Journal of Jilin University(Information Science Ed ›› 2015, Vol. 33 ›› Issue (4): 429-.
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CAO Yuanpeng, ZHOU Dake, YANG Xin, FANG Sanyong
A new 3D face recognition method is proposed aming to speed up traditional Iso-geodesic method based on Iso-geodesic curves and features extraction. This method is mainly composed by the following 3 steps:generating a serious of equidistant Iso-geodesic curves by geodesic distance, extracting feature points on every curves of first step and using PCA(Principal Component Analysis) method and voting to final face recognizes.This method has higher recognition speed than the traditional Iso=geodesic method when at the same recognition rate under Face WareHouse dataset. The average recognition time decreased from 2. 55 s to 0. 624 3 s.
Key words: face recognition, Iso-geodesic curves, features extraction, principal component analysis(PCA)
CLC Number:
CAO Yuanpeng, ZHOU Dake, YANG Xin, FANG Sanyong. Expression Invariant 3D Face Recognition Based on Geodesic Curve Features[J].Journal of Jilin University(Information Science Ed, 2015, 33(4): 429-.
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