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Journal of Jilin University (Information Science Edition)
ISSN 1671-5896
CN 22-1344/TN
主 任:田宏志
编 辑:张 洁 刘冬亮 刘俏亮
电 话:0431-5152552
地 址:长春市东南湖大路5377号

Table of Content
20 May 2009, Volume 27 Issue 03
Removal Method of Industrial Frequency Harmonics in Nuclear Magnetic Resonance
 Signal Based on Adaptive Filter
TIAN Bao-feng|DUAN Qing-ming
J4. 2009, 27 (03):  223. 
Abstract ( 1172 )  

To remove the noise interference in NMR (Nuclear Magnetic Resonance) signal,espe
cially the industrial frequency harmonics noise interference near larmor frequen
cy,the noise removal method based on adaptive filter was researched.Based
on introducing the basic principles of adaptive noise filtering,the simulation p
erformance of adaptive notch filter was studied.And the method was appli
ed to removing the industrial frequency harmonics noise interference of the actu
al NMR signal.The study shows that compared with the traditional notch filter,ad
aptive notch filter can automatically track the frequency and phase of the inter
ference,and that it also brings small distortion and 5% of high precision of the
 amplitude  error and relaxation time error after the envelope fitting for
the signal filtered.So the adaptive notch filter can effectively remove the
industrial frequency harmonics interference.

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Electromagnetic Compatible and Systematic Dependability Design
ZHANG Qing-shan,ZHAO Wan-zhang,ZHANG Xue-feng
J4. 2009, 27 (03):  229. 
Abstract ( 1053 )  

In order to build a system reliability model, put forward the work of electromagnetic environment on system to deal with the tasks and objectives of the program, identify the role of uniteds basic point, and electromagnetic compatibility of equipment quality factor. Engineering and design department should be the question of electromagnetic compatibility analysis and prediction to the basic job requirements and simulation of electromagnetic environment, the formulation and revision of equipment specification. Through the system reliability model examples for the communications operator, engineering and equipment production provide new ideas for reference.

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Applying Wavelet De-Noising to Passive Location Technology Based on Phase Difference Rate of Change
SONG De-liang,ZHANG Guo-yi,QI Li-jun
J4. 2009, 27 (03):  235. 
Abstract ( 1026 )  

In practice the phase difference measuring error with phase-interferometer is so great that we cant acquire precise phase difference rate of change,and the location precision declines rapidly.A method is presented,which makes use of wavelet threshold de-noising algorithm to level off the metrical phase difference and metrical phase difference rate of change.Consequently the radiant point target can be located with high speed and precision in  case of great measuring error of phase difference.Simulations show that this method can reach 5% relative location precision in 50 s when measuring error of phase difference is 0.366 5 rad.

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Design and Simulation of |Inverted Pendulum Control
WANG Chun-min,LUAN Hui,YANG Hong-ying
J4. 2009, 27 (03):  242. 
Abstract ( 9344 )  

The second order mathematical models of inverted pendulum system are expatiated in this paper based on the theory of LQOC(Linear Quadratic Optimal Control), LQY(Linear-Quadratic Yield) controller and LQR(Linear-Quadratic Regulator) are designed to make the inverted pendulum system closed loop stable. The control process of inverted pendulums are simulated under two controller according to the Matlab 6.5 environment, the result indicates that linear-quadratic yield controller has potential advantages over the LQR.

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Research and Application of pushlet Network Push Technology
JIN Yu-shan|HUANG Yong-ping|FU Qing-xing
J4. 2009, 27 (03):  248. 
Abstract ( 1201 )  

To resolve the disadvantage of traditional server-client request-response mode,the pushlet technology which is a kind of network push technology is studied,with which the server can push variant data to client browser actively which is also called push mode. An online foodstuff-price real-time publishing system based on the pushlet technology is designed and realized. The system server uses pushlet technology, the client technology  used is dynamic pages.By test and measuring, it is only 15% communication overload of tradition pulling mode by using the pushlet technology. The pushlet technology has solved the disadvantage that the traditional B/S mode network applications couldnt update real-time data  and have heavy communication overload when updating.

