Journal of Jilin University(Earth Science Edition) ›› 2024, Vol. 54 ›› Issue (4): 1373-1382.doi: 10.13278/j.cnki.jjuese.20230125

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Three-Dimensional Numerical Simulation of Induction-Polarization Effect of Electrical Sources Based on Finite-Difference Time-Domain Method

Ji Yanju, Deng Changwei, Wang Yuhang, Liu Hang, Wu Qiong   

  1. College of Instrument Science and Electrical Engineering, Jilin University, Changchun 130026, China
  • Received:2023-05-12 Online:2024-07-26 Published:2024-07-26
  • Supported by:
    the National Natural Science Foundation of China (42030104)

Abstract: The time-domain electrical source electromagnetic detection method is an effective and fast method for detecting mineral resources. The polarization effect can lead to rapid attenuation of the electromagnetic response and even a symbol reversal phenomenon. In this paper, the Cole-Cole model is used to describe the polarization effect, and arbitrary fractional Cole-Cole models are rationalized by using the integer order rational approximation algorithm. Yee’s grid is used to divide the simulation area, and the three-dimensional numerical simulation of induction-polarization effect of electrical sources is realized based on the finite difference time domain (FDTD) method. The electromagnetic responses of three typical models, namely uniform half-space model, polarized half-space model and three-dimensional polarized body model, are numerically simulated. The results show that the electromagnetic response of  uniform half-space model is basically consistent with the analytical solution, and the relative error is less than 10%, which proves the feasibility of the three-dimensional numerical simulation method. The electromagnetic responses of  polarized half-space model and three-dimensional polarized body model both have negative responses in the late stage, which is consistent with the polarization theoretical results. 

Key words: electrical source, Cole-Cole model, rational approximation, finite-difference time-domain, induced polarization

CLC Number: 

  • P631
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