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Journal of Jilin University(Earth Science Edition)
ISSN 1671-5888
CN 22-1343/P
主 任:蒋 函
编 辑:邱殿明 王晓丽
    刘 莉
电 话:0431-88502374
地 址:长春市西民主大街938号

Table of Content
26 January 2014, Volume 44 Issue 1
Poly-Phase Reform-Late-Stage Finalization Composite Tectonics and Strategic Area Selection of Oil and Gas Resources in Tarim Basin,NW China
Tang Liangjie,Qiu Haijun,Yun Lu,Yang Yong,Xie Daqing,Li Meng, Jiang Huashan
Journal of Jilin University(Earth Science Edition). 2014, 44 (1):  1-14. 
Abstract ( 531 )   PDF (1574KB) ( 726 )  

The superimposed basin is of poly-phase differential structural deformation controlled by key tectonic stages. Five tectonic reform stages, that is mid-Caledonian, Late-Caledonian-Early Hercynian, Late-Hercynian, Indosinian-Yanshanian, and Himalayan, maybe recognized from deformation analysis in the Tarim basin. The development and evolution of the Tarim basin are affected by the main tectonic reform stages. According to the analysis of known oil-gas belts of northern Tarim uplift, mid-Tarim uplift and Kuqa depression, it is indicated that the huge marine carbonate paleo-karst oil-gas pools are controlled by the faulting and folding, uplifting and erosion, and karsting during the period of the Paleozoic tectonic reforms. A large number of hydrocarbon accumulation in the foreland fold-thrust belt are controlled by the Meso-Cenozoic tectonic reforming. All these known hydrocarbon accumulation zones are finalized at the Late-Himalayan movement, forming hydrocarbon accumulation model of the poly-phase reform-late-stage finalization composite tectonics. Analyzing the poly-phase differential structural deformation, an evaluation and strategic selection of oil-gas resources in the new exploration areas of the Tarim basin have been made based on the above-mentioned model. It is proposed that the best new exploration regions are Bachu uplift, Maigaiti slope and foreland foldthrust belt on the west Kunlun Mountain footwall. And the eastern Tarim, Tangubasi depression and Awati fault-depression are of favorable oil-gas exploration prospects.

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Structural Deformation Control over the Subsidence Center Migration of Wuerxun Sag in Hailar Basin
Gao Junyi,Liu Zhihong,Wu Xiangmei,Yang xu,Huang Chaoyi,Mei Mei,Sun Linan
Journal of Jilin University(Earth Science Edition). 2014, 44 (1):  15-24. 
Abstract ( 398 )   PDF (1233KB) ( 456 )  

Hailar basin is a Meso-Cenozoic basin which superimposed on the Inner Mongolia-Greater Hinggan Mountain Paleozoic collision orogenic belt. Wuerxun sag which is a second-order structural unit in the middle part of Hailar basin, has been experienced 3 times extension and 2 times compression since the Early Cretaceous. The stratigraphic thickness and migration of subsidence centers in Wuerxun sag are mainly controlled by syngenetic fault and fault-related fold. On the extension period, when a half-graben formed on the hanging wall of the listric normal fault, one or more subsidence centers which located in hanging wall of the fault and near the fault formed at the part of the fault that the stretching amount is lager than the other part; When the multiple independent half-grabens formed on the hanging wall of the listric normal faults, every half-graben has its own subsidence center, and the intersection of different direction faults is often the subsidence center of the fault depression. With the increase of stretch amount, the subsidence center of the fault depression constantly migrated to the opposite direction of the slip direction of the control subsidence fault, and the scale of the basin gradually increased. On the first compression period, the early NS trending control subsidence fault F1 reversed, the hanging wall near the fault occurred uplift, and the part away from the fault, as the front limb of a large fault-propagation fold anticline, also occurred rotary uplift. Wuerxun sag became the front syncline of a large NS trending fault-propagation fold anticline, the stratigraphic thickness is very thin near the fault and away from the fault, the stratigraphic thickness gradually increases to the front syncline of the large fault-propagation fold anticline, and the subsidence center migrates to the low-lying areas of the syncline. On the second compression period, the early NS trending control subsidence fault F2 reversed, a large-scale NS trending fault propagation fold anticline or pop up formed in the middle part of Wuerxun sag. The top of the anticline or pop up were eroded, and the subsidence centers located in the low-lying area of the front and rear synclines.

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Fault Deformation Mechanisms and Internal Structure Characteristics of Fault Zone in Pure Sandstone
Fu Xiaofei,Xiao Jianhua,Meng Lingdong
Journal of Jilin University(Earth Science Edition). 2014, 44 (1):  25-37. 
Abstract ( 467 )   PDF (1676KB) ( 499 )  

With sandstone as the object of this article, taking into account the main factors influencing the fracture deformation, including the stage of diagenesis,porosity, temperature and confining pressure, we analyse systematiclly the fracture deformation mechanism of the different nature of sandstone, the micro-structural characteristics and the formation of internal structure of fault zone.It is of great significance on the study of fault sealing in the sandstone. Studies have shown that fracture of pure sandstone occurs in non-consolidated to semi-consolidated of diagenetic stage. Deformation mechanism of grain boundary frictional sliding, called ‘particulate flow’, results in particle rotating and rolling. And the formed micro-structure is Disaggregation band, without significant decrease in porosity and permeability comparing with parent rock.Though fault zone being consist of fault nuclear and damage zone, it is the fluid channel for vertical migration with higher permeability than parent rock. The fracture develops in the consolidation of diagenesis stage (porosity is greater than 15%) which deformation mechanism is cataclasis.The cataclasis flow involves particle rotating and cataclasis between grains. And the formed micro-structure is cataclastic band, with 1 to 3 orders of magnitude decrease in porosity and permeability comparing with parent rock. And formed fault zone is lateral sealing and vertical penetration. The fracture developed in consolidation stage (porosity less than 15%), due to rupturing in the early stage, forms fault breccia, then forms cataclastic rock, accompanying with the occurrence of cataclastic flow. Thus, fault zone is high permeability in the early stage and then fault gradually closed. The deformation mechanisms of consolidation sandstone is cataclasis during the uplift process. It forms incoherent breccia and fault zone of a highly permeability. In different diagenetic stages, it formed overlay of multiple type deformation structures. For a section advanced formed of fault, the differences of deformation mechanism and the micro-constructed type in different depth result in selective filled of the oil and gas. Cataclastic band and solution and cementation band block oil and gas filling in the highly porosity of sandstone. Disaggregation band will became the channel of oil and gas and crack conducive to oil and gas priority filling. Thus, in the high porosity sandstone,due to not development fractured zone, relatively low porosity reservoir often contain the best oil, while in the low porosity sandstone, contain oil and gas well,due to cracking.

