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Journal of Jilin University (Information Science Edition)
ISSN 1671-5896
CN 22-1344/TN
主 任:田宏志
编 辑:张 洁 刘冬亮 刘俏亮
电 话:0431-5152552
地 址:长春市东南湖大路5377号

Table of Content
29 December 2017, Volume 35 Issue 6
Design and Application of Intelligent Measuring and Controlling Instrument for Micro-Drilling Test-Bed
YANG Yongsheng,GUO Shuxu,ZHOU Rongxuan,WANG Zhigang,GAO Ke
Journal of Jilin University(Information Science Ed. 2017, 35 (6):  585-589. 
Abstract ( 250 )   PDF (1568KB) ( 59 )  
 In order to overcome the shortcomings of the traditional micro-drilling test bed, the micro-controller
STC15F2K60S2 is the main control chip, and the embedded system is used as the core technology to design and
develop the intelligent micro-test platform. Combined with Internet technology, the key parameters of real-time
control and real-time data are collected and analyzed. In order to more easily analyze the different regions of the
rock sample data, in the traditional measurement and control instrument based on the addition of the positioning
module, through the UART (Universal Asynchronous Receiver Transmitter) interface and networking modules
and positioning module communication, and ultimately achieving remote control and control instrument and get
the data Features. The monitoring and control instrument have achieved the desired functional requirements for
the development and optimization of drilling tools with the application value.
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Design of Disturbance Monitoring System Based on Dual Mach-Zehnder Distributed Optical Fiber Sensing
CUI Guanglei, YI Wensuo, ZHANG Yehao, NIU Weicong
Journal of Jilin University(Information Science Ed. 2017, 35 (6):  590-596. 
Abstract ( 301 )   PDF (2542KB) ( 73 )  
 In order to solve the problem of low positioning accuracy in disturbance monitoring system, an
improved dual Mach-Zehnder distributed optical fiber sensing system is designed for real-time monitoring of
disturbances, which is based on the study of Mach-Zehnder fiber interferometer. The optical path difference in
the dual Mach-Zehnder optical fiber sensing system leads to the time difference, and then the system uses cross-
correlation algorithm to estimate the time difference, to ensure the perturbation point. The independently
designed the signal preprocessing circuit and filtering algorithm are realized through the Butterworth low-pass
filter filtering the high-frequency noise that above 3. 3 kHz. And via the embedded acquisition and processing
module the correlation is improved and positioning error is reduced. After repeated tests and data analysis, it is
shown that the system can be used for real-time disturbance monitoring and the positioning error is
about 5 meters.
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Design of APD Detection Circuit in Distribute Fiber Temperature Sensor System
NIU Weicong, YI Wensuo, WANG Jianing, CUI Guanglei
Journal of Jilin University(Information Science Ed. 2017, 35 (6):  597-602. 
Abstract ( 420 )   PDF (1604KB) ( 109 )  
 In order to improve the detection precision and increase the detection distance of the system, a APD
(Avalanche Photo Diode) detection circuit with better performance is designed. Firstly, the technical parameters
of photoelectric detector are analyzed. An avalanche diode with high responsiveness and wide bandwidth is
selected as the front end of the photoelectric conversion circuits. The multilevel amplification circuit with filtering
is designed, in which high precision and fast integrated operational amplification chip CLC425 is used.
Experimental results indicate that the circuit is stable and practicable. And it has the characteristics of fast
response speed, high precision and wide band (100 MHz), which can greatly improve the dynamic precision
and temperature range of Raman temperature system.
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DOA Estimation Algorithm Based on Improved Smoothed l 0 Norm
SHAN Zetao,LIU Xiaosong,SHAN Zebiao,CHEN Miao,SHI Yaowu
Journal of Jilin University(Information Science Ed. 2017, 35 (6):  603-607. 
