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Journal of Jilin University Science Edition
ISSN 1671-5489
CN 22-1340/O
主 任:韩啸
编 辑:赵立芹 王健 单凝 李琦
电 话:0431-88499428
地 址:长春市南湖大路5372号

Table of Content
26 November 2018, Volume 56 Issue 6
Existence and Multiplicity of Solutions for a Class of Nonlinear Fractional Differential Equations with p-Laplacian Operator#br#
LI Jimei, LI Huilai
Journal of Jilin University Science Edition. 2018, 56 (6):  1285-1290. 
Abstract ( 491 )   PDF (306KB) ( 212 )  
We studied the existence and multiplicity of solutions for a class of boundary value problems of nonlinear fractional differential equ
ations with p-Laplacian operator by using the properties of Green’s function and fixedpoint theorems on cone.
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Existence of Periodic Solutions for HigherOrderDifferential Equations with Multiple Delays#br#
ZHANG Huan, LI Yongxiang
Journal of Jilin University Science Edition. 2018, 56 (6):  1291-1298. 
Abstract ( 292 )   PDF (335KB) ( 172 )  
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Existence of Positive Solutions for a Class of Boundary ValueProblems of Fractional Differential Equations on Infinite Interval#br#
LIAO Xiu, WEI Yuming, FENG Chunhua
Journal of Jilin University Science Edition. 2018, 56 (6):  1299-1306. 
Abstract ( 298 )   PDF (371KB) ( 84 )  
We considered the existence of positive solutions for a class of boundary value problems of fractional differential equations on infinite intervals, and  proved that there was at least one positive solution and unique positive solution for the boundary value problem by using the fixed point theorem of cone compression and cone expansion and the compressed image principle.
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Existence of Pullback Attractors for Weakly DampedSuspension Bridge Equations with Linear Memory#br#
WANG Fangping, MA Qiaozhen
Journal of Jilin University Science Edition. 2018, 56 (6):  1307-1314. 
Abstract ( 245 )   PDF (370KB) ( 70 )  
We gave the pullback Dasymptotic compactness for the weakly damped suspension bridge equations with linear memory by using the method of contraction function, and then proved the existence of pullback attractor.
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Positive Solutions of m-Point Boundary Value Problems forFractional Differential Equations on Infinite Intervals#br#
WANG Weixuan, ZHAI Chengbo
Journal of Jilin University Science Edition. 2018, 56 (6):  1315. 
Abstract ( 235 )   PDF (370KB) ( 101 )  
Using some fixed point theorems of sum of two operators in semiordered Banach spaces, we proved the existence and uniqueness of positive solutions of the m-point boundary value problem for a class of fractional differential equations on an infinite interval and gave their applications by examples.
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Multiple Solutions for a Class of Fractional DifferentialEquation with Variable Exponents#br#
ZHANG Shengui
Journal of Jilin University Science Edition. 2018, 56 (6):  1324-1330. 
Abstract ( 476 )   PDF (351KB) ( 180 )  
By using variational methods and the theory of fractional variable exponent Sobolev space, the author investigated the fractional differential equation with p(x)-Laplacian operator, under the condition of local superlinear growth nonlinearity, some sufficient conditions for the existence of multiple solutions for this problem were obtained.
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Asymptotic Solution of Singular Perturbation Modelfor Fermi Gases Optical Lattices
XU Jianzhong, MO Jiaqi
Journal of Jilin University Science Edition. 2018, 56 (6):  1331-1336. 
Abstract ( 221 )   PDF (386KB) ( 57 )  
We considered a nonlinear disturbed model for a class of singular perturbation trajectories of Fermi gases optical lattices. Firstly, the degenerate solution of the trajectories of the Fermi gases optical lattices model was given. Secondly, the outer solution of the system was given by using the singular perturbation method, and the layer type corrective term of the system was given by using a stretch variable methods. Finally, the arbitrary order asymptotic solution of the trajectory of nonlinear disturbed model for singular perturbation Fermi gases optical lattices and the uniformly valid asymptotic expansions of solution were given.