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Recognition of Oil Accumulation in Putaohua Oil Layer of the Shangjia Oilfield,Songliao Basin
Ren Xianjun,Shan Xuanlong,Wang Jianbo
Journal of Jilin University(Earth Science Edition). 2014, 44 (1):  38-44. 
Abstract ( 531 )   PDF (665KB) ( 466 )  

According to oil and gas spatial distribution characteristics of Shang 9-4 trap in Shangjia oilfield, relationship between temporal matching of hydrocarbon accumulation and fault activity, comparison results of crude oil biomarker, it is shown that the crude oil of Putaohua reservoir in Shangjia oilfield was not injected from Fuyu-Yangdachengzi oil layers through the fracture by vertical migration. Based on drilling data, sandbodies of Putaohua oil layer in Shangjia oilfield distributed widely but the thickness was thin. Under the control of faults, the sandbody continuity became poor. Oil from K2qn1 source rocks in Sanzhao depression transported laterally into Putaohua layer in Shangjia oilfield through sands connected by fractures. Combination styles of fracture and sandbodies are the key factors to control oil migrate laterally and accumulate in Putaohua layer of Shangjia oilfield.The combination of synthetic faults and sand is favorable for oil and gas for long-distance lateral migration, while the combination of antithetic fault and sand is against to lateral migration but is favorable to form screened traps and accumulate oil. Meanwhile, the spatial distribution of fluid potential field also controls the lateral migration and oil gathering sites in Putaohua reservoir of Shangjia oilfield.

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Classification of Rhyolite from Yingcheng Formation and Its Significance for Volcanic Stratigraphy Analysis in Southeastern Uplift of Songliao Basin
Wang Tengfei, Cheng Rihui, Shen Yanjie
Journal of Jilin University(Earth Science Edition). 2014, 44 (1):  45-55. 
Abstract ( 410 )   PDF (935KB) ( 661 )  

The vocanlic strata in deep of Songliao basin has been an important target for oil/gas exploration, study of vocanlic rocks is of some significance for strata analysis. In this paper, we focus on the rhyolite of Yingcheng Formation on outcrops in Jiutai, southeast margin of the Songliao basin. According to primary structure of rock, rhyolite is divided into four basic types:rhyolitic structure rhyolites, vesicular rhyolites, lithophysa rhyolites, and massive rhyolites. Each type has specific forming mechanism and can be identified at the scale of outcrops, hand specimens and thin sections. Rhyolite is constituent element of a cooling unit, and the ideal rhyolite sequence is vesicular rhyolites-lithophysa rhyolites-rhyolitic structure rhyolites-massive rhyolites-rhyolitic structure rhyolites-lithophysa rhyolites-visicular rhyolites, which is often incomplete in actual study. The cooling unit defined by the rhyolite sequence can be an elementary unit for volcanic strata analysis.

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Geochemical Characteristics and Hydrocarbon-Generating Mechanism of Low-Mature Shale Oil in Malang Sag
Wu Hongzhu,Huang Zhilong,Yang Baisong,Liu Bo,Yan Yukui,Sang Tingyi,Wen Chuanjiang
Journal of Jilin University(Earth Science Edition). 2014, 44 (1):  56-66. 
Abstract ( 391 )   PDF (1128KB) ( 437 )  

Exploration practices and researches show that hydrocarbon in the source rocks of the Lucaogou Formation of the Permian, Malang sag was shale oil and also a typical low-mature oil with both sterane isomerization parameters (20S/(20S+20R) and ββ/(αα+ββ)) between 0.2 and 0.4. Through comprehensive study of geochemical and organic petrology characteristics in the hydrocarbon source rock of Lucaogou Formation, we find that the parent material of this low-mature shale oil was hydrogen-rich amorphous solid and experienced the bacteria transformation in the early sedimentary stage, which resulted in the formation of the particular hydrocarbon-generating evolution model. Namely, during the low-mature and early mature stage with Ro values 0.55%-0.75%, there is an oil generation peak whose burial depth ranges from 1 800 to 2 900 m, and the hydrocarbon-generating potential of source rock drops sharply beyond the main hydrocarbon-generating zone. The results of hydrocarbon-generating simulation experiments, rock pyrolysis analysis and organic extraction of mudstone prove that the low-mature shale oil in Lucaogou Formation was generated by the hydrocarbon source rocks within the range of main hydrocarbon-generating zone, where was the beneficial places of shale oil accumulation.

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Progresses in the Study on Tectonics and Metallogeny of the Centre-Eastern Siberia and Russian Far East
Yan Hongquan
Journal of Jilin University(Earth Science Edition). 2014, 44 (1):  67-86. 
Abstract ( 403 )   PDF (2702KB) ( 645 )  

The Russian geologists made a series of impotant progresses in the study on tectonics and metallogeny of the Central-Eastern Siberia and Russian Far East based on theory of plate-tectonic models and terrane analyses in the last 20 years. The progresses are collectively reflected in the research results of two international cooperation projects and two new monographes. The present paper recommends the tectonic evolution, the tectonic, metallogenic units and some important ore deposits with theirs main characteristics of the Central-Eastern Siberia and Russian Far East, and the some more important problems of geological evolution of the Russian Far East as the transform continental margins and the Mongolia-Okhotsk oeogenic belt, which can give the readers a very brief introduction to the concerned area of the Eastern Russian.

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Classification and Metallogenic Theory of the Jiaojia-Style Gold Deposit in Jiaodong Peninsula, China
Song Mingchun,Li Sanzhong,Yi Pihou,Cui Shuxue,Xu Junxiang,Lü Guxian,Song Yingxin,Jiang Hongli,Zhou Mingling,Zhang Pijian,Huang Tailing,Liu Changchun,Liu Dianhao
Journal of Jilin University(Earth Science Edition). 2014, 44 (1):  87-104. 
Abstract ( 610 )   PDF (1265KB) ( 1057 )  

The Jiaojia-style gold deposit in Jiaodong Peninsula, the most important type of gold deposit in China, belongs to the structure-controlled hydrothermal gold deposit. It can be subdivided into the altered-rock type in the fracture zone, gold-bearing quartz vein type, stockwork quartz vein type along the fracture zone, quartz-sulphide vein type, interlayer type along the detachment belt, altered-conglomerate type and breccia type along the basin margin faults. These types of gold mineralization took place mainly in the Early Cretaceous period. The ore-forming materials were derived from an intensive crust-mantle interaction. The Early Precambrian and Mesozoic ore-hosting rocks were experienced generally phyllic, pyritization, silicification and potassic alteration. Gold bodies are characterized by pinch out, branches, composite, repetition, lateral extension, lateral tilting, echelon and imbrication. The uplifting of hot magma, fluid activities and extensional detachment resulted in the massive formation of gold deposits in Jiaodong Peninsula. The coeval-melted segregation magma and activated fluids derived from the Early Cretaceous crust-mantle interaction are important carriers of migration and enrichment of gold materials. The extensional detachment resulted from magma uplifting provided favorable ore-hosting spaces for the gold mineralization. Therefore, a thermal uplifting-extension-controlled metallogenic theory is proposed. The Jiaojia-style gold deposit was caused by the large-scale thinning of the lithosphere in the Early Cretaceous period in the Eastern China, being controlled by extensional tectonics. The ore-controlling faults have the ladder-style variation from steep to gentle dip angles. The gold deposits are emplaced and enriched at the gentle angle fault segments and the break part from steep to gentle dip angles, displaying a ladder-like distribution pattern.

