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A Comparative Study on Model Sedimentation Rates with Varve Dating,137Cs and 210Pb Dating in Erlongwan Maar Lake, NE China

YOU Hai-tao1, LIU Qiang2, LIU Jia-qi2, CHU Guo-qiang2, HAN Jing-tai2   

  1. 1.College of Earth Sciences, Jilin University, Changchun 130061,China;2.Institute of Geology and Geophysics, Chinese Academy of Science,Beijing 100029,China
  • Received:2006-09-19 Revised:1900-01-01 Online:2007-01-26 Published:2007-01-26
  • Contact: YOU Hai-tao

Abstract: Detailed investigations were carried out on the upper undisturbed sediments from Erlongwan maar lake, NE China, which are better annually laminated sediments (varve). Varve couple appears as darkand lightcoloured layers. Based on varve dating of large thin sections under microscope, 36 varve couples, with 4%~7% discrepancy , 1.1~2 mm varve thickness and 1.53 mm/a rate of sedimentation were found in the upper part of the core (0~5.5 cm), and 5.5 cm correlates to the year of 1965. However, Radiometric dating shows that the highest 137Cs activity appears at 5.5 cm depth , assumed to correlate to the 1963 maximum of emission due to the nuclear bomb testing. 137Cs activities increase quickly from 6.5 cm to 5.5 cm (from 4.67±0.29 dpm/g to 12.06±0.47 dpm/g ).In addition , By calculating of 210Pbex (CIC) , 5.5 cm depth corresponds with the 1962. As a result, 210Pbex (CIC) and 137Cs dating show a good agreement with the varve dating. Varve dating is exact and varve sediments can offer an effective means of acquiring highquality palaeoenvironmental records.

Key words: Erlongwan maar lake, varve dating, 137Cs and 210Pb Dating

CLC Number: 

  • P533
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