Journal of Jilin University (Information Science Edition) ›› 2019, Vol. 37 ›› Issue (1): 8-14.

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Non-Equiprobable Amplitude Phase Shift Keying Design for Near-Capacity Constellation Mapping

LV Chengyue   

  1. The 1st Research Department,Nanjing Research Institute of Electronics Technology,Nanjing 210039,China
  • Online:2019-01-24 Published:2019-05-09

Abstract: The gap between the mutual information of the Gray-coded amplitude phase shift keying ( APSK) and the channel capacity can not be narrowed sufficiently,especially with non-iterative independent demapping at the receiver,in order to solve the problem,a non-equiprobable APSK constellation is proposed. The mutual information under the restriction is improved by reducing the number of constellation points corresponding to the inner loop and transforming it into a low-order Gray-PSK. Simulation shows that the 64NE-APSK designed for 2 /3 code rate has a performance advantage of 0. 6 dB compared to the 64Gray-QAM constellation,having an advantage of about 0. 1 dB over the 64Gray-APSK. Therefore,in the case of independent de-mapping at the receiver,the design helps approaching the channel capacity without increasing the complexity of the system implementation.

Key words: non-equiprobable constellation mapping, channel capacity, independent demapping

CLC Number: 

  • TN911. 3