得值, 挣得值, 赢得值控制曲线, 通信工程项目管理


In order to ensure the realization of the overall goal of the project, the comprehensive management must be used in the engineering projects. As an advanced engineering project performance evaluation method, EVM (Earned Value Management) provides a complete index and ideas in the process of the project, especially in the comprehensive control and management of cost and schedule. Combined with the actual case of communication engineering, we introduced the applications of EVM in communication engineering, expounded the function of the parameters and analyzed in the dynamic monitoring of communication project, and the development trend of project cost and schedule was analysed, and gave measures to take corrective. The problem of how to effectively schedule and cost control within the scope of the problem were solved, project goal is expected to be achieved.

Key words: earned value, arned value, earned value control curve, communication engineering project management


  • TN915