Journal of Jilin University(Earth Science Edition)

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Research of Identification and Trimming of Coal-Bed Interference in Daniudi Gas Field

Qin Xuefei, Li Wei   

  1. Exploration and Development Institute of the North China Branch of SINOPEC, Zhengzhou450006, China
  • Received:2013-09-05 Online:2014-05-26 Published:2014-05-26


Due to the powerful low frequency reflection from the coal bed, the effective signal from overlying or underlying reservoir is extremely distorted. How to identify and trim the interference of coal-bed from the seismic data is a key of coal-bed style reservoir prediction. In this paper, the Wigner-Ville distribution time-frequency analysis method is used to determine coal bed by the continuous events of high reflection energy. Results show that the behavior of coal bed is of high energy at low frequency while attenuated greatly at mid to high frequency. Therefore, the uplimit of dominant frequency is set to be 26 Hz. Furthermore, the goal aimed through multi-wavelets decompression and reconstruction technology, the interference from coal-bed trimmed effectively under the result of research, the signal of reservoir exposed extremely successful.

Key words: reservoir prediction, Wigner-Ville distribution, coal-bed, wavelet decompression, Daniudi gas field

CLC Number: 

  • P631.4
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