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Research and Comparison of Integration Technology of EJB3.0
ZHANG Li-hua|JU Miao|LIU Shu-fen2
J4. 2009, 27 (03):  254. 
Abstract ( 991 )  

In order to solve the single form and the huge complexity existed in the integration process of the enterprise application.The integration methods based on EJB3.0(Enterprise JavaBeans) are also discussed. According to the characteristics of EJB3.0,the integration modes and the implementation of the three integration methods are presented. Based on the above studies, a comparison is made,and the superiorities and deficiencies of each integration methods and their application scope are discussed. By studying and comparing the integration methods of EJB3.0, the solution of how to use these methods rationally in practice is given. Combining with the theory of services oriented architecture and the integration methods of EJB3.0, the analysis of their relations is given, and a referential suggestion of how to adopt the integration methods in SOA(Services Oriented Architecture) is provided.

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E-Commerce Recommendation Algorithm Based on On-line Client Emotion Energy Sensory Extensions
WANG Zheng|GU An-ping|LIU Xin-song
J4. 2009, 27 (03):  262. 
Abstract ( 1098 )  

Based on data mining methods, traditional e-commerce recommendation algorithms work unreal-timely and imprecisely. In order to solve the problems, an improved algorithm ESER was presented, which utilized emotion energy sensory extensions to measure online-client emotion and to manage shopping tendencies. Then it classified ware characteristics and matched them with shopping information in a uniform emotion energy and ware characteristic space. Performance analysis and simulation results show that it can provide better real-time and customer satisfaction than the traditional does. And it can match customers and wares better than the traditional does.

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Pupil Precise Localization Method Based on Symmetry Transform
ZHANG Yong-zhong|LIU Fu|SUN Ling-ming|TANG Chao
J4. 2009, 27 (03):  268. 
Abstract ( 910 )  

Based on advanced symmetry transform,a pupil localization method was studied.In
order to solve low accuracy problem of localization because of reflection of lig
ht bringing of glasses,overspread of eyes and closed eyes,etc, the symmetry transfor
m method was improved based on different gradient information between area of pu
pil and area of reflecting light of glasses.In order to improve accuracy of loca
lization,a self evaluation method was applied.Experiment results o
f collected pictures and pictures in library showed that the method can localize the situation of pupil precisely

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Application of Apriori Association Rules in Teachers Classroom Dia
ZUO Xin|ZHANG Yan-ling|LI Da-wei
J4. 2009, 27 (03):  273. 
Abstract ( 869 )  

To improve the studentss cognitive ability and language acquisition during tea
ching process,the Apriori association rules are applied to study the distribution
 characteristics of English teachers oral corpus and build the associations of
 interrogative,directive verb and mother tongue.Based on Blooms cognitive deve
lopment types theory,contrastive comparison is proposed to analyze the relations
hip between learners thinking ability and cognitive ability.Experimental resul
ts have proved the applicability and feasibility of Apriori algorithm

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Reserch of Mobile Learning Platform Based on WAP
XU Yi-bo,ZHONG Shao-chun
J4. 2009, 27 (03):  278. 
Abstract ( 860 )  

The impact of mobile learning has been the development of the important factors.3G technology is used to solve network congestion problems, and to build a truly useroriented, “fat server, thin end” of mobile learning system, a WAP(Wireless Application Protocol)based mobile learning system. Then the paper clarifies the models design principles and architecture, and introduces the main function of each module. Also it discusses the key technology in design and implementation. For the realization of the system to provide users with “fool” type of mobile service laid the foundation for learning.

