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Journal of Jilin University (Information Science Edition)
ISSN 1671-5896
CN 22-1344/TN
主 任:田宏志
编 辑:张 洁 刘冬亮 刘俏亮
电 话:0431-5152552
地 址:长春市东南湖大路5377号

Table of Content
30 May 2010, Volume 28 Issue 03
Performance Analysis of QPP Interleaver
WANG Shi-huan, SONG Rong-fang
J4. 2010, 28 (03):  219. 
Abstract ( 915 )  

QPP(Quadratic Polynomial Permutation) interleaver is a new deterministic interleaver based on permutation polynomial, and it has become the hotspot of interleaver researching in Turbo coding because of its easy operation, low complexity, flexible structure and excellent performance. This paper analyzes the principle of QPP interleaver, and verifies both QPP interleaver and its inverses with the maximum contentionfree feature that can improve the efficiency of highspeed subblocks parallel Turbo decoding. Simulation results show that, QPP interleaver can also significantly improve the performance of highspeed subblocks parallel Turbo decoding.

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Non-Line-of-Sight Propagation Model of Solar Blind Ultraviolet
ZHANG Li-quan,WANG Qiu-shuang,ZHANG Yan,MA Yan-mei,HAO Er-juan,WANG Jing
J4. 2010, 28 (03):  225. 
Abstract ( 744 )  

For a more realistic situation of nonlineofsight transmission model UV(UltraViolet rays), and can be used to handle the complex atmospheric conditions and boundary conditions. Monte Carlo method was established based on the UV fast algorithm for non line of sight transmission model, this model has higher accuracy and border processing capabilities. Analysis of the transmission power to 1 W of monochromatic UV signals under different environmental conditions in the pulse response function, the boundary conditions on the spatial distribution of signal strength, and the system launch elevation angle of elevation and receive signal strength of the relationship with the probe, for reasonable related communication system to enhance the communication quality has greatly improved.

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Study and Implementation on Method of SoC Automatic Verification
DUAN Qing-ya|HUANG Shi-tan|JIN Rong-li|ZHANG Sha-sha|MIAO Shuo
J4. 2010, 28 (03):  231. 
Abstract ( 600 )  

To improve the SoC(System-on-Chip) verification coverage and to reduce the workload of verificationengineers, a hierarchical automatic function verifiacation system LSAVS(LiShan Automatic Verification System) with independent intellectual property rights based on the reuse idea, transaction verification model and the method of random stimulus generation is proposed.Using this verifiacation system,the workload of test-cases developing for SoC verificationengineers is reduced to 10% from 60%. And 100% function coverage is guaranties.Hence,the aim of fast and high verification coverage is reached.  

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Resource |Allocation Algorithm of Cooperative UWB System Based on Game Theory
YANG Ting-ting| ZHANG Shu-fang |SUN Zhong-hua
J4. 2010, 28 (03):  238. 
Abstract ( 1186 )  

To effectively utilize resource and ensure usersQoS(Quality of Service) demand at the same time, cooperative game theory method is employed to resource allocation algorithm of cooperative MB-OFDM (Multiband Orthogonal Frequency Division Multiplexing) UWB(Ultra-WideBand) systems. Applying NBS(Nash Bargaining Solution) method and convex optimization theory the relay partner selection algorithm and adaptive power allocation algorithm are proposed. The proposed algorithms are given to maximize the payoffs of system and to ensure QoS demand (the minimum date rates)of the users, which is the scale index of fairness. Simulation results show that the proposed algorithms can provide a good tradeoff between the overall system rate and the fairness comparing with the other two resource allocation algorithms, i.e. the maximizing system rate and the maxmin farness algorithm.