Abstract ( 278 )   PDF (1118KB) ( 412 )  
In order to improve the estimation accuracy of the existing DOA (Direction of Arrival) estimation
algorithms based on compressive sensing, a DOA estimation algorithm based on Improved Smoothed l 0 norm is
proposed. Firstly, we construct a proper smooth continuous function and give a proper decreasing sequence of
sets {δ} which is [δ 1 ,δ 2 ,…,δ J ] based on the initial solution of receiving data to get the minimum value of
F δ (S) for every single δ by using steepest descent method, secondly we take this δ as the original value for the
next iteration, and then we get the minimal solution of the smooth continuous function which is the imminent
minimum l 0 norm by a number of iterations. At last, we verify this proposed algorithm by simulation experiments.
The results denote that the proposed algorithm can achieve more excellent estimation performance than OMP
(Orthogonal Matching Pursuit)algorithm under the condition of single-snapshot and can get simple process and
high precision.
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Analysis and Improvement of Forward-Secure Digital Signature Scheme
LI Jinyuan, MIAO Xianghua
Journal of Jilin University(Information Science Ed. 2017, 35 (6):  608-611. 
Abstract ( 306 )   PDF (632KB) ( 267 )  
 In order to solve the security problem of forward-secure digital signature scheme based on Elliptic
Curve Cryptography, we analyzed a forward-secure digital signature scheme based on elliptic curve cryptosystem,
and discovered some serious security vulnerability. We proposed a method that can forge signature to attack the
forward-secure digital signature based on elliptic curve cryptosystem, and prove the rationality and correctness.
We improved the scheme, and prove that the scheme of improvement can not forge signature by using the
proposed method.
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Hardware and Software Co-Simulation of RISC-V Processor with Five-Stage Pipeline
LI Dongze,CAO Kaining,QU Ming,WANG Fuxin
Journal of Jilin University(Information Science Ed. 2017, 35 (6):  612-616. 
Abstract ( 954 )   PDF (2079KB) ( 359 )  
To fill the blank of domestic RISC-V (Reduced Instruction Set Computer-Five) processor field and
optimize processor performance, the open source three-stage pipeline RISC-V processor VScale is extended to the
five-stage pipeline processor. Firstly, the difference between the three-stage and the five-stage pipeline are
compared. To solve the five-level pipeline data-related issues, the five-stage adventure detection and bypass unit
for the five-stage pipeline are designed. Peripheral (LCD1602, UART) controllers for the processor are also
implemented. The co-simulation of hardware and software are implemented on an FPGA (Field-Programmable
Gate Array)development board. Simulation results show that the extended processor is running normally, and
running faster than the original processor about 30%.
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Feature Extraction Method for Gasoline Direct Injection Spray Image
SHANG Weiwei,REN Tonghui
Journal of Jilin University(Information Science Ed. 2017, 35 (6):  617-622. 
Abstract ( 291 )   PDF (2040KB) ( 84 )  
 In order to solve the problem that the spray image acquired through visual fuel injection image
acquisition system is low contrast and the boundary is not clear. A binarization algorithm of adaptive threshold
value based on equalization histogram is presented. According to the histogram properties of the aerosol image
enhanced by contrast enhancement, the algorithm can get the adaptive binarization threshold. According to the
binarization result, the image contour is extracted, the nozzle position, spray image outermost tangent, and spray
farthest point position can also be detected automatically while the two characteristic parameters of spray image
the spray penetration and spray angle can be calculated. 25 images collected in a whole process of fuel injection
are processed. The experimental results show that the method can extract the contour of the spray image more
clearly and accurately. The trend of change in the spray penetration and the spray angle is in accordance with the
theoretical value.
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Robust L 1 Filtering for Switched Systems Subject to Sensor Saturation
LI Yanhui, ZHANG Guoxun
Journal of Jilin University(Information Science Ed. 2017, 35 (6):  623-628. 
