Journal of Jilin University (Information Science Edition) ›› 2019, Vol. 37 ›› Issue (5): 476-481.

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Controller Design of Singularly Perturbed Lurie Systems with Time-Varying Delay

SUN Fengqi   

  1. Department of Mathematics,Jilin Normal University,Siping 136000,China
  • Online:2019-09-24 Published:2019-12-23

Abstract: To further strengthen the robust control of Lurie system,based on the early theoretical study,a controller design theory for Lurie systems with time-varying delay uncertainty is discussed with the application of the new cross-term definition method. By constructing a new Lyapunov functional and following the characteristics of Lurie system,the new feedback controllers are designed for singularly perturbed Lurie systems with uncertain time-varying delay in the sector region [V1,V2],and the state feedback control laws of time-delay dependent and time-delay independent are deduced. Finally,the feasibility and effectiveness are illustrated by the correspanding numerical example.

Key words: lurie systems, strongly absolute stability, state feedback control law, cross terms defined method, delay-dependent, delay-independent, lyapunov-krasovskii functional ( L-K ) , linear matrix inequality ( LMI)

CLC Number: 

  • TP13