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Use Dynamic Map and Field of Force to Control |Particle Emissions in 3ds Max
SUN Jing-hua, JIN Hong-yan,CHEN Xiao-hui
J4. 2009, 27 (03):  283. 
Abstract ( 971 )  

 In order to enhance the research and development of the particle system in teaching and practice of 3ds Max, a method was put forward  to use dynamic map and field of force to control the particle emissions and the relation was researched. The method  makes the geometry gradually becoming transparent from left to right, that is disappearing through the production of black and white dynamic map in control of the launch location of particles,and makes the particles flying all over the sky through setting field of force on the particle system, such as gravity, wind, force,PBomb,so it make the particle to be fantasy. Through designing the desertification words,it concludes that dynamic map controls geometry disappearing and sets the location of the particle,the field of force controls the state of the particle launching, the three constraint and affect each other.

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SuperResolution Enhancement of CR Based on Frequency Domain Mult
i-Scale Wavelet Transformation
XING Min,LIU Zhi-yong,LI Zhe
J4. 2009, 27 (03):  289. 
Abstract ( 925 )  

For the purpose of improving the resolution of CR(Computed Radiography) images,we present a
new method based on wavelettransform.The grey level of image is segmented by low
 frequency coefficient,high frequency coefficient is strengthened  and
a new enhanced strategy of coefficient is given.The algorithm confirmati
on has executed to the CR perspective image of the chest,the image
visual effect has been improved,and the algorithm accuracy and the validity has been confirmed.

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Blind Identification for Digital Images Based on Inconsistency of Illuminant Direction
L Ying-da,SHEN Xuan-jing,CHEN Hai-peng,WANG You-wei
J4. 2009, 27 (03):  293. 
Abstract ( 984 )  

Image tampering will destroy the light coherence of natural images. In order to ensure the security of image content, this paper presents a blind identification method based on the consistency of illuminant direction to identify the image authenticity. In accordance with the error function between the measured intensity and calculated intensity, and the regularization terms for different source models, this method estimates the illuminant direction for images of different source models. Analyzing if the illumination directions between different objects and background in one image are consistent to determine whether the image has been tampered with. Experimental results show that the correct detection rates for blind identification technology for digital images based on infinite light source model has reached up to 81.8%. In addition, experiments also show the effectiveness of blind identification base on local light source and composite light sources.

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 Point-Cell Recognition and Detecting Realization Based on Feature Selection Algorithm
WANG Feng,LIU Xiao-dan,HUANG Wan-feng
J4. 2009, 27 (03):  299. 
Abstract ( 998 )  

In order to solve automatic Identification and detection of point cell under the similar blood environment  achieving the goal of cells information state fast statistic function,and avoid artificial error to Raise manually identification and counting efficiency of point-cell, reduce artificial statistical error, reach rapid and automatic, accurate statistics state of point-cell information, a reasonable point-cell recognition and matching flow is designed. By analyzing point-cell background image field, with its image corresponding segmentation and binarization are done, eliminating its noise disturbance; using the feature selection operator to get some cellular information space based on detail feature extraction, feature extraction has some related relation with feature space transformation which included rigid transformation, affine transformation, projection transformation and nonlinear transformation.By improving the tradition search for the computing technology excellently through decision with vectorial characteristic, large amount of information from being inquired about redundantly has been reduced; to use the optimization search of spatial decision-making performance function it also could reduce feature extraction computation load which enhanced accuracy function of point-cell recognition and position localization. Its technology can be gradually applied to cells path tracing, identification, counting in liquid environment and other domains.

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Hyperspectral Image Lossless Compression Algorithm Based on Bidirectional Interband Prediction
WANG Lang|GUO Shu-xu
J4. 2009, 27 (03):  304. 
Abstract ( 1004 )  

To improve the real-time performance of the current compression algorithms on hyperspectral image, a new lossless compression method based on prediction tree with error variances compensated for hyperspectral image is proposed. The method incorporates prediction tree and adaptive interband prediction techniques.The bidirectional interband prediction to current band is applied to hyperspectral image compression. The error created by prediction tree is compensated by linear adaptive predictor which de-correlates spectral statistic redundancy. In consideration of the complexity for the coefficients calculation, a correlation-driven adaptive estimator is designed with which parameters are uniquely determined by the previously coded pixels. After de-correlating intraband and interband redundancy, an efficient wavelet coding method, SPIHT (Set Partitioning in Hierarchical Trees), is used to encode residual image. The experiments show that the proposed method achieves both low overhead and high compression ratio in comparison with the popular lossless compression algorithm.