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Microfabric and Composition of Hydrothermal Minerals from the Mingshan Carlin Gold Deposit in Northwestern Guangxi and Their Implication for Ore-Forming Process
Pang Baocheng, Xiao Hai, Fu Wei, Zhang Qingwei, Chen Hongyi
Journal of Jilin University(Earth Science Edition). 2014, 44 (1):  105-119. 
Abstract ( 418 )   PDF (973KB) ( 645 )  

The Mingshan gold deposit is related to NWW-trending faults that parallel to the regional Youjiang fault and hosted within the Middle Triassic calcareous argillaceous siltstone. Field work, petrography, cathodoluminescence, back scatter electron imaging and electron microprobe data indicate that hydrothermal minerals in Mingshan gold deposit can be classified into three forming stages. Most of these minerals have multiple generations. Hydrothermal minerals are featured by such as ductile intragranular characteristics as undulatory extinction, banded extinction, Behm lamellae, pressure solution of cleavage and dislocation glide. In the adit, pyrite-bearing quartz veins are characterized by ductile reformation and cut by later quartz veins, which indicates the deposit are influenced by multiphase brittle-ductile reformation. Au and As contents in the pyrite formed in different stage have regular patterns, i.e., there are lower Au and As content in the sedimentary pyrite. In contrary, there is higher Au content and lower As content in diagenesis pyrite. All three generation hydrothermal pyrites in the ore-forming period have abundant Au and As. The fact that the As content in relict pyrite in the core of banded pyrite is higher than those in diagenesis pyrites indicates that the relict pyrite is different in origin from diagenesis pyrite. The relict pyrite maybe belongs to the metamorphic genesis. As and Au contents in the diagenetic pyrite from country rocks near orebody decrease from center to edge, which suggests that elements of As and Au in the ore may have been derived from the country rocks. Based on these data, it can be deduced that there developed gold pre-enrichment in diagenetic stage, and enrichment of As element is caused by organic metamorphic fluid during the early reformation and metamorphism. During the major metamorphic period, wide infiltration metasomatism of the fluid caused the activation of Au and As from the gold-bearing and arsenic rich pyrite, which resulted in the formation of ore-forming fluid. When the ore-forming fluid met carbon calcareous argillaceous siltstone bearing the active iron, gold precipitated accompanying with the pyrite. These suggest that the metamorphic fluids may have played very important role in the formation of the Mingshan gold deposit.

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Critical-Supercritical Fluid Inclusions Characteristics and Ore-Forming Fluid Evolution of Qiyugou Gold Deposit, Henan Province
Xiong Suofei,Yao Shuzhen,Gong Yongjun, He Mouchun,Qi Dongmei,Xiang Peng
Journal of Jilin University(Earth Science Edition). 2014, 44 (1):  120-133. 
Abstract ( 387 )   PDF (1187KB) ( 732 )  

The Qiyugou gold deposit in Henan Province, located in the northeastern Xionger metallogenetic district, southern margin of the North China craton, is a typical breccia pipe-type deposit. Discovering of critical-supercritical fluid inclusions is important to study ore-forming fluid evolution and metallogenic mechanism. Petrography, microthermometry and laser Raman microprobe (LRM) of fluid inclusions in the samples from the J4 breccia of Qiyugou deposit were analyzed. The research shows that the critical-supercritical fluid inclusions exist in stage Ⅱ(mainly) and stage Ⅰ. Laser Raman spectroscopy analysis suggests this kind of fluid inclusions contain CO2. Critical-supercritical fluid inclusions are mostly included in the samples collected from the elevation of 400-460 m in the J4 breccia pipe, where occurs a certain prospect with a higher gold grade, thicker ore bodies and considerable reserves. Combined with existing fluid inclusion data, a conclusion can be drawn that the supercritical fluid come from magmatic-hydrothermal transitional processes and the magma system was rich in volatile constituent and high oxygen fugacity. The evolution process of ore-forming fluid can be listed as magmatic-hydrothermal system→critical-supercritical fluid(CO2-H2O-NaCl system)→vapor phase with low salinity (CO2-H2O system) and liquid phase with high salinity (H2O-NaCl system)→low salinity (H2O-NaCl system)→H2O System. The homogenization temperatures of the boiling fluid inclusion changes from  383.7 ℃ to 387.2 ℃. The fluid boiling played an important role in forming of the Qiyugou gold deposit.

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Multidimensional Anomaly System for Hydrothermal Nonferrous Metal Deposits: Taking the Matou Porphyry Molybdenum Copper Mine in Anhui Province as an Example
Ma Shengming, Zhu Lixin
Journal of Jilin University(Earth Science Edition). 2014, 44 (1):  134-144. 
Abstract ( 415 )   PDF (730KB) ( 587 )  

In order to serve the geochemical exploration for deep ore bodies, the authors put forward a new law of anomalies related to the hydrothermal nonferrous metal mineralization, multidimensional anomaly system, on the basis of studies on over twenty deposits. The multidimensional anomaly system refers to the anomalies which are orderly coexisting spatially, of different formation mechanisms and indicative of further multilevel geochemical anomalies observed in specific geological bodies of geological periods. The new theory will play an important role in prospecting deep-seated nonferrous metal deposits related to hydrothermal activities, such as porphyry, skarn, hydrothermal and sedimentary-reformed type deposits. We take the Matou porphyry molybdenum copper mine in Anhui Province as an example to discuss this theory. The result shows that there are negative anomalies system dominated by Na2O, mineralizer elements anomalies system dominated by S, equilibrium system among mineralizer elements, Fe and ore-forming elements, as well as ore-forming and accompanying elements anomalies system in Matou porphyry molybdenum copper mine. The ore-forming indicative significance of these systems goes forward one by one. The study verifies the existence of the multidimensional anomaly system and illuminates the application of this system to the prospecting of deep-seated ore bodies.

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Petrogenesis of the Late Mesozoic Liudong Pluton in Yanbian Area NE China:Evidence from Zircon U-Pb Geochronology and Geochemistry
Zhang Chao, Xu Zhongyuan, Liu Zhenghong, Li Shichao, Shi Yi, Fan Zhiwei
Journal of Jilin University(Earth Science Edition). 2014, 44 (1):  145-157. 
Abstract ( 648 )   PDF (1153KB) ( 668 )  

The Liudong pluton is located in the southern Helong area of Yanbian area, the southwest segment of Gudonghe fault and north margin of Longgang block. It’s composed of monzonitic granite. Systematic researches on petrography and geochronology have been carried out to determine the emplacement age and tectonic environment of the pluton. The LA-ICP-MS zircon U-Pb dating yields the weighted mean age of (118.63±0.69) Ma and (118.58±0.87) Ma for N-6 and N-7 sample, respectively. The rock is weak peraluminous and belongs to the high potassium calc-alkaline series, characterized by high Si (70.30%-76.30%), high alkali (7.82%-8.52%), high aluminum (12.30%-15.50%) and low titanium (0.16%-0.29%), with A/CNK value of 1.03-1.11. Such geochemical characteristics as DI (87.99-94.89)and SI(2.39-5.31) indicate the rock experienced a highly fractionated evolving stage. The rock is of LREE enrichment (LREE/HREE=3.46-8.09) and HREE depletion ((La/Yb)N=10.59-33.94). The Liudong pluton is characterized by the strong enrichment in large ion lithophile elements (LILE), such as Cs, Pb, Ba, K, depletion in high field-strength elements (HESE), such as Nb, Ta, Ti, and P, and middle negative Eu anomalies (δEu=0.63~0.92). Combining petrography, geochronology, rock geochemical characteristics, and regional geological material, it can be concluded that the Liudong pluton belongs to the highly fractionated high-potassium calc-alkaline I-type granite and emplaced in the transferring stage from a post-orogenic to an extensional tectonic setting.