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Stability and Hopf Bifurcation Analysis of DelayedOscillator with DelayDependent Parameters#br#
LUO Jiawei, XU Xu
Journal of Jilin University Science Edition. 2018, 56 (6):  1337-1344. 
Abstract ( 303 )   PDF (628KB) ( 155 )  
Firstly, the method of characteristic root was used to  analyze the  stability  of delayed oscillator with delaydependent parameters, and  a criterion for stability switches was given. Secondly, the  stability and periodicity of bifurcating periodic solutions were analyzed by using the center manifold and  the normal form theory.
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Change Theorem of Rings for Copure Projective Dimensions
XIONG Tao, WANG Fanggui, QIAO Lei
Journal of Jilin University Science Edition. 2018, 56 (6):  1345-1358. 
Abstract ( 295 )   PDF (394KB) ( 239 )  
Let R be a ring, cpD(R) stand for  the copure projective dimension of a ring R. We gave the change theorem of rings on the dimension of ring R based on the properties of cpD(R).
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G-C-Homological Dimensions of Modules under Exact ZeroDivisors
GUO Shoutao, WANG Zhanping
Journal of Jilin University Science Edition. 2018, 56 (6):  1349-1353. 
Abstract ( 252 )   PDF (311KB) ( 107 )  
Let R be a commutative ring with identity, C be a semidualizing R-module and x be an exact zerodivisor over R. We considered the GC-homological dimensions of modules under exact zerodivisors, and proved that if M was GC-projective (injective, flat) R-module, then M/(xM) was GC/(xC)-projective (injective, flat) R/(xR)-module. And the similar conclusions could be obtained for DC-projective (injective) R-modules.
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A Note on Property (z)
DAI Lei
Journal of Jilin University Science Edition. 2018, 56 (6):  1354-1358. 
Abstract ( 274 )   PDF (306KB) ( 125 )  
By using quasinilpotent part, analytic core and singlevalued extension property (SVEP) of operators, the author considered property (az) and property (z) of operator T, proved if H0(T-λI) was closed for every λ∈σf(T), then T satisfied property (az), and gave two equivalent characterizations of T satisfying property (z).
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HilbertType Integral Inequality Related to Some SpecialFunctions and Its Operator Expressions with  Norm#br#
LIU Qiong
Journal of Jilin University Science Edition. 2018, 56 (6):  1359-1365. 
Abstract ( 272 )   PDF (411KB) ( 175 )  
By using the weight function method, the technique of the real analysis and the related theories of special functions, the author established a Hilberttype integral inequality with multiparameters related to some special functions and its equivalence, proved that its  constant factors were optimal, and  gave the operator expressions with the norm. 
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Generalized Harmonically s-Convex Functions andHadamard Type Inequalities on Fractal Sets#br#
SUN Wenbing
Journal of Jilin University Science Edition. 2018, 56 (6):  1366-1372. 
Abstract ( 360 )   PDF (322KB) ( 227 )  
The author gave the definition of generalized harmonically s-convex function on fractal sets ?α(0<α≤1) of fractal real lines, established HermiteHadamard integral inequalities for generalized harmonically s-convex function and an identity for local fractional integral. Then some HermiteHadamard type local fractional integral inequalities for these classes of functions were obtained.
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Column Generation Algorithm for Solving WeightedMinimum Enclosing Ball Problem#br#
CONG Weijie, SUN Hui
Journal of Jilin University Science Edition. 2018, 56 (6):  1373-1378. 
Abstract ( 318 )   PDF (350KB) ( 99 )  
Firstly, the linear convergence of sequential minimal optimization (SMO) algorithm for solving the weighted minimum enclosing ball (WMEB) problem was established. Secondly, by incorporating the idea of column generation algorithm into the SMO algorithm, we proposed a column generation algorithm for solving the WMEB problem. The algorithm added the furthest point of weighted distance from the current ball center to  the core set at each iteration. The results of numerical experiments show that the proposed algorithm can effectively improve the computational efficiency of solving the WMEB problem on large
scale data sets.
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Relaxation Strategy for Richardson Iterative Method
HAN Guanghui, QU Gangrong
Journal of Jilin University Science Edition. 2018, 56 (6):  1379-1384. 