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Protocol Modeling and Simulation for MAV Group Air to Air Data Link 
HAN Li-ying1| WENG Jun-chao2| LIU Zhi2| YANG Yang2
J4. 2010, 28 (03):  244. 
Abstract ( 959 )  

For UAV(Unmanned Aerial Vehicles) group air to air data link of wireless communications, in accordance with the ZigBee protocol, through the establishment of slot polling table the slot allocation is completed. After a brief analysis of the ZigBee protocol stack layers of functionality and the use of the network topology based on a focus on the data link protocol air to air data link slot allocation mechanism and the network address allocation mechanism. Discuss how to use OPNET(Optimized Network Engineering Tools) network simulation tool to create this model of wireless communication protocol process, and by constructing a network simulation platform for the channel access delay, throughput, etc. of the simulation analysis to verify this air to air data link communication protocols used the validity of this simulation for other network protocols as a reference.

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Research on Improving the Identification Algorithmof Digital Communication Signals
LI Na, GAO Xian-jun1,TIAN Run-lan 
J4. 2010, 28 (03):  250. 
Abstract ( 548 )  

By statistics of instantaneous characteristic and analysis of characteristic parameters, an identification method was obtained, which is used to recognize the digital communication signal modulation based on the decision theory and the previous research of Azzouzi. The new method solves the probloms,of small identify types, complex procedures and low recognition rate. The new method has great practical significance. The key of the algorithm is to get the best thresholds and the thresholds are variable in different SNR (Signal to Noise Ratio). The paper compares the probability of the characteristic parameters based on the ML(Maximum Likelihood) to obtain the best judge thresholds. The result indicates that this method can recognize 7 different kinds of signals including noises, and the success rate is higher than 96% when SNR is 10 dB, and the success rate is higher than 92% when the SNR is between 6 dB and 15 dB.

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GameTheory Based MultiRobot Task Allocation Algorithm
LIU Xiao-mei|TIAN Yan-tao|YANG Mao
J4. 2010, 28 (03):  256. 
Abstract ( 1248 )  

In order to find a reasonable and effective multirobot task allocation algorithm,multirobot system task allocation problem is studied based on the multirobot cooperation firefighting environment and Nash equilibrium in game theory. According to the primary features of task model and Nash equilibrium, a task allocation algorithm based on game theory is presented. The utility function takes into account the distance, fire and burning time factors, robots select their behavior strategies according to this utility function and induce them to extinguish the greater fire with larger publish value to get larger reward value. The value of total task revenue is used to evaluate the advantages and disadvantages of this algorithm. Task revenue function is related to fire density,burning time and number of fire put out by robots,which is consistent with the realistic firefighting task model. Experimental results show the effectiveness of this algorithm. 

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Association Rules Algorithm Applied to Telecommunications
Network Alarms
YU Man, HU Ming, JIN Gang, HU Liang, ZHAO Kuo
J4. 2010, 28 (03):  264. 
Abstract ( 758 )  

Modern telecommunications networks are very powerful, and there is a sharp increase in business volume, and network is becoming large, complex, heterogeneous. In order to ensure the normal operation of the entire telecommunications network, we must improve the efficiency of processing network alarm, and identify the root causes of failure rapidly. Association rules algorithm of data mining can effectively analyze the relevance of things happened in the network warning system. It can also accurately locate the failure of a network application.We improved the traditional association rules algorithm corresponding the characteristics of alarm data. We improved mining efficiency and achieved a rapid diagnosis of network failures.

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Application of Time Series Data Mining on Security Analysis
SUN Bing,LIU Wen,TIAN Di, SONG Tong|FU Yan
J4. 2010, 28 (03):  270. 
Abstract ( 835 )  

For better analysis of stock exchange data, we give a brief introduction of the generation and application of time series in data mining and by comparison and analysis of different ways of time series processing and relevance searching, we choose a reasonable method to design a small system which is used for stock forcasting. First, the time series are processed properly and the similarity search is preformed and then analyse whether the shortterm trend is the resurgence of history. The final result is anlysised. Experiments showed that the method can find the similarity trends of the stock exchange data in history, and by analyzing similarity trends in history, current trend can be predicted.