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SHRIMP U-Pb Dating of Zircons from the Baimashan Longtan Super-Unit and Wawutang Granites in Hunan Province and Its Geological Implication
Li Jianhua, Zhang Yueqiao, Xu Xianbing, Li Hailong, Dong Shuwen, Li Tingdong
Journal of Jilin University(Earth Science Edition). 2014, 44 (1):  158-175. 
Abstract ( 444 )   PDF (1441KB) ( 451 )  

In this study, internal structures of zircons from the Baimashan and Wawutang biotite monzogranite plutons are analyzed by the CL technology, and reliable ages of zircons are dated by the SHRIMP U-Pb method. Two samples from the Baimashan Longtan super-unit yield weighted mean 206Pb/238U ages of (215.9±1.9) Ma and (212.2±2.1) Ma, respectively. Moreover, several zircons exhibit core-rim textures, in which the zircon cores yield older ages of 230.3-227.0 Ma, and the zircon rims yield younger mean 206Pb/238U age of (201.0±2.8)Ma. These data suggest that the Baibashan biotite monzogranite was generated by multi-phase magmatic intrusions. One biotite monzogranite sample from the Wawutang granite yields a weighted mean 206Pb/238U age of (217.7±1.8) Ma. These geochronological data provide new evidences for the conclusion that there occurred a peak magmatism (210-225 Ma) in South China during the late stage of the Indosinian orogeny. Geochemical studies indicate that the Baimashan and Wawutang plutons are typical post-orogenic crust-sourced peraluminous granites, resulted from partial melting of the Paleoproterozic metamorphic greywacke. These data allow us to infer that the two plutons were formed after the Early Triassic collision along the Songma and Qingling-Dabie sutures, associated with the parting melting of the thickened crust in the post orogenic extensional setting.

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Zircon LA-ICP-MS U-Pb Dating and Its Geological Significance of the Dawangzi Formation from Wolegen Group in Xinlin Area, Northern Great Xing’an Range
Sun Wei,Chi Xiaoguo,Pan Shiyu,Zhang Rui,Quan Jingyu,Fan Lefu, Wang Limin
Journal of Jilin University(Earth Science Edition). 2014, 44 (1):  176-185. 
Abstract ( 542 )   PDF (838KB) ( 677 )  

The Great Xing’an Range, located within the east part of the Central Asian orogenic belt (CAOB), is composed of E'erguna, Xing’an and Songnen blocks, from north to south. The weakly metamorphosed rock series of the Wolegen Group are mainly distributed in the northern Xing’an block, and were previously regarded as the Neoproterozoic-Early Cambrian strata, in spite of rare reliable geological and geochronological evidence. In this paper, we report the LA-ICP-MS zircon U-Pb ages of the Dawangzi Formation in Wolegen Group. The Dawangzi Formation consists of two lithologic units: the upper unit characterized by low-grade metamorphic volcanic rocks and the lower composed of low-grade metamorphic sedimentary rocks. The zircon dating results show that the metavolcanic rock of the upper unit was formed in the Early Silurian period, its age is  (430.7±4.1) Ma. The meta-sedimentary rock of the lower unit was formed not earlier than the Early Ordovician period as attested by the peak age of (480.1±2.9) Ma of the youngest population of zircons. The existing data show that the low-grade metamorphic rocks of the Wolegen Group are a stratum combination, which formed during the Cambrian to the Early Silurian instead of Neoproterozoic-Early Cambrian period. The zircon geochronology in the rock from the Dawangzi Formation shows that the tectonic emplacement of the Xinlin ophiolites were not older than the Early Ordovician period. The Ordovician clastic sedimentary rocks in Xinlin and Xinglong area were coeval with the Ordovician Duobaoshan volcanic arc volcanism, which indicates that there was an arc-basin system in the Northern Great Xing’an Range during the Early Ordovician period.

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Neoarchean High-Mg Andesites and Its Geological Significance in Southern Jilin Province
Li Chengdong, Xu Yawen, Zhang Qinghong, Zhou Hongying, Peng Shuhua, Chen Junqiang,Zhang Kuo,Zhao Ligang,Li Shengyin
Journal of Jilin University(Earth Science Edition). 2014, 44 (1):  186-197. 
Abstract ( 459 )   PDF (1194KB) ( 554 )  

The high-Mg andesite occurring in the Zhangsangou and Jinyinbie Formation-Complex in southern Jilin Province is dated at (2 493±12) Ma by the SHRIMP zircon U-Pb method, which indicates that it was generated in the Neoarchean period. The high-Mg andesite belongs to the cal-calkaline series. It is geochemically characterized by SiO2 content of 53.93%-57.90%, high MgO (6.54%-8.82 %) and high Mg# (0.68-0.71, avg. 0.69), associated with enrichments of Cr (270.66×10-6-1 117.30 ×10-6,avg. 443.62×10-6) and Ni (141.74×10-6-542.98×10-6,avg. 250.50×10-6). According to its high MgO, Cr and Ni, the high-Mg andesite is relate to the partial melting of mantle peridotites in genesis. On the other hand, the andesite is strongly enriched in light rare earth elements (Ce:38.34×10-6-59.34×10-6) and large-ion-lithophile elements (such as Sr, Cs, K, Pb, Rb and Ba), and is also characterized by depletion of high-field-strength elements (such as Nb, Ta, Ti and P) and heavy rare earth elements (Yb:1.38×10-6-1.57 ×10-6), which demonstrates geochemical characteristic of the arc volcanic rock. The high-Mg andesite was most likely derived from the products of interaction of slab-derived fluid or melt with mantle peridotites. It can thus be concluded that the high-Mg andesite was derived from the subduction zone and  there occurred the modern plate tectonics in the Neoarchean period.

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Protoliths of the Metamorphic Rock Series of ‘Jiageda Formation’ in the Badaguan Area of E’erguna, Inner Mongolia
Cui Fanghua, Zheng Changqing, Ding Xue, Xu Xuechun, Li Juan, Shi Lu, Gao Yuan,Gao Feng, Zhang Xingxing
Journal of Jilin University(Earth Science Edition). 2014, 44 (1):  198-212. 
Abstract ( 482 )   PDF (1235KB) ( 526 )  

As the old basement in northern Great Xing’an Range, the Jiageda Formation has attracted more and more attention in recent years. The different views advised by previous researchers on tectonic setting of the Jiageda Formation have significantly restricted the correct understanding of natures and geological evolution processes of the basement in this area. We conducted systematic studies on rock association, metamorphic-deformational fabric, geochemical characteristics and tectonic setting of ‘Jiageda Formation’ in the Badaguan area of E’erguna, Inner Mongolia. Research results indicate that the ‘Jiageda Formation’ in the study area is a Yanshanian intrusion that underwent tectonic metamorphism and deformation, instead of the Precambrian strata. The rock of this intrusion are actually biotite monzo-blastomylonite, granodioritic blastomylonite, biotite amphibole plagioclase mylonitic gneiss. These rocks are characterized by high K, Al and low Ti, and shown as high-K calc alkaline series. They are high in total REE and LREE contents, and show obvious fractionation of LREE from HREE with negative Eu anomaly to some extents. Such geochemical features as enrichment of the LILE and depletion of the HSFE suggest that their parent magma was contaminated by the crustal material. This suite of intrusion formed under the tectonic setting from compression to extension during the formation and evolution of the Mongolia-Okhotsk orogenic belt from the Late Triassic to Late Jurassic period. The intense activity of the Derbugan fault during the Early Cretaceous period resulted in the low amphibolite facies metamorphism and deformation of these rocks.

