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Journal of Jilin University (Information Science Edition)
ISSN 1671-5896
CN 22-1344/TN
主 任:田宏志
编 辑:张 洁 刘冬亮 刘俏亮
电 话:0431-5152552
地 址:长春市东南湖大路5377号

Table of Content
20 July 2009, Volume 27 Issue 04
Design of SNMR FID Signal Collection System Based on Analog Orthogonal Vector Lock-in Amplifier
LI Xiao-ming,DUAN Qing-ming,WANG Xiao-guang
J4. 2009, 27 (04):  335. 
Abstract ( 894 )  

In order to inverse to obtain undergeound water information, determine quantity of groundwater and structure information of stratum, according to multiplicative orthogonal vector lock-in amplifier principle, SNMR(Surface Nuclear Magnetic Resonance)  signal collection system based on analog orthogonal vector lock-in amplifier has been designed. Taking advantage of CPLD(Complex Programmable Logic Device) and D/A converter, SNMR signal and reference signal multiplies to achieve signal orthogonal functions. The free induction decay FID(Free Induction Decay) signal is extracted and then the water parameters of SNMR detecting are obtained. The hardware and software of the analog orthogonal method are simple and the SNR(Signal-to-Noise Ratio) is advanced. After field tests, the SNMR FID signal collection system using the analog orthogonal is tested in the practice detecting groundwater. According to different Lamor frequency, sampling frequency can be adjusted at 250~1 000 Hz by programming.

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Research on Performance Improvement of WiMAX System by Cognitive Radio
HUANG Qiu-yan,XIE Xian-zhong
J4. 2009, 27 (04):  341. 
Abstract ( 998 )  

The spectrum resource of WiMAX system is very scarce. How to improve the spectrum utilization and reduce interference with other systems to achieve co-existence needs to be resolved. The performance and spectrum utilization improvement of WiMAX system is studied by using periodogram detection and spectrum pool technology. WiMAX systems 802.16e baseband link is used, and channel model is M.1225 VA channel. In the spectrum sensing module, spectrum model is the sum of 256 Rayleigh fading signal sine whose frequency bins are independent of each other. The space between frequency bins is 8 sub-carrier spaces. Before the transmission of each data frame, secondary user use periodogram detection technology to detect spectrum hole, then transmit data on the spectrum hole by spectrum pool technology. The simulation results show that using cognitive radio technology reduces the interference to secondary user and avoid influencing on prime user. The spectrum utilization and performance of WiMAX system is also greatly improved.

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Circuit Design for Multimedia E1 Transmission Based on PM4351
ZHANG Yan,ZHU Yu-hong,LI Kun-he,WANG Hui
J4. 2009, 27 (04):  347. 
Abstract ( 824 )  

With the development of multimedia technology, the demand of the transmission of multimedia data through the E1 circuit in real time is gradually increasing. Most of the existing system devide E1 transmission equipment is seperated from multimedia processing equipment, so the design of multimedia data transmission circuit wes TMS320DM642 as the main CPU and based on the PM4351 of chip E1. In hardware design, CPU connected with PM4351 chip by McBSP(Multiple channel Buffer Serial Port) and used bus interface to configure date, achieveing the multimedia data transmission functions of the E1 interface. The software design includes driver design, E1 configuration, transmitting and receiving data. Experiment shows that verification, the E1 subslot manner can be used to send and receive data in the circuit.

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Study of Rainfall Attenuation Characteristics of Ku-Band Satellite Link
KANG Jian, LI Xin|GAO Huan
J4. 2009, 27 (04):  354. 
Abstract ( 779 )  

In order to understand the rainfall attenuation characteristics of satellite link, the automatic observation system for satellite link Ku-band is designed and realized.We gained the distribution characteristics of rainfall attenuation and rainfall attenuation rate change of Ku-band in Changchun by observing the level of beaconing of AsiaSat-3S(105.5°E) Satellite consecutively. It can provide theoretical gist for realizing attenuation compensation better.

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 Improved Algorithm of Empirical Mode Decomposition Based on Extension Technique
XU Shi-yan
J4. 2009, 27 (04):  359. 
Abstract ( 876 )  

In order to restrain the endpoints effect of empirical mode decomposition, an interpolation manner which was used to add the sampling points was presented. Algorithms of mirror based extension have been discussed; meanwhile their limitations have been pointed out. And an end extremum envelope extension algorithm has been presented. Simulation results show that end extremum envelope extension is an efficient and excellent method to eliminate end effect.Extremum envelope extension algorithm saves about half of the space of the mirror.

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Masquerade Prevention of Mobile Telephones Based on  Bidirectional Information Verification Mechanism
TIAN Xin-guang, CHENG Xue-qi, DUAN Mi-yi, LIAO Rui,LIU Yue
J4. 2009, 27 (04):  366. 
Abstract ( 914 )  

The existing methods for mobile phones in the practical application of the security have some disadvantages, a new mobile phone terminal security authentication method and design realization of SMS(Short Message Service)-based mobile phone platform and database security authentication system are provided; preset text messages through mobile phones and ultra-boot automatically send information to achieve the initiative phone sold the collection, and data encryption based on protection and database query to verify the checksum of the two-way mechanism for information security confirmed that compared with traditional methods greatly improved the reliability of mobile security at the same time facilitate the sales information on timely and accurate collection and analysis.