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Modeling and Optimizing of Access Point Throughput Prediction
WANG Ze-sheng, CHE Xi-long
J4. 2010, 28 (03):  275. 
Abstract ( 851 )  

|Access point is the key device connecting wired and wireless facilities, its performance information is crucial for package routing, bandwidth allocation and management of quality of service parameter. This paper addresses the problem of generating multistepahead throughput prediction for access point. A modeling strategy is introduced based on NuSVR(Nu-Support Vector Regression), and a PHPSO(Parallel Hybrid Particle Swarm Optimization) algorithm is proposed, for the purpose of combinational optimization to prediction model, including feature selection and hyperparameter selection. The evaluation results have shown that NuSVR model can achieve higher accuracy in throughput prediction of multistepahead, and its performance can be remarkably improved by PHPSO algorithm with fast convergence rate.

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Research on Control Strategy of Automotive Electronic Fuel Meter
QIU Shu-xian|ZHANG Ying|ZHU Zi-hao
J4. 2010, 28 (03):  280. 
Abstract ( 818 )  

The problems of the automotive electronic fuel meter under different work situations are analyzed and studied. Under the situations of voltage disturbance, continuous ignition,signal mutations,specific response, the indicators of accurate sampling and smooth direction are realized.With the usage of such techniques as time-division sampling, auto-correction, threshold memory,first-order filter, and pointer response control,accurate sampling and smooth directions are achieved in case of the voltage disturbance, continuous ignition, signal mutations and the target response time on specific conditions. Both the accuracy and stability are taken into account. The realized product performance and the application results are in accordance with standard requirements for automotive

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Network Resource Sharing Research Based Dacrease IPv6 P2P Technology
YU Xiao-peng, ZHANG Yan, LI YONG-li|LI Wei
J4. 2010, 28 (03):  284. 
Abstract ( 889 )  

 To improve the problem of P2P(Peer-to-Peer) applications that consume large network bandwidth and decrease network untility.We present the idea that separate the resource discovery and resource sharing process from the implementation, and we defines two private protocols P2PIEP(Peert-to-Peert Information Exchchange Protocol) and P2PDEP(Peer-to-Peer Data Exchange Protocol) under IPv6 environment, these two agreements were to serve the process of resource discovery and resource sharing process. P2PIEP use smallworld model, use to find resource information. While, P2PDEP packaged in UDP(User Datagram Protocol) message and has a more smaller protocol header, so as to achieve the purpose of improving network utilization.

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Upper Bound Adaptive Dynamic Neural Sliding Mode Control of Uncertain Systems
GAO Hong-yu, SHAO Ke-yong, LI Yan-hui
J4. 2010, 28 (03):  292. 
Abstract ( 1068 )  

For the problem that the uncertain upper bound value must be known in the general sdudy of sliding mode control, the upper bound adaptive dynamic SM(Sliding Mode) control method based on NN(Neural Networks) is proposed. Uncertainty and disturbance of the systems are separated from the systems to construct a conjoint upper boundary of the uncertainty. The process was  analysed in two steps. When the conjoint upper bound is known, the dynamic SM controller is designed.Otherwise the NN are adopted to learn adaptively the upper bound of the uncertainty. The rule of the weight adjustment and dynamic neural sliding mode controller are designed. The stability of the systems is investigated by constructing Lyapunov function. The controller can ensure the systems asymptotic stability. And it reduces the theory analysis condition of the SM control. It can also suppress the chattering effectively. The simulation examples show that the proposed dynamic neural sliding mode controller is correct and effective.