Abstract ( 914 )   PDF (952KB) ( 457 )  
The Richardson iterative method was extended to solve more general linear equations. First, the iterative process and the iterative matrix were reformulated by using the similar transformation matrix, based on minimizing spectral radius of the iterative matrix, and the method of selecting the optimal relaxation parameter was given. Then aiming at the problem that the smallest eigenvalue was difficult to calculate, an accelerated convergence strategy was proposed, which only depended on the largest eigenvalue.
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Application of Ultra Weak Variational Method to NumericalCalculation of a Class of  Scattering Problem by Medium#br#
LUAN Tian, WANG Chunyan, ZHANG Wei
Journal of Jilin University Science Edition. 2018, 56 (6):  1385-1390. 
Abstract ( 247 )   PDF (1458KB) ( 142 )  
We applied ultra weak variational method  to numerically solve a class of time harmonic scattering problem by medium. On the basis of truncation of the domain by artificial absorbing boundary, we derived ultra weak variational formula according to  the discontinuous Galerkin (DG)  method, and used the approximation property  of plane wave functions to approximate the local behavior of the field, then transformed the problem to the solution of the network boundary. The results show that  the algorithm can effectively simulate  the medium scattering problem, and is suitable for the case of big wave number with fast convergence rate. Numerical simulations verify the feasibility and  validity of the algorithm.
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Application of Lyapunov Function in a Class of SISVSEpidemic Systems with Random Perturbation
XIA Lan, ZHAO Yanan
Journal of Jilin University Science Edition. 2018, 56 (6):  1391-1396. 
Abstract ( 288 )   PDF (341KB) ( 51 )  
We considered a class of SISVS epidemic system with random perturbation,  applied the new Lyapunov function to study the ergodicity of the system, and obtained the sufficient conditions for the existence and ergodicity of the stationary distribution of the stochastic epidemic system. The results show that the construction method of Lyapunov function improves the existing results of endemic equilibrium and the mortality, which depend on the deterministic models, and obtains more applicable conditions.
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Based on  Homotopy Method to Construct  Existence Conditionof  Solution of Absolute Value Equation#br#
JIANG Xingwu, JIANG Boyang, YANG Xueying, WANG Xiuyu
Journal of Jilin University Science Edition. 2018, 56 (6):  1397-1401. 
Abstract ( 265 )   PDF (311KB) ( 97 )  
A combined homotopy equation was constructed for solving the generalized linear complementarity problem, which was equivalent to the absolute value equation,  an existence condition of a solution of the generalized linear complementarity problem was obtained based on the homotopy equation,  and this condition was different from that of the usual interval matrix.  An example shows that this condition is not stronger than the regularity condition of the interval, so we obtain a new existence condition of a solution of absolute value equation.
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Neighbor Expanded Sum Distinguishing Total Colorings of Joinsof Two Cycles, One Path and One Cycle and Two Paths#br#
ZHANG Hui, CHEN Xiang’en, WANG Zhiwen
Journal of Jilin University Science Edition. 2018, 56 (6):  1402-1408. 
Abstract ( 229 )   PDF (369KB) ( 48 )  
The neighbor expanded sum distinguishing total coloring of join of two cycles was constructed, then the neighbor expanded sum distinguishing total colorings and neighbor expanded sum distinguishing total coloring indexes of joins of one cycle and one path, and two paths were obtained, respectively by deleting edges. The results illustrate that the neighbor expanded sum distinguishing total coloring index of several classes of graphs are all equal to 2; NESDTC conjecture is true for the joins of two cycles, one cycle and one path, and two paths.
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Minimal Inequalities for Demi(sub)martingales#br#
GAO Yufeng, FENG Decheng
Journal of Jilin University Science Edition. 2018, 56 (6):  1409-1413. 
Abstract ( 360 )   PDF (281KB) ( 54 )  
According to the property of demi(sub)martingales, using the property of convex function and the indicative function, we gave a class of minimal inequalities for demi(sub)martingales under the condition that the product of the left derivative h(x) of the convex function g(x) and some of the indicative functions was a nonnegative function with respect to nondecreasing components.