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Origin of Mineral Series of Anhydrite-Limonite-Kaolinite-Dolomite and Its Paleoclimate Significance: An Example from Zhujiang Formation of Well LH-3 in Eastern Pearl River Mouth Basin
Li Xiaoping, Du Jiayuan, Ding Lin, Liu Jun, Chen Weitao, Chen Shuhui, Long Gengsheng, Wang Xiangshu
Journal of Jilin University(Earth Science Edition). 2014, 44 (1):  213-221. 
Abstract ( 585 )   PDF (1286KB) ( 644 )  

Zhujiang Formation is the provincial reservoir in Pearl River Mouth basin, and the cored section of Lower Zhujiang Formation (deposited from 23.8 to 18.5 Ma) of well LH-3 in eastern basin, consisting of terriclastic and carbonate rocks as well as mixed terriclastic-carbonate rocks, demonstrates a mineral series of anhydrite-limonite-kaolinite-dolomite from bottom to top, which also exist in adjacent wells, while the abundances are different. After the analysis of the material sources, formatting time and geological mechanism of these minerals, the authors draw the conclusion that all of the minerals formed in depositional of syn-diagenetic or pene-contemporaneous stage,  which reflects oxidized or even exposed environments during their formation. Furthermore, the mineral association can provide humidity information, as anhydrite and dolomite reflect the arid climate, while limonite and kaolinite indicate humid climate. After the integration of sponge and pollen data, carbon-oxygen isotopic data from neighbor wells, the authors know that the climate during the Lower Zhujiang Formation deposition have changed from arid and hot to humid and warm, then back to arid and hot again.

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Palynological Records from the Luochuan Section of the Chinese Loess Plateau Since S5 Stage
Zhang Liyuan
Journal of Jilin University(Earth Science Edition). 2014, 44 (1):  222-229. 
Abstract ( 443 )   PDF (735KB) ( 798 )  

The loess-paleosol sequence in northwest of China is considered as one of the most continuous continental records since the last 2.6 Ma. Pollen, a direct recorder for vegetation change, has been widely used to reconstruct paleovegetation. However, the pollen record of long time scale especially in the central Chinese Loess Plateau has not been well studied. In this study,we preliminarily focus on the palynological records of the loess-paleosol sequence at Luochuan and aim to understand the vegetation evolution spanning the last 0.6 Ma in this region. The palynological results show that the grassland has been dominant vegetation in the Luochuan area since 0.6 Ma. The present steppe environment on the loess plateau is mainly caused by natural conditions. Therefore, the restoration and reconstruction of ecosystem on the loess plateau area should be focused on planting grassland rather than forests. These discoveries provide a solid theoretical foundation for revegetation of “Yuan” region, and have significant practical significance.

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Features of Craters and Test Results of Ejecta Distributed Above Shuijingyan Rock Avalanche in the Wenchuan Earthquake
Shang Yanjun, Liu Jiaqi, Xia Yanqing, Liu Daan, Lei Tianzhu, Zhang Luqing
Journal of Jilin University(Earth Science Edition). 2014, 44 (1):  230-248. 
Abstract ( 615 )   PDF (1469KB) ( 430 )  

Scientific interpretations are required for some abnormal phenomena at the XI intensity region of the Wenchuan earthquake: explosion bangs, large size circular pits and far distance flying rock avalanches. During field surveys we found circular pits and ejecta distributed above the Shuijingyan rock avalanche at Beichuan County in June 20, 2008, about one month after the main shock. According to field investigation and lab test results, the fired ejecta around craters are mainly carbonate manganese mixed of corrosion limestone and manganese underground surface. The brown porous ejecta are featured by intensive thermophilic degradation because they had high content of polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons. If the regional geological conditions and coalbed gas distribution are considered, together with some updated findings of abnormal high content of methane monitored at the depth of central active fault F2 during aftershocks, it is inferred that the main shock induced gas explosion, the latter triggered and enhanced some huge scale rock avalanches. The methane is stored within corrosion caves in limestone which interbedded with carbonaceous rocks, and closed fissures near the F2. At the lower wall the local explosions left circular pits and fired eject around the pits, triggered and enhanced the following rock avalanches to fly far distances. The result presented is significant for monitoring the natural gas explosions in great shock and understanding its functions to large scale rock avalanches.

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Physical Simulation Experimental Research on the Deformation Law and Mechanical Mechanism of Imbricated Thrust Fault:with Longmenshan Fault as an Example
Su Shengrui, Li Peng, Wang Qi, Su Weiwei, Zhang Ying
Journal of Jilin University(Earth Science Edition). 2014, 44 (1):  249-258. 
Abstract ( 464 )   PDF (673KB) ( 577 )  

Adopting the large physical simulation experiment with the Longmenshan fault zone as the research background, it reproduced the imbricated thrust fault evolution process. By the real-time monitoring of displacement and strain in inside of the model, it was concluded the deformation and stress distribution law of imbricate thrust fault as follows:1)The deformation of the whole tectonic region is inclined up along the fault zone except partly inclined down of underlying fault footwall; the deep deformation is greater than shallow surface at the same side of fault zone; the horizontal deformation gradually decreases with the increase of the distance from the extrusion end, and accompanied by instaneous jumping increase.2)The research area is in compressive stress state except local tensile stress in the shallow of the upper wall,and the deep stress and its release quantity are much greater than the shallow; the stress does not increase or decrease linearly, but with the increasing displacement of extrusion end along a trend shocks up and down. The crustal stress near the underlying fault zone is more likely to appear accumulation and release. In the changing time, the deep is jumping decrease, but the both side of the underlying fault zone instantly increase at first then decrease gradually.3)The deformation and stress of shallow changes with the same rule, but all are lagging behind the deep.

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Correlation of Shallow Layer Rock and Soil Thermal Physical Tests in Laboratory and Field
Gao Ping,Zhang Yanjun,Fang Jingtao,Zhang Qing,Li Hongwei
Journal of Jilin University(Earth Science Edition). 2014, 44 (1):  259-267. 
Abstract ( 315 )   PDF (559KB) ( 440 )  

The authors propose a method to determine synthetically geotechnical thermal physical parameters according to laboratory experiments for a certain project in Shanghai. Based on discrepancy of testing results between laboratory and field test,formation thickness,water ratio,density and osmotic coefficient are chosen as primary factors that affect difference of thermal physical parameters between laboratory testing and field testing. And the weighted values of every factor are determined using analytic hierarchy process (AHP),which are used to modify testing results of thermal physical parameters in laboratory. Furthermore the authors simulate field and modified laboratory thermal physical parameters simulates and practically heat transferring,respectively.It shows that the discrepancy of heat conduction capacity are 1.2%,1.1% and 2.3% for three conditions. The heat transfer capacity can be reoresented by the value of product of pipe depth multiplied by thermal conductivity. Uniform thermal conductivity computed by modified parameters of laboratory is basically equal to comprehensive thermal conductivity tested by field thermal response test,which are 1.832 W/(m·℃) and 1.778 W/(m·℃) respectively.