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Simple and Efficient Algorithm for Spam Filter
LIANG Hao|XU Chang-geng|LIN He-ping
J4. 2010, 28 (03):  298. 
Abstract ( 742 )  

In order to improve the precision and efficiency of spam filter.Two new concepts, legitimate attribute and nonlicet attribute,and an improved spam filter algorithm SEASF(Simple and Efficient Algorithm to Spam Filter based on legitimate attribute and nonlicet attribute) based on Naive Bayes algorithm and KNN(K-Nearest Neighbors) algorithm, two traditional spam filter algorithms are proposed. SEASF can be used to filter a large number of specimens and to filter email online, and it is efficient. SEASF is applied to spam filter, the recall and precision are highly improved, and the rate is satisfactory. 

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Exchange Protocol and Implementation of Using Biometric Watermark
LIU Jing|CHENG Chao|LI Da-wei
J4. 2010, 28 (03):  303. 
Abstract ( 746 )  

To deal with watermark key secure transfer and uniqueness, the feasibility of combining biometric identification technology and digital watermark are studied,the existing watermarking protocol and model,the biometric identification technology in the protocol is introduced, and a secure digital watermarking protocol is proposed. Scheme of biometrics watermark based on fingerprint identification has been implemented to solve key problems for data volume of biometrics  which is too large to embed and extract watermarking in general case. The experiment showed that the scheme is effective and feasible.

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Data Optimization Strategy of KNN Algorithm
WANG Xin-ying,JUAN Zhi-cai,WU Qing-yan,SUN Yuan
J4. 2010, 28 (03):  309. 
Abstract ( 697 )  

In order to resolve the inefficient of the nonparametric-regressive model for short-term traffic state forecasting based on KNN(K-Nearest Neighbor)algorithm, the paper presents a data optimization strategy of KNN algorithm. Using time and space characteristics of traffic state, the author constructs traffic state vector with hierarchical object structure, and compresses the historical sample database because of the self-repeatability of traffic state. Experiment shows that the optimization strategy of database improves the efficiency of KNN algorithm.After the compressed data access time is shorter 8.66% than the pre-compressed.

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Fault Diagnosis for Certain Type of Radar Circuit Based on FPGA
and Boolean Difference Calculus
ZHOU Jun-jie|CHANG Shuo|WANG De-gong| QI Xiao-ming
J4. 2010, 28 (03):  314. 
Abstract ( 807 )  

Boolean difference calculation have many  Exclusive OR operation. To resolve this problem and to meet the requirement of high speed data processing, using FPGA(Field Programmable Gate Array) to generate the test set has been proposed and the whole process of fault diagnosis for a certain type of radar circuit based on this method is explained. The simulation results show that the time needed for generating the whole test set is 43 μs when the clock pulse frequency is 48 MHz and the numbers of circuit input are eight. When the input is multiple, it can save more time,it is a new way for diagnosing the fault of this radar rapidly. 

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Research on Control Network Communication Protocol of HEV
YU Jie
J4. 2010, 28 (03):  320. 
Abstract ( 925 )  

In order to adapt the rapid development of electronics in hybrid electric vehicle, a hybrid power system communication protocol was designed based on the requirements of multi\|energy power train control system of hybrid electric vehicle.CAN(Controller Area Network) bus standard was used to complete the connection of control units in system and SAE J1939 protocol was used on the software to complete the assembly and transmission of data, and the conversion between CAN protocol and J1939 protocol was conducted. Simulation results showed that the designed communication protocol can organically combine data communication of physical layer and data link layer with information communication of application layer, it is simple and efficient, has good application prospect.

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Method of Constructing Steiner Triple Systems of Order  t
JIANG Yu-qiu
J4. 2010, 28 (03):  326. 
Abstract ( 641 )  

In order to construct Steiner triple systems of order t2,the basic concept of constructing Steiner trlple systems of orbitrary order  is described,and the definition of edges matrix of a complete graph is given.A method of constructing Steiner triple systems of order t2 is proposed. The entire procedure of constructing Kirkman triple systems of order 9 is presented. Practice shows that the concept of constructing Steiner triple systems of order t2 is correct,it is worth to promote,edges mctrix as a new tool in graph theory study.

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