Journal of Jilin University (Information Science Edition) ›› 2024, Vol. 42 ›› Issue (2): 294-300.

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A GIS-Based Route Planning Method for Emergency Distribution of Power Supplies

LANG Fei   

  1. School of Computer Science and Technology, Nanjing Tech University, Nangjing 210000, China
  • Received:2023-03-22 Online:2024-04-10 Published:2024-04-12

Abstract: To ensure timely distribution of emergency power supplies, enable them to quickly restore power supply, and reduce economic losses, a planning method for the distribution path of emergency power supplies is proposed based on geographic information systems. Firstly, based on the Map X component in the GIS (Geographic Information System) geographic information system, a preprocessing model for geospatial data is constructed. Then, based on the processed data, a mathematical model and constraint conditions for distribution path planning are established. Finally, genetic algorithm, mountain climbing algorithm, and ant colony algorithm are integrated, and the mathematical model is iteratively operated to obtain the optimal distribution path. The experiment is based on a power equipment emergency. When the material demand is met, the delivery time of the planned path under normal and abnormal road conditions is reduced by 14 minutes and 30 minutes respectively, and the cost is reduced by 10. 9 yuan and 5. 09 yuan respectively. This proves that the designed planning method has significant superiority. 

Key words: geographic information system, power resources, emergency supplies, distribution route, path planning

CLC Number: 

  • TP399