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Journal of Jilin University (Information Science Edition)
ISSN 1671-5896
CN 22-1344/TN
主 任:田宏志
编 辑:张 洁 刘冬亮 刘俏亮
电 话:0431-5152552
地 址:长春市东南湖大路5377号

Table of Content
29 September 2017, Volume 35 Issue 5
Design of Communication Module for LWD Instrument Based on FPGA
WANG Haibo
Journal of Jilin University(Information Science Ed. 2017, 35 (5):  475-480. 
Abstract ( 347 )   PDF (2545KB) ( 1275 )  
In order to improve the efficiency of the instrument and help the instrument operator to analyze the
data accurately, the module uses the FPGA ( Field Programmable Gate Array), the 1553B Bus and PCI
( Peripheral Component Interconnect) Bus to complete the module design. This paper first analyzes the
application of 1553B bus in LWD(Logging While Drilling) instrument, completes the design of the module
hardware and the preparation of application software, and completes the modular design of FPGA with the Verilog
HDL( Hardware Description Language). The communication module is used to realize the communication
between the LWD instrument and the host computer. The communication module and the corresponding
application program can be used together to help the operator to make an intuitive judgment on the condition or
the problems of the LWD instrument.
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Research and Design of Novel Type 13. 56 MHz NFC Antenna
ZHU Yuhong, DONG Shangwen, LI Hongyang
Journal of Jilin University(Information Science Ed. 2017, 35 (5):  481-486. 
Abstract ( 778 )   PDF (1609KB) ( 1448 )  
There is a problem of high return loss for the existing 13. 56 MHz NFC ( Near Field
Communication) antennas due to the antenna structure, so a kind of NFC antenna applied in the
13. 56 MHz near field communication was designed by the innovation of the antenna structure, which
reduces the return loss of the antenna. We use Ansoft HFSS ( High Frequency Structure Simulator) to
establish antenna and simulation analysis, and the simulation on three structure parameters of NFC antenna
(antenna length L x , track interval S and line width W) is carried out. The optional antenna structure
parameters are derived taking 13. 56 MHz as the center frequency, namely L x = 40 mm, S = 1 mm, W =
0. 5 mm. Under the above structural parameters, antenna exhibits better performance compared to the
former NFC antenna(return loss is -22. 2 dB), whose return loss is as low as -28. 8 dB and the effective
bandwidth of the -10 dB is 0. 8 MHz.
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Polymeric Thermo-Optic Switch Based on Strip-Loaded Optical Waveguide
ZHENG Wei,XU Qiang,LI Zhiyong,NIU Donghai,LI Dehui,WU Yuand,ZHANG Daming
Journal of Jilin University(Information Science Ed. 2017, 35 (5):  487-492. 
Abstract ( 407 )   PDF (2119KB) ( 1296 )  
 To solve the problem of that the organic/ inorganic material has a thinner film and is difficult to
process, we design and fabricate a polymeric MZI(Mach-Zehnder Interferometer) TO(Thermo-Optic) switch
based on strip-loaded waveguide structure. The polymer materials have the advantages of lower thermal
conductivity and larger thermo-optical coefficient, and can reduce the power-consumption of the TO device
effectively. The SiO 2 is used as the under-cladding which can shorten the response time of the device. We
selected the organic/ inorganic hybrid material DR1/ SiO 2 -TiO 2 as the core layer, the P(MMA-GMA) (Poly-
Methyl-Methacrylate-Glycicly-Methacrylate) as the loading strip, and poly methyl methacrylate ( PMMA:
PolymethylMethacrylate) as the upper-cladding. The light field and thermal field distribution of the TO switch
are both simulated. The TO switch is fabricated by using the microfabrication process and photobleaching
technology. At 1 550 nm wavelength, the power consumption is about 9. 2 mW, and the extinction ratio of the
device is 21. 2 dB. The rise/ fall times of the switch are 152. 8 чs /180. 0 чs, respectively.
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Employing Organic/ Inorganic Interface Layer to Improve Electron Transfer of Polymer Solar Cells
JI Yongcheng
Journal of Jilin University(Information Science Ed. 2017, 35 (5):  493-497. 