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Topographical Factors in the Formation of Gully Type Debris Flows in the Upper Reaches of Minjiang River
Zhu Yuan,Yu Bin,Qi Xing,Wang Tao,Chen Yuanjing
Journal of Jilin University(Earth Science Edition). 2014, 44 (1):  268-277. 
Abstract ( 431 )   PDF (543KB) ( 634 )  

There are three groups of factors related to topography, geology and hydrology which have influence on the formation of gully type debris flows. In this study,a single representative factor (G-factor) for the topography is proposed, which can be used to give threshold values for debris flow formation. The study was carried out in the upper reaches of Minjiang River, which is located in the Wenchuan earthquake area. During some rainfall events after the earthquake, some gully type debris flows were triggered in some catchments. In some catchments no debris flows were triggered even though these catchments were in the vicinity of gullies with triggered debris flows. We isolated and analyzed the influence of the topography on the formation of debris flows because during these rainfall events the hydrological conditions were almost the same in the investigated gullies. We could also neutralize the influence of the geological factors by selecting groups of neighboring catchments located in areas with the same geological characteristics. A new G-factor is proposed in this study as a topographical indicator G,  in which F0 is the form factor of formation area, J0 is the average slope of formation area, A0 is the area of formation area, and A* is the unit area (=1 km2). Higher G-factor values are generally related to higher probabilities of debris flow formation. The roles of G-factor are analyzed in other areas such as Zhouqu, Gansu, and Chenyoulan River Watershed, Taiwan. It shows that the higher G-factor values, the higher probabilities of debris flow formation are in generally. In the typical areas of Minjian River areas, it is very high probabilities of debris flow formation when G≥0.21. The probabilities of debris flow formation is very low when G≤0.14.

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Pipe Air Accumulation Causes and Its Control Metod in Slope Siphon Drainage
Sun Hongyue, Xiong Xiaoliang, Shang Yuequan, Cai Yueliang
Journal of Jilin University(Earth Science Edition). 2014, 44 (1):  278-284. 
Abstract ( 857 )   PDF (365KB) ( 564 )  

Rising slope underground water level is an important factor inducing landslide, real-time discharge groundwater is an effective means to prevent the slope geological disaster. The siphon drainage with no power and flowing process by the change of the liquid level automatic control of the physical properties, which can meet the real time need of slope groundwater discharge. But the straw air accumulation leads to siphon destruction, and restricts slope of siphon drainage technology popularization and application. The air dissolved in the water due to the reduced pressure within the siphon overflow is the physical basis of the bubble forming. The experimental results show that, the siphon water inlet above the water surface of the vertical height of 3.5 m above will appear a large number of bubbles, through siphon vertex, bubble generation strongly merger into large bubbles. When the rainbow straw inlet head difference is bigger, bubble water bomb easily push the air bubbles are discharged from the water outlet. When the rainbow straw diameter is greater than 5 mm, slow siphon flow, occurs within the tube bubble accumulation, eventually destroying the siphon process, rainbow straw with diameter less than 4 mm, can form stable slug flow. Therefore, in order to keep the slope siphon process effective long-term, the rainbow straw can be chosen 5 mm in diameter in regular rainfall and slope ungroundwater rich area and less than or equal to 4 mm in diameter in non recurring rainfall area.

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Fuzzy Cluster Analysis of Rock Mass Discontinuity of Tunnel Based on Laser Measurement and FKM Clustering Algorithm
Liu Changjun,Ding Liuqian, Zhang Shunfu, Liao Jingxia
Journal of Jilin University(Earth Science Edition). 2014, 44 (1):  285-294. 
Abstract ( 460 )   PDF (837KB) ( 757 )  

The number, attitude and developmental state of rock mass discontinuity of tunnel are important indexes to evaluate permeability and stability of tunnel. Laser point cloud data and geometry information of rock mass discontinuity around the tunnel can be obtained quickly using the three dimensional measurement technology. The reconstruction technology of triangular mesh of laser point cloud was proposed based on the projection of cylinder method and Delaunay growth algorithm, the attitude of single triangular mesh surface was calculated using the normal vector of the plane equation of the constructed triangular mesh, and fuzzy cluster classification of the attitude of the discontinuity of tunnel was carried out with the application of FKM (Fuzzy K-Mean) cluster method. The different groups of the attitude in advantage can obtained quickly using this method, and the spatial display of the result of the classification can be conducted with different colors. Finally, the study of the attitude in advantage of the discontinuity of some tunnel was carried out using the software FSS developed independently, the results of the study show that: 1)The constructing mesh with point cloud method based on the projection of cylinder method and Delaunay growth algorithm is particularly suitable for tunnel project, the speed of construction of mesh is fast, the efficiency is high, and the topology difference of the reconstructed surface of triangular mesh and the surface of sampling rock mass is minimum. 2)The result of cluster classification of the structure surface of rock mass of tunnel with the method of FKM fuzzy cluster is reliable, reasonable, and has strong commonality and extension.

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Analysis of Phreatic Water Seepage Nearby River with NonHorizontal Initial Surface
Cao Pengqiang, Shu Longcang, Lu Chengpeng
Journal of Jilin University(Earth Science Edition). 2014, 44 (1):  295-300. 
Abstract ( 442 )   PDF (303KB) ( 500 )  

Considering the condition of nonhorizontal initial surfaces, a transient flow model for semi-infinite aquifer seepage subjected to river boundary is constructed. The simple calculation methods of initial non-horizontal surfaces and their associated parameters (a, tN) are proposed. The applicable conditions of the model are also explored. The result shows that the method is suitable for the seepage calculation when there are insufficient observation groundwater level data near the river, especially in the case that groundwater level variation is smaller campared to the thickness of unconfined aquifer and that the observation well is close to the river. Case analysis show that the calculated values of parameters a and tN are different using the lookup table method and wiring method. Calculation error of the water level is within 0.02 m. The free surface calculation results are much better than the existed formulas. An easy method for calculating water seepage of the initial conditions of nonhorizontal surfaces is provided.

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Linearized Calibration of Xin’anjiang Model Parameters
Zhao Liping, Bao Weimin,Zhang Kun
Journal of Jilin University(Earth Science Edition). 2014, 44 (1):  301-309. 
Abstract ( 501 )   PDF (439KB) ( 691 )  

In order to solve the problem of unstable parameter calibration results of conceptual hydrological model, the linearized calibration method of Xin’anjiang daily model parameters was put forward. Firstly, this method was compared with the SCE-UA method and the Simplex method through an ideal model. The average values of objective function obtained by the 3 methods were 0.02, 0.10 and 8.39 m3/s, respectively and the average iteration numbers were 8, 637 and 327, respectively. Moreover, the parameter variances obtained by the linearized calibration method were much smaller than those of other two methods. These results demonstrated that the linearized calibration method can find the true parameter values. It also has higher accuracy and convergence speed with more stable calibration results. Then the performance of the new method in model parameter calibration was examined using the measured data of Jianyang and Changtan River basin. The results showed that the stable optimal parameter values could also be quickly got. All of the objective function values of the 10 runs in Jianyang River basin were 100.35 m3/s and the iteration numbers were all within 8. In the validation phase of the two river basins, the relative errors of runoff depth were all within 9.68% and the values of determination coefficient were all above 0.819. It can be concluded that the linearized calibration method can solve the problem of unstable calibration results about nonlinear model parameters without producing unrelated local optima. Furthermore, it is not influenced by the different initial parameter values and has high computation accuracy and needs small iteration numbers. Hence, the linearized calibration method is an effective global optimization method.

