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Journal of Jilin University (Information Science Edition)
ISSN 1671-5896
CN 22-1344/TN
主 任:田宏志
编 辑:张 洁 刘冬亮 刘俏亮
电 话:0431-5152552
地 址:长春市东南湖大路5377号

Table of Content
25 March 2011, Volume 29 Issue 01
 Audio Error Concealment Based on Pattern Matching and Zero-Crossing Detection
J4. 2011, 29 (01):  1. 
Abstract ( 604 )  

The traditional waveform substitution techniques for recovering missing audio segments can not accurately reconstruct the trend of the audio waveform. The theory and the algorithm of pattern matching and shorttime zero-crossing are applied to the research of the audio error concealment method. When frames of the audio are lost, the audio signal data is sent into the module of pattern matching. After the procedure of pattern matching, the audio signals with data and reference information are processed in the module of short-time zero-crossing. So it is synthesized as the reference frame to substitute the lost frame in order to reconstruct the original audio signal. Compared with the traditional audio signal waveform reconstruction, this proposed method is better for audio frame reconstruction. The experimental results show that the average SNR(Signd-to-Noise) of the reconstructed audio is increased by 0.3—0.5 dB and the average PESQ(Perceptual Estimation of Speech Quality) of the reconstructed audio is increased by 0.3.

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Service Scheme of Gated Polling Multi-Access Communication System
SHE Ming-hui,YANG Bin,ZHAO Dong-feng
J4. 2011, 29 (01):  7. 
Abstract ( 596 )  

Aiming the problens at multiple users to share a multiplexing systems, in polling multi\|access communication system of threshold services, appropriate service rules must adcpted (such as reservation or interrupt\|driven). Adopt embedded markov chain theory and probability generating function method of pollers forunreachable threshold service queuing system with two different analysis methods are analyzed and the same threshold service queuing system mean queue length and average cycles of analytical results. Computer simulation results show that the simulation and theory are consistency.

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SelfOrganization and Self-Recovery System of Sensing Datas Based on
LED Light Communication
YAN Qi|WENG Xiao-dong|SONG Zhan-wei
J4. 2011, 29 (01):  14. 
Abstract ( 586 )  

In order to meet the special demands of sensing informations transmission in Internet of things,based on the lighting function of LED(Light Emitting Diode),the communication function of visible light, the self-organization and self-recovery functions of opticalfiber network basing infomation transmission are introduced. A new method for system nodes design and a Linux driving method for information links on sublayer was proposed, the route discovery algorithm and the implementation procedure of network protocols were discussed in detail.Finally,in the Embedded environment,the procedures of Ad Hoc network and self-coordination were programmed to debug and test the system.The experimental data verify the feasibility and completeness of the system architecture,transmission procedure and the core algorithm which establishes the theoretical basis for pratical research and development.

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 Research on Large-Capacity High-Speed Video Image Transmission Technology
LIU Shu-chang|LIU Peng|WANG Yan-hai |LI Xiao-ming|ZHANG Tong
J4. 2011, 29 (01):  21. 
Abstract ( 563 )  

In order to solve the bottleneck problem of the large-capacity, long-distance image transmission in the test system using digital cameras. We explain the basic principle of video image transmission technology, presents the specific implementation schemes for high-speed and long-distance transmission. It uses the method of photo-electric and the technology of FPGA(Field Programmable Gate Array), completes the optical fiber transmission system design for large-capacity and high-speed video image and simulation, achieves the digital video long-line transmission.

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 Method of On-Line Monitoring for Insulation of Power Equipment
ZHAO Zhen-ying|LI Bao-hua
J4. 2011, 29 (01):  26. 
Abstract ( 946 )  

In order to reduce the influence caused by interference on site and the difficulty to install the system, an on-line monitoring method based on WSN(Wireless Sensor Networks) and correlation algorithm is designed to measure dielectric loss in high-voltage electricity equipments. It provided detail introductions to the system measuring principle and synchronization sampling. Theoretical demonstration to phase calculation with correlation algorithm is supplied and the design of on-ine monitoring system based on such algorithm is represented. Compared with FFT(Fast Fourier Transformation) algorithm, the efficiency of correlation algorithm is 128 times higher. On-site simulation experiments show that the measurement precision of dielectric loss factor tan δ has reached 0.039%, and the system has better antiinterference than QS1 furbenicillin bridge.