Abstract ( 303 )   PDF (1854KB) ( 1240 )  
Poor electron and hole transfer and high carrier recombination are critical problems for realizing
commercial applications of PSCs ( Polymer Solar Cells). We introduce PFO ( poly (9,9-dioctylfluorenyl-2,
7-diyl)) as a TiO 2 hybrid interface modification layer to enhance the performance of inverted PSCs. Surface
morphology and work function measurement demonstrated that PFO interlayer eliminated the defects and traps
from TiO 2 surface and acted as an efficient charge transport matrix, resulting in enhanced charge carrier transfer
between the electrode and the active layer. The photocurrent and the fill factor of the PSCs are both increased,
resulting in an increased PCE(Power Conversion Efficiency) from 5. 17% to 6. 96%.
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Solving Travelling Salesman Problem Based on Shuffled Frog Leaping Algorithm and Particle Swarm Optimization Algorithm
KANG Chaohai,LI Pengna,ZHANG Yongfeng,CHEN Jianling
Journal of Jilin University(Information Science Ed. 2017, 35 (5):  498-506. 
Abstract ( 403 )   PDF (1669KB) ( 1366 )  
In order to improve the performance of particle swarm optimization algorithm for solving travelling
salesman problem, the shuffled frog leaping algorithm is merged with particle swarm optimization algorithm in the
initial period. Because the initial particles are arbitrary and the distribution is uneven, the particle swarm is
carried out by using the grouping strategy of the shuffled frog leaping algorithm. The suboptimal individuals are
optimized by the improved frog leaping update formula, and new particle swarm is obtained by extracting
individuals at each level, so as to improve the speed of obtaining the optimal individual. In the later period of the
algorithm, the triple crossover strategy and guided mutation operation based on density are introduced to solve the
problem that the particle diversity reduces gradually and the algorithm is easy to fall into local optimum. The
results show that the improved algorithm is effective and superior to other algorithms.
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WSN Node Distribution Optimization Based on Improved Bee Colony Algorithm
FU Guangjie, HU Mingzhe, QIAO Yongna
Journal of Jilin University(Information Science Ed. 2017, 35 (5):  507-512. 
Abstract ( 270 )   PDF (1565KB) ( 133 )  
 In order to rationally deploy the wireless sensor network nodes and reduce the coverage area of the
target area, an optimization scheme based on the optimal global artificial bee colony algorithm is proposed. The
improved algorithm introduces the selection mechanism to distinguish the honey sources. The better ones learn
from the differential evolution strategy to search neighborhood, and the inferior ones use the global guidance
mechanism to optimize nectar. It will improve the iterative efficiency, convergence speed and global search
ability. This algorithm is applied to the WSN(Wireless Sensor Network) node distribution optimization problem,
and compared with the optimization results of artificial bee colony algorithm and global artificial bee colony
algorithm. The simulation results show that the average coverage is at least 1% higher and the worst coverage is
at least 2% higher than the two algorithms. It can be seen that the coverage optimization of the target area based
on this algorithm is superior to the other two algorithms, which effectively improves the perceived performance
of WSN.
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Intelligent Greenhouse Distributed Control System Based on Micro Control System and Kingview
TANG Zhiguo, WEN Hao, SU Zhongnan, DUAN Jilu, KANG Bing
Journal of Jilin University(Information Science Ed. 2017, 35 (5):  513-518. 
Abstract ( 334 )   PDF (3125KB) ( 241 )  
In order to solve the problems of traditional greenhouse, such as low automation level, inconvenient
maintenance and low profit, an intelligent greenhouse system is proposed based on distributed control theory. The
AT89C51 microcontroller is used as the lower computer, which can constantly monitor greenhouse environmental
data. When these sensors gain environmental data, the lower computer can process data and control the whole
system. Then these data are transmitted to the host computer for processing through RS-485 bus. A friendly
human-computer interaction interface is designed in the host computer by KingView 6. 55 software. Through the
human-computer interaction interface, the host computer controls several the slave computers to realize different
functions including storing data and adjusting the parameters. The fault of one slave computer will not have an
effect on others. The experimental results show that the system could achieve a better distribution control
performances and solve the above problems.