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Global Parametric Sensitivity Analysis of Numerical Simulation for CO2 Geological Sequestration in Saline Aquifers: A Case Study of Yancheng Formation in Subei Basin
Zheng Fei, Shi Xiaoqing, Wu Jichun, Zhao Liang, Chen Yang
Journal of Jilin University(Earth Science Edition). 2014, 44 (1):  310-318. 
Abstract ( 1126 )   PDF (460KB) ( 1049 )  

TOUGH2/ECO2N code was used to simulate the complex coupled processes taking place during and after CO2 injection in the deep saline sandstone aquifer of Lower Yancheng Formation in Subei basin. Morris, Sobol and EFAST methods were used to analyze the global sensitivity of parameters, i.e., kx, n, Slr,λ, C, 1/p0 and S, on three response variables: 1)the pressure located in the injection well; 2)the amount of gas-phase CO2 and 3)the spread distance of CO2 gas plume. Results from the Morris and Sobol methods show that n is the most sensitive parameter for the injection well pressure, kx is the most sensitive parameter both for the amount of gas-phase CO2 and the spread distance of CO2 gas plume. In summary, the sensitivity orders of these parameters are totally different for different corresponding variables. Comparative results from EFAST and Sobol show that the main and total effect obtained from the two quantitative sensitivity analysis methods are basically identical, however, EFAST is computationally more efficient than Sobol in numerical experiment.

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Particle Size Character and Environmental Implication of Urban Dust Near the Ground in Changchun City, China
Yang Zhongping, Zhang Qiang, Zhang Liang, Li Da,Lu Wenxi, Xin Xin
Journal of Jilin University(Earth Science Edition). 2014, 44 (1):  319-327. 
Abstract ( 441 )   PDF (436KB) ( 502 )  

A series of investigations were performed to provide particle size signatures of urban dust near the ground in Changchun, China. A total of 34 samples of dust were collected along the north-south and the east-west axis using a systematic sampling strategy (about 1.5 m above the ground surface). The laser particle size instrument was employed to analyze the particle size. According to the analytical results, the mean median grain size and the arithmetic mean diameter of the near-surface urban dusts in Changchun was 21.58 μm and 24.24 μm, respectively. The coarse silt (10.00-80.00 μm) content in the urban dusts was higher relatively, which was 71.28% on average, while the clay particle (<5.00 μm) and fine silt (5.00-10.00 μm) was 14.75% and 13.05%, respectively. The distribution of grain size was characterized by skewed positively, bimodal and middling to narrow kurtosis, which was similar to the gain size distribution of modern dust storms and street dust and indicated that urban dust near the ground is a mixture of coarse grains derived from local area and fine grains transported over long distances, and was derived from aeolian processes. The gain size in urban dust near the ground was almost completely below 100.00 μm, which indicated that these particles were pick up and transported by suspension under proper aerodynamic conditions. Meanwhile, the average content of PM10 and PM2.5 in urban dust near the ground was 27.76% and 7.32%, respectively, which were much higher, showing the high potential hazards. There were no significant spatial variations of gain size distribution, however, the variation range of grain size in central urban area was small relatively, which indicated that the origination of urban dust near the ground was multiple and complicated in suburban compared with that of the central urban area.

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Hartley Transform in the Application of the Derivatives of Potential Field (Gravity and Magnetic) Data
Ma Guoqing, Huang Danian, Du Xiaojuan, Li Lili
Journal of Jilin University(Earth Science Edition). 2014, 44 (1):  328-335. 
Abstract ( 591 )   PDF (919KB) ( 562 )  

Derivative is an indispensable tool in the processing of potential field data. Now we usually use the Fourier transform to complete the computation, but this method is sensitive to noise, so cannot compute higherorder derivatives. Hartley transform (HT) is a real-valued function that is defined on the basis of Fourier transform (FT), however, symmetry character of HT is better and computational complexity of HT is smaller compared with these properties of FT. We derive the derivative computation equations of gravity and magnetic anomaly based on the basic property of HT. We demonstrate the HT on theoretical anomalies, and errors between the results computed by HT, which is insensitive to noise, and the theoretical values are less than 5%, so the HT can substitute the FT to compute the derivatives of potential field data. We also apply the HT to finish the computation of edge detection filters and obtain clearer distribution of faults.

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Top-Hat Transformation and Magnetotelluric Sounding Data Strong Interference Separation of Lujiang-Zongyang Ore Concentration Area
Tang Jingtian, Li Hao, Li Jin, Qiang Jianke, Xiao Xiao
Journal of Jilin University(Earth Science Edition). 2014, 44 (1):  336-343. 
Abstract ( 577 )   PDF (422KB) ( 621 )  

Morphology filtering based on mathematical morphology as a nonlinear signal processing method has demonstrated its value in magnetotelluric time-domain signal de-noising. But morphology filtering remove the steep-gentle changing of magnetotelluric time-domain signal which also contains useful information while remove the noise waveform of magnetotelluric time-domain signal. To solve this problem, the authors present a scheme based on top-hat transformation of mathematical morphology in noise suppression of magnetotelluric time-domain signal, using the ability of top-hat transformation on detecting peaks or troughs and flat structural elements to remove the noise from magnetotelluric time-domain signal. The results of processing measured magnetotelluric sounding data collecting from Lujiang-Zongyang ore concentration area by the proposed method show that the proposed method can remove noise waveform while reserving the steep-gentle changing of time-domain signal, restore the magnetotelluric time-domain signal contaminated by noise and improve the quality of magnetotelluric apparent resistivity curve.

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Like-Impulse Electromagnetic Noise Processing Based on Empirical Mode Decomposition
Wang Zhenghai, Geng Xin, Yao Zhuosen, Hu Guangdao, Fang Chen
Journal of Jilin University(Earth Science Edition). 2014, 44 (1):  344-349. 
Abstract ( 538 )   PDF (559KB) ( 668 )  

As one of the main noise interferences of the magnetotelluric sounding system (MT), like-impulse electromagnetic noise not only affects the count of subsequent apparent resistivity and impedance, but also badly influences the target information extraction. In this paper,we briefly introduced the basic principles and algorithms of the empirical mode decomposition method (EMD), and based on the analysis of actual data, we discussed its application in magnetotelluric signal processing and noise suppression. First, we can get intrinsic mode function (IMF) after EMD decomposition from magnetotelluric signal; then, select a suitable threshold for each of the IMF and truncated the excess part; last, did EMD reconstruction. Test results of field data show that corrected signal is of high correlation coefficient and less energy loss compared with raw signal, and is a high accuracy approximation of raw signal. The like-impulse noise of field data can be restrained efficiently.

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Combination of Audio Magnetotelluric and Nuclear Magnetic Resonance Used to Aquifer Division
Yu Xiangqian,Zhao Yiping,Wang Mingxin,Liu Di,Wang Wenting,Wang Xinzhu
Journal of Jilin University(Earth Science Edition). 2014, 44 (1):  350-358. 
Abstract ( 490 )   PDF (648KB) ( 531 )  

The accuracy of geophysical prospecting methods was limited. A combination of the audio magnetotelluric method and the nuclear magnetic resonance method was applied to aquifer division, enhancing the accuracy. Series of field tests for this method were carried out in an area of Bayanbaolige basin,Inner Mongolia, and the test results were compared with the hydrogeological profiles of the detailed hydrogeological survey for this tested area. The main conclusions were as follows: ①The tested aquifer depth and thickness, within the depth of 100 m, were almost consistent with the hydrogeological profiles. ②Based on this method, the decay times for mudstone, silty clay, silt, vesicular basalt and gravel were considered to be ≤30, 30-60, 60-120, 120-260 and 260-600 ms,respectively. This was highly consistent with the hydrogeological profiles. ③The law of variation for aquifer water content was identical with that for water inflow represented in the hydrogeological profiles. Therefore, this method was feasible, and worthy to be promoted in production practices.