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Database System Oil Resource Potential Based on SOA and GIS
WANG Yong-zhi,ZHANG Dao-yong,PAN Mao
J4. 2009, 27 (04):  371. 
Abstract ( 874 )  

The academia always focus on the key issue that is integration and share of geological data.A new method to integrate the geoscience data based on SOA(Service-Oriented Architecture) and ArcGIS server were introduced.It is highly scalable, flexible and strong. It gives the data model of potential of oils mineral resources designed with object-oriented and spatial characteristics of Oracle 11g. The system architecture based on SOA uses Web Services as the basic components to centralize the functions of data access and application computing to cooperate with each other to fulfill the requirements of customers. The system has two clients: C/S(Client/Server)and B/S(Browser/Server), they are all implemented by C# programming language. They are developed based on ArcGIS Engine and ArcGIS Server respectively. The application result shows that the system  meets the prospective goal, and it can be integrated with other systems neatly.

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Research of Emergency Public Incident Response Platform System
DONG Li-yan, LI Zhen, WANG Li-min, ZHANG Hai-long
J4. 2009, 27 (04):  377. 
Abstract ( 738 )  

In order to improve response capability to public emergency incident and achieve cooperation of multi-level and multi-department, we designed the public emergency response platform system. This system adopted J2EE(Java2 Platform Enterprise Edition) model and MVC(Model View Controller) frame, and it has strengthened the systems robustness, maintainability and scalability. It was proved that it has met the needs of emergency-related departments to some extent and makes a foundation for relevant departments to carry out work effectively.

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Research on Security of Telecommunication Accounting System
JIANG Qian| HU Liang| ZHAO Kuo| NURBOL|WANG Cheng-ming
J4. 2009, 27 (04):  383. 
Abstract ( 1160 )  

In order to solve the problem of high missing alarm rate when the intrusion detection system works with fragment attack under the strong background traffic, the main parameters of evaluation of intrusion detection system are summarized, on top of which the test structure of Nidsbench platform is discussed and improved. Experimental results indicate a decrease missing alarm rate has been achieved using improved test structure (from 19%~49% to 4%~8%), which proves the effectiveness.

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Status of Intrusion Tolerance
ZHANG Yun-ying|NURBOL|WANG Cheng-ming|JIANG Qian|HU Liang
J4. 2009, 27 (04):  389. 
Abstract ( 1065 )  

In order to ensure the security of the information under the environment of complex network, intrusion tolerance is a good completement and the central issue of network security in recent years. The related theory of intrusion tolerance is illustrated, then  the status and related application of intrusion tolerance are studied, at last  the problems and future of intrusion tolerance are discussed. As the core of the 3rd generation information security, intrusion tolerance can prevent the intrusion effectively, it has a wide prospect.

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Information Extraction Based on Character Extraction and HMM
JI Xiang,LIU Hua-xiao,WU Fen-fen,LIU Lei
J4. 2009, 27 (04):  396. 
Abstract ( 1149 )  

An improved HMM(Hidden Markov Models) was proposed for text information extraction by utilizing the semanteme characteristic and structure characteristic of the text to make certain the states with characteristic. We carry on extracting the remainder states having no characteristic with the improved HMM. It can solve the problem which the recall rate and the precision rate are not high in information extraction.We have tested 100 pieces of headers of computer science paper of the data provided by the search-engine research group from CMU(Carnegie Mellon Univerisity) of USA.The result shows that the recall and precision rate are all improved compared with existing methods which are based on words and traditional HMM.Recall rate and precision rate are 91.99%and 94.79%.

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Research of 3D Reconstruction Based on Structured Light and Sequence Images
TENG Shi-ming, WANG Sen, XU Zhi-wen
J4. 2009, 27 (04):  400. 
Abstract ( 913 )  

3D reconstruction technology of object surface has the widespread application in many domains. In the process of reconstructing object surface based on images, stereo matching from different images is the most important and difficult problem in 3D reconstruction. To solve the problem and reconstructing object surface quickly, we use projector to project structured light on 3D object. We get good active clue feature in images by using improved Canny edge detection algorithm, thinning algorithm and correction algorithm. We propose an image matching algorithm based on image characteristic. A system of 3D modeling is implemented using sequence images. The system obtains the 3D data in fast speed and good precision.

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Target Recognition Based on Intuitionistic Fuzzy Comprehensive Evaluation
ZHANG Jin,CHEN Dong-feng
J4. 2009, 27 (04):  407. 
Abstract ( 781 )  

The observation collected by sensors in target recognition system may be fuzzy and conflict. Aimed at this problem, this paper presents a new method based on intuitionistic fuzzy comprehensive evaluation. The new mathematical model of comprehensive evaluation is proposed for intuitionistic fuzzy sets, an improved maximum-membership method using the composition of membership and hesitancy degree is also proposed. The performance of the proposed approach is examined through experiments. The results indicate that the proposed recognition method can effectively solve the conflict information, and the combination results are rational.

