Journal of Jilin University Science Edition

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RealTime Correction Method for Fisheye Video Images Distortion

LV Yaowen, AN Zhe, XU Xiping   

  1. School of Optical Engineering, Changchun University of Science and Technology, Changchun 130022, China
  • Received:2016-06-13 Online:2017-01-26 Published:2017-02-02
  • Contact: LV Yaowen

Abstract: Using spherical projection model of fisheye image, we proposed a realtime correction method based on spherical projection. The method made the fisheye image map in 5 image plane, so as to solve the problem of serious distortion and poor visual effects for fisheye video. According to the layout of 2D image data allocations in memory, the space mapping calculation and memory management were optimized in the correction algorithm. The efficiency of the algorithm was improved and the memory consumption of the algorithm was reduced. The experimental results show that the method can significantly improve the visual effects of fisheye images, and the running time of single frame image is only 18.37 ms, which can satisfy the need of realtime fisheye video image correction.

Key words: image correction, spherical projection, fisheye image, realtime processing

CLC Number: 

  • TP391