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 Fabrication of Microfluidic Focusing Chip for Bioinstrumentation
WU Yuan-qing|YAO Su-ying|GAO Peng
J4. 2011, 29 (01):  31. 
Abstract ( 745 )  

In order to make the suspended microspheres to be detected separately and monostichously, based on the technical principles of flow cytometry, a kind of microfluidic focusing chip was designed. The focusing chip was simulated and designed by using software Intellisuite. This PDMSbased microfluidic chip was produced by casting method,  adopting a sealing method as contact pins, which greatly improved the yield of chips. Through the experiment,  the microfludic focusing chip is fabricated, and is applied to the testing realizing the suspended 10 μm diameter microspheres ordered separate and monostichous.

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 Study of Controlling Discrete High-dimensional Chaotic Systems 
by Prediction Feedback
WANG Xue-ming|LI Yuan-fu
J4. 2011, 29 (01):  36. 
Abstract ( 635 )  

 A discrete three-dimensional hyperchaotic system,a two-dimensional Henon map and the control of chaos and hyperchaos by means of prediction feedback have been realized in circuit. The analytic conditions that the systems are stabilized in period orbits are obtained by mathematical analysis and the experimental results are in good agreement with the results by analyzing theoretically. 

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Solution to Peak-to-Average Power Ration  in FBMC Based on Pulse Shaping
LI Yang,GUO Shu-xu,Li Quan
J4. 2011, 29 (01):  41. 
Abstract ( 861 )  

In order to solve the high PAPR(Peak to Average Power Ration) problem in FBMC(Filter Bank MmultiCarrier) system, based on the prototype filter and its polyphase structure in FBMC system, a solution is proposed to reduce PAPR in FBMC system using pulse shaping technique, which borrows ideas from solutions to reduce PAPR in OFDM(Orthogonal Frequency Division Multiplexing) system. The cyclic shifting is implemented in time\|domain by adding weighting in frequency\|domain after S/P(Serial to Parallel) in synthesis filer banks, thereby the reduction of PAPR is accomplished. The simulation results indicate that PAPR is obviously reduced after importing PS in FBMC system.

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Virtual Spatial Smoothing Algorithm in Presence of Impulsive Noise
YAO Lin-hong| GAO Ying|SHI Yu| CHENG Guo-xiao| WANG Jing-qiang
J4. 2011, 29 (01):  47. 
Abstract ( 602 )  

ROC-VSS(Robust Covariation-based Virtual Spatial Smoothing)algorithmic was put forward.The DOA(Direction-Of-Arrival)estimation of coherent sources in gauss white noise can not estimate the direction-of-arrival accurately in impulse noise, but the new algorithmic resolves this problem. The principle of this new algorithmic is combined the virtual spatial smoothing algorithmic with covariation coefficient matrix. The sensors of virtual subarrays designed in the new algorithmic is equal to the total sensors of array, so the new algorithmic has no loss of array aperture. Simulation results show that the new algorithmic does well in DOA estimation of coherent sources in impulse noise and the new algorithmic can find the direction-of-arrival accurately.

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Image Encryption Algorithm Based on Five-Dimension Hyperchaotic System for Global Information Grid
WANG Yu-hui| CHEN Shao-dong|JIANG Chang-sheng|WU Qing-xian
J4. 2011, 29 (01):  51. 
Abstract ( 786 )  

A new image encryption algorithm based on fivedimension hyperchaotic system was presented to solve the issues of network data security for global information grid.  The image encryption scheme based on hyperchaotic system for the communication system of global information grid was given. Two chaotic sequences were preprocessed to shuffle the positions of image pixel,and a chaotic sequence was selected and preprocessed for pixel value encryption of image to change the gray values. Simulation results and analysis show that the proposed encryption algorithm has the advantages of large key space, key selection sensitivity, high security and good encryption effect.