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Modeling for Communication Equipment Maintenance Support System Based on HTPN
ZHAO Xiao-ming, GAO Xian-jun, LIANG Guang-dong
J4. 2009, 27 (04):  412. 
Abstract ( 1003 )  

In order to adjust and optimize resources in communication equipment maintenance support system,according DEVS(Discrete EVent System Specifications) and time petri net theory, a model for communication equipment maintenance support system based on hierarch structure is established. A model for communication equipment maintenance support system based on HTPN(Hierarchy Time Petri Net) is established. The method which applied complex place and sub-Petri net conquered to the shortage of modeling of communication equipment system based on Petri net, the model becomes directly perceptible and simple and is fit to be analyzed and simulated. The model can be used to analyze the shortest time for equipment maintenance. At last the application of the model is discussed. This conclusion can provide the decision-maker of equipment maintenance with support and also can improve the ability of equipment maintenance with support.

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Cost-Sensitive Classification Algorithm Based on Gene Expression Programming
WU Jiang, LI Tai-yong, LIU Yang-yang|TANG Chang-jie
J4. 2009, 27 (04):  418. 
Abstract ( 1059 )  

To improve the classification precision of rare class problem, by importing cost matrix and fitness function of GEP (Gene Expression Programming), we propose a  CSC-GEP(Cost-Sensitive Classification-Gene Expression Programming) . The experiments carried on benchmark datasets from the UCI machine learning repository show that CSC-GEP is effective. CSC-GEP increases the recall rate, precision and F-measure by 7.07%, 2.89%, and 5.12% respectively compared with C4.5.

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Intelligent GPRS Communication System Based on AT Set
HUANG Yu-lan,LIU Jing,WANG Hong-ge,LI Zhi-jun
J4. 2009, 27 (04):  424. 
Abstract ( 822 )  

 In order to insure the security and confidentiality of the individual wireless communication, we propose a new solution to realize intelligent communication by using GPRS(General Packet Radio Service) network. An intelligent voice communication platform is built by using AT commands set and GPRS module Under the environment of Visual Basic6.0. It can realize secret communication and fast information inquiry and searching in actual combat of policeman. This system connects the Microsoft Access Database through ADO(ActiveX Data Objects) and it can trace, query and shield the incoming call in GPRS/GSM network. We can provide referernce to the specified audio service and intelligent mobile service.

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Codebook Based Event Correlation Analysis
ZHANG Xu-li,ZANG Xue-bai,HUANG Xin,WANG Zhi-yuan
J4. 2009, 27 (04):  430. 
Abstract ( 902 )  

To correlate system events and to get the most fundamental cause of the problem, I adopted codebook and pool combined approach to event correlation analysis. By constantly shrinking the number of causes in cause pool, the real cause of the problem of system can be identified. This method can be applied to applications of distributed systems event correlation analysis. Test the model capability in connection with the case of the event and the reasons scale expanding which are recorded in codebook. Test the model function in connection with the indicators of recall rate, error rate, re-reported rate etc. The results of the test show that the model has the capability of anti-interference for the loss and reverse of the event, so it can analyze concurrent multi-system events independently without influencing each other.

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Design and Realization of Intelligent Lighting System for Classroom
LING Zhen-bao,ZOU De-bao,XU Min
J4. 2009, 27 (04):  435. 
Abstract ( 1042 )  

 In order to achieve the intelligent lighting and energy-saving in academic buildings,the intelligent lighting system for classroom is designed based on C51 single-chip, including the measurement of sunlight intensity circuit, pyroelectric infrared body measurement circuits, the remote control to transmit and  receive circuit, the digital adjustable electronic ballast, lamp and matching software. The system is controlled by C51, through the RS-485 and RS-232/485 communication interface with the PC adapter circuit to complete communication, realizing monitoring the state of every classroom and setting of operating parameters. System testing shows that it meets the design specifications, and meets the lighting requirements of academic buildings.

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Design of Arbitrary Waveform Generator Based on PCI Bus and CPLD
CHEN Ting-yong,MA Li|XI Yuan-yuan
J4. 2009, 27 (04):  441. 
Abstract ( 1055 )  

To solve the problem that the traditional waveform generator can only generate few waveforms and can not generate arbitrary waveform, an arbitrary waveform generator system based on PCI(Peripheral Component Interconnect)bus and CPLD(Complex Programmable Logic Device) is designed.And the expounds software and hardware structure of system in detail.The hardware of system is  Introduced,  the connection circuit, filter circuit, homophase amplification circuit, temperature drift restrained circuit and secondary amplification circuit of bus interface chip CH365 and CPLD are mainly discussed.The key code of host computer and CPLD are given. The former is developed with Visual C++, the latter is developed with Verilog HDL(Verilog Hardware Description Language) language. The system could generate arbitrary waveform by the cooperation of CPLD and host computer, and it is convenient for users.

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