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General Result on Precise Asymptotics for the Largest Eigenvalueof β-Laguerre Random Matrix#br#
GAO Yunfeng, TAN Xili
Journal of Jilin University Science Edition. 2018, 56 (6):  1414-1418. 
Abstract ( 297 )   PDF (314KB) ( 58 )  
By using the central limit theorem and the inequalities of the tail probability for the largest eigenvalue of β-Laguerre random matrix and  properties of the general β- Tracy-Wisdom distribution, we obtained a general result of precise asymptotics in complete moment convergence for the largest eigenvalue for more general boundary function and weighted function.
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Statistical Inference of Bivariate Autoregressive Modelwith Laplace Marginal Distribution#br#
CHEN Jin, WANG Dehui
Journal of Jilin University Science Edition. 2018, 56 (6):  1419-1422. 
Abstract ( 588 )   PDF (323KB) ( 134 )  
We considered a bivariate firstorder autoregressive time series model with Laplace marginal distribution, gave the properties of the model and conditional least squares estimation of parameters, and discussed the consistency and asymptotic normality of estimators. Finally, numerical simulation and example analysis were given.
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Antiperiodic Solutions for Discrete Systems with Exponential Dichotomy#br#
Journal of Jilin University Science Edition. 2018, 56 (6):  1423-1426. 
Abstract ( 185 )   PDF (286KB) ( 81 )  
The author considered the antiperiodic solutions for a class of nonlinear discrete systems with exponential dichotomy. Firstly, it was proved that if the homogeneous linear system had exponential dichotomy, then the corresponding nonhomogeneous linear system had an antiperiodic solution. Secondly, by means of this conclusion and the Banach fixed point theorem, a sufficient condition for the existence and uniqueness of antiperiodic solutions for nonlinear discrete systems was given. Finally, an application example was given.
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Stability  of Weak Galerkin Finite Element Method
ZHU Hongze, LIN Li, ZHOU Chenguang, LV Xianrui
Journal of Jilin University Science Edition. 2018, 56 (6):  1427-1430. 
Abstract ( 282 )   PDF (296KB) ( 88 )  
We considered the stability of the weak Galerkin finite element method for solving the second order elliptic equations and Biharmonic equations. Firstly, we introduced  the weak functions and the weak gradient operators to approximate the standard functions and standard differential operators in the weak Galerkin method. Secondly,  we gave the definitions of  norms of |||·||| and |||·|||-1in the weak  function space, and obtained  the stability of the weak Galerkin finite element method based on the two norms.
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Accelerated Visualization Method of 3D Discrete Element Software
FU Hong, HUANG Jiatong, MA Yuhan, YU Yajun, YU Jianqun
Journal of Jilin University Science Edition. 2018, 56 (6):  1431-1440. 
Abstract ( 415 )   PDF (9740KB) ( 137 )  
Aiming at the problem that visualization module of the selfdeveloped software AgriDEM (agricultural discrete element method) showed the vidio was not fluent  when the simulation data was huge, we proposed an accelerated visualization method of 3D discrete element software. From the point of view of display data reduction, the internal unit culling algorithm was used to simulate the visual depth of the human eye and occlusion feature of the object, and the data of the invisible particles in the object were removed. Thus, the load on the visual pipeline caused by the large data input was reduced, and 
the flicker and the vidio was not fluent problems of the simulation data visualization were solved.
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Friends Recommendation and Location RecommendationAlgorithm Based on Regional Active Users#br#
DONG Liyan, WANG Xuesong, WANG Zhaoyang, LI Yongli
Journal of Jilin University Science Edition. 2018, 56 (6):  1441-1446. 
Abstract ( 935 )   PDF (821KB) ( 317 )  
Aiming at the problem that most of the current locationbased recommendation algorithms did not consider the user’s realtime location and time factors, which made the recommendation lack of realtime, we proposed a recommendation algorithm based on regional active users to solve the cold start problem in traditional locationbased recommendation algorithm. Firstly, the algorithm explored the active user in the area where the user was currently located, and used this as a standard to recommend for the user. Secondly, time factor was introduced into location recommendation to make the recommendation more accurate and realtime. The experimental results show that the number of active user’s friends in the algorithm can improve the realtime performance of the recommendation system, and the fusion of location information in the algorithm can make the recommendation more accurate.
