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叶思源1,2, 周永青2, 丁喜桂3   

  1. 1.中国矿业大学 资源开发工程系,北京 100083;2.青岛海洋地质研究所, 山东 青岛 266071;3.山东科技大学,山东 青岛 266510
  • 收稿日期:2005-09-14 修回日期:1900-01-01 出版日期:2006-07-26 发布日期:2006-07-26
  • 通讯作者: 叶思源

Distributions of Simultaneously Extracted Metals(SEM) and Its Implication for Bioavailability in the Jiaojiang Estuary of Zhejiang

YE Si-yuan1,2, ZHOU Yong-qing2, DING Xi-gui3   

  1. 1.Department of Resource Exploitation Engineering, China University of Mining Technology, Beijing 100083, China;2. Qingdao Institute of Marine Geology, CGS, Qingdao,Shandong 266071,China;3.Shandong University of Science and Technology,Qingdao,Shandong 266510,China
  • Received:2005-09-14 Revised:1900-01-01 Online:2006-07-26 Published:2006-07-26
  • Contact: YE Si-yuan

摘要: 3个未扰动柱状样分别采自浙江椒江口潮间带高、中、低潮带,用冷盐酸法测定了沉积物中酸可挥发硫化物(AVS)及同步提取金属(SEM),分析了不同潮位沉积物剖面类型及形成机理,并根据SEM-Me/AVS比值评价痕量金属(Cu、Pb、Zn、Cd、Cr、As、Hg及Ni)的活性和生物有效性。结果表明:在高潮带和低潮带形成了薄活动层剖面(<6 cm),痕量金属的活性态浓度较低,AVS浓度较高;而中潮带形成了厚活动层(约26 cm),痕量金属的活性态浓度较高。潮间带不同潮位痕量金属活性态浓度剖面类型的形成是沉积速率、有机质供源及所处潮位共同作用的结果。在河口区应该存在表层mm尺度上的高值有机碳(C有机)分布。

关键词: 椒江口, 潮间带, 酸可挥发硫化物, 同步提取金属, 生物有效性

Abstract: Three undisturbed cores were sampled from the tidal zone of Jiaojiang estuary of Zhejiang in the May of 2003. The study mainly focused on acid volatil sulphide (AVS) and simultaeously extracted metals (SEM) by using cold HCl extruction techniques to digest each sample, and by the iodine method to measure AVS and by ICP-MS(or ICP-AES) to measure trace metals (or Fe). The formation processes has been analysed for sediment profiles of trace metals at high tide, midst tide and low tide land. Futhermore, the chemical activtity and bioavailability of trace metals in various tidal zones have been evaluated based on the molar ratio of SEM-Me/AVS. The results suggest that the layer with the ratio of SEM-Me/AVS more than 1 is thiner than 6cm at high tidal or low tidal land, which indicate that the trace metals appear to be of less reactive or unbioavailability, and is thick (around 26 cm) at the midst tide land, which suggest that the trace metals are more reactive or bioavailability. Moreover, there is an organic carbon highly riched layer in the upmost sediments (it may be several millimetre).

Key words: Jiaojiang estuary, tidal zone, acid volatile sulfide(AVS), simultaneously extracted metals(SEM), bioavailability


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