Abstract ( 219 )   PDF (983KB) ( 121 )  
In order to solve the problem of sensor saturation constraints, a robust L 1 filter for a class of nonlinear
time-delay switching systems is studied. The nonlinear switched systems with nonlinear time-delay satisfy
lipschitz constraint condition and norm bounded uncertainties. By constructing a delay-dependent Lyapunov
function and utilizing the minimum average dwell time method, a delay-dependent peak-to-peak(L 1 ) criterion is
established for the nonlinear delay switched systems subject to sensor saturation, the design of filter is converted
into a convex optimization problem of solving a set of linear matrix inequalities. Finally, a simulation example
illustrates the effectiveness of the proposed approach.
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Photovoltaic Grid Connected System Based on Improved Sliding Mode Control
LIU Wei, SONG Wei, LIU Zhijie
Journal of Jilin University(Information Science Ed. 2017, 35 (6):  629-635. 
Abstract ( 251 )   PDF (2502KB) ( 90 )  
In order to solve the chattering problem of sliding mode control, a three-phase voltage inverter based on
improved sliding mode variable structure is designed for photovoltaic grid-connected control system. The existence
of the switching function is deduced by using the sliding mode switching function, the obtained sliding mode
switching function is “expanded冶, and the incremental distance is obtained through adaptive control to stabilize the
output voltage, the total harmonic distortion is reduced, and the sliding mode control of the chattering problem is
solved. The theory analyzes the transient performance of sliding mode variable structure control strategy
contrastively in the Matlab platform. The result indicates that the output voltage improved is more stable, the total
harmonic distortion is reduced to below 0.62% and the problem of chattering in sliding mode control is solved.
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Research on Impacts of Parameters of Electric Vehicles Involving Wireless Charging System on Coupling Ability
TAO Guobin, LIU Xingxing, WANG Yiting, GAI Di, NIU Shaoxiong
Journal of Jilin University(Information Science Ed. 2017, 35 (6):  636-642. 
Abstract ( 379 )   PDF (1689KB) ( 306 )  
In order to improve the coupling capability of electric vehides involving wireless charging system to
enhance the transmission efficiency of the system, we summarized the existing WPT ( Wireless Power
Transmission) modes, introduced the working principle of ICPT(Inductive Coupled Power Transfer) system,
established the mutual inductance mathematical model of ICPT system with magnetic core, and analyzed the
relationship among mutual inductance, property of magnetic core, property of coil, axis offset distance and
magnetic shielding effect of loosely coupled transformer with different structures. The simulation results show that
the influence of core attributes on mutual inductance is limited, the influence of coil property on mutual
inductance has no upper limit, and the ICPT system with a magnetic stripe core at transmitter and a disk core at
receiver can satisfy the power supply demand and the electromagnetic shielding requirement of electric charging
system of electric vehicle.
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Simulation of Double Closed Loop Speed Regulating System with Current Hysteresis Tracking Control
LI Chao,MA Zhi,DUAN Qingming
Journal of Jilin University(Information Science Ed. 2017, 35 (6):  643-649. 
Abstract ( 394 )   PDF (2649KB) ( 97 )  
 In order to improve the anti-jamming capability and improve the dynamic performance, current
hysteresis and speed outer ring composed of induction motor double closed-loop control are used to further
improve the motor dynamic characteristics and anti-interference ability. When the load of 1. 5 s was changed from
15 N·m to 30 N·m, the speed remained constant at 1 400 r/ min, and can strengthen the flux linkage control.
We construct the multiple closed-loop control based on dynamic model of the asynchronous motor speed control
system. It is concluded that by using this control method the motor dynamic performance is better, and flux
linkage locus is more close to round.
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Multiple Feature Fusion and Recognition of Thyroid Nodule Ultrasound Image
WANG Xin, LI Liang, YIN Xiaotong, LI Mengshuo, ZENG Chaowei, AI Yongxin
Journal of Jilin University(Information Science Ed. 2017, 35 (6):  650-655. 