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Research and Design of EPS Controlled by Self-Tuning Fuzzy-PI
JIANG Hong, LI Lianfeng, WANG Fengyu
Journal of Jilin University(Information Science Ed. 2017, 35 (5):  519-524. 
Abstract ( 200 )   PDF (2493KB) ( 125 )  
According to the problem of the waveform distortion with nonlinear load and poor dynamic response of the
EPS(Emergency Power Supply), by analysing the transfer function under different conditions with different load, a
compound control strategy combining the self-tuning fuzzy-PI control and the structure of triple closed loops is
proposed. Through the system simulation, this compound control strategy is tested on the 1 kW EPS. The experimental
results show that this control strategy has a good dynamic response, and a strong harmonic restrain ability.
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Ensemble Feature Selection for Recognizing Co-Expression Patterns of Genes
WANG Haochang,LI Yu,LI Bin,WU Min
Journal of Jilin University(Information Science Ed. 2017, 35 (5):  525-532. 
Abstract ( 217 )   PDF (836KB) ( 256 )  
A new method based on ensemble features selection technique is proposed to recognize the
co-expression patterns of the intronic miRNAs with their host genes. The Support-based Ensemble Feature
Selection algorithm is used to obtain a subset of features with high correlation and stability, and then through the
combination of wrapper and FCBF(Fast Correlation-Based Filter) search to reduce the redundant features and
weakly related features to get optimal features. The experimental results show that the proposed method can take
advantage of the benefits of multiple feature selection methods and effectively recognize the co-expression patterns
of the intronic miRNAs with their host genes.
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Research on Methods and Characteristics of Dynamic Simulation Analysis of Spatial Distribution Patterns of Regional Population at Multiple Geographical Scales
ZHU Jin, LI Jiansong, JIANG Zilong, SHEN Li
Journal of Jilin University(Information Science Ed. 2017, 35 (5):  533-543. 
Abstract ( 325 )   PDF (7806KB) ( 114 )  
In order to provide scientific decision-making basis for the implementation of the rising strategy in
central region, the formulation of regional population policies and the promotion of population economy and
resource environment balance in Hubei Province, a method of dynamic simulation and evaluation of regional
population spatial distribution pattern based on the analysis of population density patterns at multiple geographical
scales of urban, urban agglomerations and provincial provinces is proposed. Geostatistical analysis method,
spatial autocorrelation analysis, segmented regression model and other methods are used in the research. Based
on this, the dynamic simulation of population structure in Hubei Province from 1990 to 2010 was carried out on
three geographical scales of Wuhan-Wuhan Metropolitan Area-Hubei Province. The results show that Wuhan is
still in the early stages of urbanization, and the population of which continued to gather towards the center, its
population structure is divided into two different structural bands. Spatial distribution of population has showed
significant agglomeration characteristics at all three geographical scales. Population density gradient tends to be
smooth with the expansion of geographical scale.
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Anomaly Detection Algorithm Based on Waterfall Hybrid Technology
WANG Ruxue, ZHANG Licui, LIU Shuqi
Journal of Jilin University(Information Science Ed. 2017, 35 (5):  544-550. 
Abstract ( 349 )   PDF (1004KB) ( 241 )  
iFores (isolation Forest) algorithm has a low detection ability for local outlier detection, and the
detection time of LOF (Local Outlier Factor) algorithm is longer, and a improved algorithm which can solve these
problems named iForest-WHT (isolation Forest based on Waterfall Hybrid Technology) is proposed. Based on the
idea of waterfall hybrid technology, the iForest algorithm is used as the filter, the split path is the threshold
judgment method, the data with path less than the threshold is put into the candidate anomaly subset. Then the
improved LOF algorithm considering the extreme value is used to refine the candidate anomaly subset to obtain
more accurate anomaly subset. The experimental results show that the algorithm can identify the outliers at higher
efficiency, improve the F 1 value of the algorithm and reduce the false alarm rate of the original LOF algorithm.