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Differential Power Analysis and Countermeasure for RSA  
SUN Hai-tao,ZHAO Qiang,MA Yu-xin
J4. 2009, 27 (03):  309. 
Abstract ( 811 )  

To carry out the attacks of RSA CMOS(Complementary Metal Oxide Semiconductor) chips, the paper has investigated the theory of the differential power analysis based on the power consumption of cipher chip. And taking the RSA cipher algorithm as goal, the paper has finished the experiment of the differential power analysis attack.The paper proposes a randomized masking method as countermeasure.

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Application of RTI in MDABased Simulation
LIU Jie| BAI Yan-qi| ZHANG Nan
J4. 2009, 27 (03):  314. 
Abstract ( 914 )  

The combination of MDA(Model Driven Architecture) and HLA(High Level Architecture) is the need of HLA development. MDA-based HLA simulation Framework is put forwards.The Domain partition of such framework is analyzed in detail. In that framework, RTI(Run-Time Infrastructure) is regard as a subdomain in the service domain, not a platform as usual. But it is more benefit for the model reusability. At last, the integration method of RTI domain models and application models is provided. This method is a new thought for the application of MDA in HLA.This method is a new thought for the application of MDA in HLA.It makes the coupling between simulation models and HLA/RIT lower,which is a good way for enhancing the reaseability of the simulation models.

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Technology of Expert System Based on Neural Network
ZHANG Jie, GAO Xian-jun, YAO Jin-bo,ZHANG Zhuo
J4. 2009, 27 (03):  319. 
Abstract ( 956 )  

The traditional fault diagnosis methods have the shortcomings that the diagnosis speed is slow and it was hard to accurately fix the faults taking place at one time when it is diagnosing the complicated system or equipment,a design which mixes the expert system and neural network together is proposed, and a fault diagnosis expert system is established based on artificial neural network. The high-speed diagnosis for faults taking place is realized by theoretical analysis and emulation experiment, and the results show that this fault diagnosis method is effective to solve the issue, and provides an effective amelioration method for keeping equipment reliable and efficient displaying functions.

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Design of Underhandedness Information Transmission System with Local Area Network
SHEN Hong,FAN Ya-qin
J4. 2009, 27 (03):  324. 
Abstract ( 954 )  

Aim to enterprise LAN(Local Area Network) for transmission of confidential information, the use of access control policy and information strategy for the combination of encryption theory, in order to prevent the illegal intruder to steal information or changes in the overall surveillance network encryption and information security, in the secure transmission system (hardware) use the firewall IP(Internet Protocol)address and MAC(Media Access Control)  address binding+based on the switch port  MAC address binding with the secondary network management control system; file encryption/decryption (software) system uses the DES(Data Encryption Standard) algorithm for the design of the symmetry of the confidentiality of information transmission software.With an emphasis on the implementation of several hardware, DES encryption/decryption algorithm and operating procedures, in order to facilitate the implementation of enterprise systems to reduce the development cycle. Since the DES encryption/decryption process is simple, improve the system of confidential information in the encryption/decryption speed of the system of price. This system in the transmission of information security has  the user requirements and has beenused in a number of enterprise local area network applications.

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Research and Implementation of Dynamic Alliance System Based on J2EE Platform
WANG Rui-juan, ZHAO Dong-fan
J4. 2009, 27 (03):  329. 
Abstract ( 976 )  

In order to optimize resources and to collaborate between dynamic alliance enterprises, functions on dynamic alliance system were designed and system was implemented successfully on J2EE(Java 2 Platform Enterprise Edition). The system was four-tier browser/server system architecture according to J2EE framework. And design patterns such as Session Facade, Composite Entity, value object etc were applied. The system has good reusability, maintainability, and reduced network load and improved resource utilization because of the system design and implementation approach. The geographically dispersed alliance-enterprises could use the system as a reference in design, manufacture or assembly collaboratively complex products (such as auto parts).

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