Abstract ( 441 )   PDF (1088KB) ( 74 )  
In order to distinguish the benign or malignant thyroid nodules more accurately, we propose the
texture feature extraction algorithm based on improved CLBP (Completed Local Binary Pattern) model and
GLCM (Gray Level Co-occurrence Matrix) model. Firstly, the local variance information is introduced into the
traditional CLBP model to make the CLBP operator describe the local texture features more precisely. Then, it
is combined with the global texture features described by the GLCM model. Finally, the shape features such as
aspect ratio, roundness and compactness are combined and input to the SVM (Support Vector Machine)
classifier. In order to further improve the recognition rate, the SVM parameter optimization algorithm based on
particle swarm optimization combining with grid searching is proposed. The experimental results show that the
feature extracted by the algorithm presented in this paper has higher recognition rate for classification and
recognition, and the proposed parameter optimization algorithm is more efficient than the traditional ones.
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Security API for Remote Relief System Based on TLS and JWT
WANG Yu,NING Kexin,ZHU Leilei
Journal of Jilin University(Information Science Ed. 2017, 35 (6):  656-661. 
Abstract ( 311 )   PDF (2001KB) ( 107 )  
 In order to design and develop a real-time and efficient remote rescue system to meet the needs of
users in the privacy security, this paper designed and implemented a set of relatively safe API (Application
Programming Interface). The safety interface is through the TLS (Transport Layer Security) technology and
JSON (Java Script Object Notation) Web socket Token verification technology, through the double authentication
mechanism in the HTTP transport layer encryption and user permissions token verification to build relatively safe
access mode for API users. Through the related system security testing and analysis, the system can realize the
security of information transmission interface based on the function of the communication between the monitor and
the monitor, information release and positioning.
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Study of Project Management for Universities Based on Big Data Technology
Journal of Jilin University(Information Science Ed. 2017, 35 (6):  662-669. 
Abstract ( 298 )   PDF (1431KB) ( 79 )  
In order to improve the quality of postgraduate education in China, based on the technology of big
data, we combine the features of the project management mode of German graduate education to initially establish
the informational platform of graduate quality detecting and information services with a specific research plan,
and put forward opinions on how such a mode inspires the graduate education in China. It also provides a
reference for the realization of individualized education and the development of information technology in
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Research on Ontology Description and Reasoning of Data Quality Constraint Rules
YUAN Man, XIE Lan, ZHANG Xiaoran
Journal of Jilin University(Information Science Ed. 2017, 35 (6):  670-677. 
Abstract ( 352 )   PDF (3320KB) ( 164 )  
In order to solve the semantic complexity description and rapid extraction of constraint rule in data
quality, the ontology was introduced to describe the semantic relation of constraint rules of data quality and other
factors. The idea of meta-ontology is proposed, the core vocabularies of data quality domain are refined, and
according to relevant standards, a meta-ontology which is independent of domain is constructed. A specific
domain can instantiate the meta ontology model into a quality ontology to describe the data in the domain as
needed, which solves the problem of lexical sharing and explicit description in the field of data quality, and
makes the problem of data quality complex constraint rule semantic description to be resolved. Finally, based on
the data of the oil field, the quality ontology model of the oil field is defined according to the proposed mass
ontology meta-model, and the reasoning rules are defined. Based on the Jena reasoning machine, the rationality
of the constructed data quality ontology is verified, which greatly improves the efficiency of constraint rule
extraction in data quality assessment.
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Study on Method of Overcoming False Sharing Cache in Multiprocessor System
TANG Junqi,ZHENG Zhiming
Journal of Jilin University(Information Science Ed. 2017, 35 (6):  678-683. 
Abstract ( 236 )   PDF (836KB) ( 53 )  
In order to solve the false sharing phenomenon of multiprocessor system in access to shared data, the
generation mechanism is put forward to overcome the cache in a multiprocessor system false sharing method: the
critical use of technology in the UNIX system of the UNIX process, all the calculation is divided into several
parts, each part are arranged in one process, each process will put their results to the cumulative results, the
final results. The memory unit that stores the final result should be shared by several processes and protected by
the lock mechanism. Simulation results show that the proposed method can eliminate the ping-pong effect of
multiprocessor system and improve the calculating speed of the whole system.
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