Journal of Jilin University(Earth Science Edition)

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210Pb and 137Cs Dating of the Sediment Core and  Its Recent Accumulation Rates in Yueliang Lake in West Jilin Province

Chai Sheli1, Gao Lina1, Qiu Dianming2, Chai Yuan3, Guo Jia1, Xu Xuechun3   

  1. 1.College of GeoExploration Science and Technology, Jilin University, Changchun130026, China;
    2.Editorial Department of Journal,Jilin University, Changchun130026, China;
    3.College of Earth Sciences, Jilin University, Changchun130061, China
  • Received:2012-08-10 Online:2013-01-26 Published:2013-01-26


210Pb and 137Cs dating of sediment core and its recent accumulation rates of the Yueliang Lake in the western Jilin Province are investigated on the base of determination of their specific activities. Two distinct 137Cs peaks at position of 18 cm and 32 cm were recognized along the sediment core from the lake, both peaks are corresponding to the years of 1986 and 1963, respectively. The calculated mean sedimentation rates of Yueliang Lake during 1963-2006 and 1986-2006 are 0.74 cm/a and 0.90 cm/a. The dating results using CIC,CRS and CFCS models of 210Pb are compared, among  them the results with CIC model are distinct with those of 137Cs time marks; the dating results with CRS, CFCS models for the sediment with depths of beneath 64 cm are similar, both are in agreement with those of 137Cs time marks; while the dating results with CFCS model shows somewhat different to those with CRS model for the sediment with depths of more than 64 cm. The CRS model is adopted for dating the sediment below the depth of 64 cm because of the poor representatives by using CFCS model to date sediment under this depth due to low correlation coefficient of formula fitted by an exponential function for dating. The average sedimentation rates of Yueliang Lake calculated by dated result of CRS model in years of 1835-1898, 1898-1920, 1920-1961 and 1961-2006 are 0.33 cm/a, 1.09 cm/a, 2.21 cm/a and 0.94 cm/a, respectively. The yearly variations of sedimentation rates reflect the natural environmental changes and the influence of human activities around Yueliang Lake and its watershed.

Key words: 210Pb and 137Cs, specific activity, dating, sedimentation rate, geochronology, environmental implication, Yueliang Lake

CLC Number: 

  • P597
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