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Estimation of P-and S-Waves Quality Factors Based on the Formula of the Wave-Field Continuation in Modified Kolsky Model
Feng Xuan, Zhang Jin, Liu Cai, Zhang Yan, Wang Yanguo
Journal of Jilin University(Earth Science Edition). 2014, 44 (1):  359-368. 
Abstract ( 567 )   PDF (602KB) ( 586 )  

The quality factor describing stratigraphic absorption, which is an important physical parameter in joint inversion of PP-and PS-waves, plays an important role in the prediction of subsurface petrophysical parameters and oil and gas.On account of the physical mechanism of wave-field continuation in modified Kolsky model, and the method of calculating travel time in each layer proposed by Zhang and Ulrych, We present a method for estimating P-and S-waves quality factors based on the formula of the wave-field continuation in modified Kolsky model. We estimate a series of Q values by linear-fitting between the frequency and the logarithm of the amplitude spectrum ratio between different seismic traces, and then we obtain the Q value of each layer by selecting the better Q values and taking the average of them. In the model tests, the errors between theoretical Q values of P-and S-waves and their estimated Q values using this method are less than 2%. It shows that the Q values estimated by this method are correct and the estimated results are accurate. We apply this method to real seismic data, and get reasonable estimating results of P-waves Q value.

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The Study of Least-Squares Migration Method Based on Split-Step DSR
Huang Jianping,Xue Zhiguang,Bu Changcheng,Li Zhenchun,Wang Changbo, Gao Guochao,Cao Xiaoli, Li Guolei
Journal of Jilin University(Earth Science Edition). 2014, 44 (1):  369-374. 
Abstract ( 540 )   PDF (593KB) ( 629 )  

In order to adapt for the exploration and development of complex structures and lithologic hydrocarbon reservoirs, leastsquares migration method applying inversion is proposed. In this paper, based on the basic theory of leastsquares migration (LSM), we deduced the forward propagator and its adjoint of back propagator, and then LSM based on split-step DSR was implemented. We tested this algorithm via four layers and SEG/EAGE Marmousi velocity model. The image results demonstrate that LSM has not only a high image resolution for the complex media, in addition,there will be a better image quality than conventional migration method after several iterations of conjugate gradient method for some local regions in the follow aspects: 1)the image resolution is highly improved; 2)A better imaging energy compensation for the deeper part of the model.

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Staggered Grid Finite Difference Scheme and Coefficients Deduction of Any Number of Derivatives
Yang Qingjie, Liu Cai, Geng Meixia, Feng Xuan, Guo Zhiqi, Liu Yang
Journal of Jilin University(Earth Science Edition). 2014, 44 (1):  375-385. 
Abstract ( 1247 )   PDF (622KB) ( 1841 )  

Staggered grid finite difference algorithm is effective, accurate and practical, so it has wide application prospect and practical significance.So far, the common high-order scheme of staggered grid finite difference algorithm is 4-order temporal and 2N-order spatial accuracy.However, the FD scheme isn’t 2N-order accuracy actually when computing second or third spatial derivative.The authors deduce the FD scheme with 2N-order accuracy and corresponding coefficients of any number of derivatives of functions which have any number of derivatives forthefirsttime.So we can consummate conventional high-order staggered grid finite difference algorithm.We make a simulation of seismic response with conventional FD scheme and the new FD scheme respectively,and compared with analytic solution respectively. As a result, the new FD scheme is more stabilized and more accurate.

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Properties of Acoustic Impedance of Seafloor Sediments in the Middle Area of the Southern Yellow Sea
Kan Guangming, Su Yuanfeng, Liu Baohua, Li Guanbao, Meng Xiangmei
Journal of Jilin University(Earth Science Edition). 2014, 44 (1):  386-395. 
Abstract ( 479 )   PDF (701KB) ( 478 )  

Based on the sediment cores collected in the middle area of the Southern Yellow Sea and the core data measured in the laboratory, the properties of the acoustic impedance of shallow seafloor sediments and the correlations between the acoustic impedance and the physical parameters of the sediments are analyzed. The data analysis demonstrates that the acoustic impedance is characterized with a zonal distribution pattern, and its distribution can be divided into three sub-zones: a low acoustic impedance sub-zone in the northeast, a high acoustic impedance sub-zone in the southwest and an acoustic impedance gradient band aligning from northwest to southeast. The empirical regression equations between the acoustic impedance and the physical-mechanical parameters of the sediments are established by means of regression analysis. The results indicate that the acoustic impedance is well correlated to the parameters such as density, percent moisture, porosity ratio, percent porosity, liquid limit, plastic limit, plasticity index and compression coefficient, with the coefficient R2 which is generally larger than 0.8, but poor correlated to the parameters such as sand content, clay content, median grain size and shear strength, with the correlation coefficient R2 which is commonly less than 0.7.Comparing the correlations between the acoustic impedance and the physicalmechanical parameters to that between the sound speed and the physical-mechanical parameters of the sediment shows that the former correlation coefficient R2 generally larger than the latter one. This result indicats the acoustic impedance could be a better sediment acoustic parameter that can reflect the relationships between the acoustic properties and the physical-mechanical parameters of the seafloor sediments.

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Kernel Mahalanobis Distance for Multivariate Geochemical Anomaly Recognition
Chen Yongliang, Lu Laijun, Li Xuebin
Journal of Jilin University(Earth Science Edition). 2014, 44 (1):  396-408. 
Abstract ( 481 )   PDF (1170KB) ( 556 )  

Mahalanobis distance is an effective synthetic index for multivariate geochemical anomaly identification in the situation where geochemical data satisfy multivariate normal distribution. However, complex geological system, multi-stage mineralization, and multiple ore-controlling factors, usually result in the ambiguity and nonlinearity of the critical surface of multivariate geochemical anomaly. This complicated surface can’t be properly represented by the smooth hyper-ellipsoid defined by Mahalanobis distances. Kernel functions can nonlinearly transform the sample set onto a feature space, where the background sample image population constructs a manifold while anomaly sample images distribute the boundary or out space of the manifold. The kernel Mahalanobis distances from a sample image to the sample image population can be computed and used to determine whether the sample is an outlier. The method is applied to the multivariate geochemical anomaly identification of Baishan region, Jilin Province, China. Kernel Mahalanobis distance, Mahalanobis distance, and principal component score serve as the synthetic indexes for identifying the multivariate geochemical anomalies of four combinations of gold-silver, gold-silver-arsenic-bismuth-mercury, gold-silver-copper-lead-zinc-stibnite-cobalt, and gold-silver-copper-lead-zinc-stibnite-cobalt-arsenic-bismuth-mercury. The research shows that the performance of composite kernel Mahalanobis distance is superior to the other indexes in multivariate geochemical anomaly identification.

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