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Automatic Seizure Detection of Electroencephalogram Signals Based on Non-Negative Matrix Factorization
ZHANG Yuyan, CHEN Wanzhong, ZHANG Tao, LI Mingyang
Journal of Jilin University(Information Science Ed. 2017, 35 (5):  551-559. 
Abstract ( 267 )   PDF (3045KB) ( 173 )  
 In order to overcome the issue of high-dimensional features or unsatisfactory accuracy for epileptic
seizure detection, we put forward an automatic seizure detection algorithm based on FrFT (Fractional Fourier
Transform) and NMF ( Non-negative Matrix Factorization). Firstly, FrFT was applied on the raw EEG
(Electroencephalogram) to perform time-frequency concentration. Subsequently, STFT (Short-Time Fourier
Transform) was carried out to characterize the time-frequency distribution of concentrated EEG. The generated
time-frequency matrix was reshaped and then reduced by NMF. At last, SVM (Support Vector Machine) was
employed to classify extracted features. Experimental results indicate that the proposed method is capable of
identifying normal, inter-ictal and epileptic EEG with an accuracy of 98. 8%.
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Research on Data Integration of Information Resources Directory Based on MFI
YUAN Man,YU Yang,ZENG Chao,LIU Feng
Journal of Jilin University(Information Science Ed. 2017, 35 (5):  560-568. 
Abstract ( 261 )   PDF (4652KB) ( 113 )  
Along with the implementation of strategy’s action plan about national “Internet+”, the application of
“Two Depth Fusion” and Big Data in E&P enterprise, the group companies and branch continue to advance the
course of informatization, relatively inflexible and isolated architecture of information resource system can not meet
the business of enterprise development in sharing information resources demand. We combime the research of
information integration and ISO/ IEC series interoperability international standard, we based on integrated
integration, exchange and share as the way, international standard as the support and information resource directory
as the core of the semantic interoperability model, stand at the height of global enterprise to design information
resources integration architecture program. The innovation of this thesis is to achieve the standardized integration
by using the international advanced standard to realize the register of the information model and the mapping
model, and overcome the shortcomings of traditional project integration. The platform of sharing and exchanging
information of oil field information with the aim of open data is realized, which will lay an important foundation for
the next step to solve the problem of information integration from the “root” of E&P enterprise.
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Research on SpringMVC-based Multi-Platform J2EE Development
LI Xiao, REN Weizheng
Journal of Jilin University(Information Science Ed. 2017, 35 (5):  569-575. 
Abstract ( 416 )   PDF (1724KB) ( 370 )  
 To deal with request and response issues in multi-platform J2EE ( Java Enterprise Editon)
development, a development architecture approach based on SpringMVC is proposed. The approach’s core is
dispatcherServlet, which distributes requests to the server’s specific Controller depending on the type of client
then return different types of result as responses after processing. A system framework is implemented by this
approach, it makes use of the B/ S way, which uses server rather than client to complete business operations,
and client is used for displaying data. And a new cross-domain asynchronous data interaction method is put
forward. On the database side, Hibernate technology is used for data persistence, and native MySQL warm
backup tool is used to ensure data security; In transmission, HTTPS(Hyper Text Transfer Protocol over Secure
Socket Layer) is used for authentication and encrypted communications. The problem of performance is tested
and verified by a system checking.
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Network Intrusion Detection Based on Extreme Learning Machine and Principal Component Analysis
HUANG Sihui, CHEN Wanzhong, LI Jing
Journal of Jilin University(Information Science Ed. 2017, 35 (5):  576-583. 
Abstract ( 243 )   PDF (1592KB) ( 161 )  
Because the intrusion detection based on traditional BP (Back Propagation) neural network has
deficiency in the convergence speed and detection rate, a method based on ELM(Extreme Learning Machine)
using PCA(Principal Component Analysis) is proposed. We use PCA to reduce the dimension of the extracted
eigenmatrix and use ELM to detect four types of common attacks. The experimental results show that the accuracy
of the proposed method can reach 98. 337 5%, and the detection time is as fast as 1. 851 7 s. This method also
improves the detection rate and precision, and reduces the false positive rate and false negative rate. The
proposed method achieves the improvement of these six criterions.
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