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Computer Simulation of DRMA Protocol in Ad Hoc Network Based on NS2
LIANG Feng-shan
J4. 2011, 29 (01):  57. 
Abstract ( 623 )  

Aiming at problems of low efficiency and high overhead of control packets in the existing multicast routing protocols for ad hoc networks, a novel multicast routing protocol for Ad Hoc networks called DRMR(Dynamic Ring based Multicast Routing) protocol was designed and realized. The implemented framework of DRMR was established and the function modules were defined. In DRMR,the multicast routing is carried out through establishing and maintaining the connected ring graph which is constructed from dynamic broadcast rings held by each member group. When the group member broadcast departs from the connected ring graph, the connectivity can be recovered by gradually extend the radius of broadcasting. Simulation results show that DRMR has a high data packet delivery ratio and low routing maintenance cost, and its total control overhead is reduced more compared with the multicast routing protocols based on requirements. It can meet the requirements of the multicast applications in ad hoc networks. The results of this study have practical reference significance for Ad Hoc network reserchers.

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Embedded 3D Coordinate Extraction System Based on Binocular Vision
XIA Mao-sheng,MENG Xiang-lei,SONG Zhan-wei,HE Kun
J4. 2011, 29 (01):  61. 
Abstract ( 784 )  

In order to meet the demands of automobile assisting parking and astern running system,we propose a binocular vision 3D coordinate extraction system based on embedded processors ARM11 and Linux OS. We first provide the designs for both hardware and software, and then thoroughly describe the algorithm for coordinate extraction. On the fabricated testing system, experiments were carried out for testing the algorithm performances and the relationship between measurement errors and distance. The results exhibit that the measurement errors are less than 1.2% in the distance between 0.5 m and 1.6 m. The size, cost and power consumption of the system based on embedded processors are much smaller than those in the system based on PC.The implement of this system somehow promotes the substantiation of binocular vision technique.

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Design of Detecting Device for Dust Concentration
LING Zhen-bao,CAO Gui-xin
J4. 2011, 29 (01):  67. 
Abstract ( 745 )  

In order to measure the dust concentration more effectively in the environment, to facilitate monitoring and improving air quality. Designed a method using optical sensors is proportional to dust concentration is converted to electrical signals, to Sunplus 16bit MCU SPCE061A detection device for the control of the core.This device can smoke concentration, and the unit module and supporting the software design flow chart of the circuit are given. The device can be used to detect the boiler, industrial, automobile exhaust and other sources of dust concentration, both for continuous monitoring.Experiments show that the device shows dust concentration detection accuracy of 01%, stable and high performance.

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Visual Simulation Technology of Platform\|Type Flight Simulator
XU Bing, SUN Yong-wei, WANG Ying-shuang, LI Yang
J4. 2011, 29 (01):  72. 
Abstract ( 681 )  

To resolve the problems of visual simulation of platform\|type flight simulator, the visual simulation technology is implemented based on real 3D terrain model. The flight simulation model is designed,using the technology of two dimensional picture displaying, triple screen synchronization, particles explosion effect.In practice,the flight environment can be reconstructed with higher operating efficiency, better synchronal and more verisimilar than traditionally technique. It can meet the need of flight simulation.

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Vector Diagram Format Conversion Model Based on Weighted Information Theory
FU Qing-xing,SUN Yong-xiong,WU Hai
J4. 2011, 29 (01):  78. 
Abstract ( 639 )  

The primitive in the different formats needs to be associated by the primary key. According Heinz, Hartmut and Dietmars weighted information theory, we use a different way to deal with it. Based on the idea, we construct WEMFBCDNM(Weighted Entropy Model Based on Fractal Box Counting Dimension and  Natural Measure), which is more suitable for the vector diagram format. Comparing with the traditional algorithms,this method has improved its performance to a certain extent.

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