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ShortText Clustering Algorithm Based on Extension of Metaphorical Words#br#
WANG Ye, ZUO Wanli, WANG Ying
Journal of Jilin University Science Edition. 2018, 56 (6):  1447-1452. 
Abstract ( 307 )   PDF (506KB) ( 129 )  
Aiming at the problem that short text contained small words and various expressions, which led to ineffective clustering of the same category of text, we proposed a method to extend metaphorical words in short texts by using the rich lexical relationships in Chinese Wikipedia, which solved the shortages of the short text with less information and various lexical expressions. Experimental results show that the algorithm can effectively enhance the clustering effect of short text.
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Image Attitude Contour Extraction Algorithm of Nonrigid Human Motion
LENG Xinke, JIANG Huijun
Journal of Jilin University Science Edition. 2018, 56 (6):  1453-1460. 
Abstract ( 256 )   PDF (2891KB) ( 95 )  
Aiming at the problem that the traditional method of image extraction of human motion could only obtain the local optimal solution, and the extracted feature sequence was discontinuous, which led to the poor contour extraction effect, we proposed an image attitude contour extraction algorithm of nonrigid human motion. First, the scaleinvariant feature transform (SIFT) in the human motion image sequence was extracted and preprocessed to obtain the human feature 
extraction graph, and a sequential probability graph model of the human motion sequence was designed to ensure the continuity of the feature sequence extraction. Then the exterior appearance model of human limbs was constructed. 
Based on the appearance model, the high precision contour extraction algorithm of sequential image was used to extract the contour line of the current human motion frame. The experimental results show that the proposed algorithm can extract
 continuous feature sequences, and the extracted human pose contours have high accuracy, high efficiency and robustness.
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Improved Quantum Particle Swarm Optimization Algorithm forMulti-dimensional Multichoice Knapsack Problem#br#
YANG Xue, DONG Hongbin, DONG Yuxin
Journal of Jilin University Science Edition. 2018, 56 (6):  1461-1468. 
Abstract ( 331 )   PDF (1308KB) ( 120 )  
Aiming at the problem that the multidimensional multichoice knapsack problem (MMKP) couldnot find the optimal solution in polynomialtime. Besides, due to the strong constraint, the solving process would fall into the local optimization easily. We proposed an improved quantum particle swarm optimization (QPSO) algorithm to solve the problem. Firstly, in the process of quantum particle moving, the availability of the position information was determined by judging the position relationship between it and the next iteration individual, and the diversity of the particle was fully preserved by the information. Secondly, a new position disturbance method was proposed to avoid  population falling into local optimization. Finally, the algorithm was tested on the standard data set, and the convergence rate and running time of the algorithm were analyzed. Test results show that the algorithm is significantly improved in solving accuracy.
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Density Peaks Clustering Algorithm Based on CDbw and ABC Optimization#br#
JIANG Jianhua, WU Di, HAO Dehao, WANG Limin, ZHANG Yonggang, LI Keqin
Journal of Jilin University Science Edition. 2018, 56 (6):  1469-1475. 
Abstract ( 389 )   PDF (2144KB) ( 77 )  
Aiming at the problem that value of dc was difficult to select and the poor effect of neighborhood principle aggregation operation in low density area, we proposed a density peaks clustering (DPC) algorithm based on artificial bee colony and CDbw clustering index optimization, which realized automatic identification and reasonable clustering of data points between 
clusters, and solved the defect of DPC in class identification of data points between clusters. Experiment results show that the BeeDPC algorithm has advantages of automatic identification and reasonable clustering of data points between clusters, automatic identification of cluster centers and the number of clusters and dealing with arbitrary distributed data sets.
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Improved LEACH Clustering Routing Algorithm of Sensor Network
PAN Jiqiang, FENG Yongzheng
Journal of Jilin University Science Edition. 2018, 56 (6):  1476-1482. 
Abstract ( 338 )   PDF (1077KB) ( 223 )  
In view of the defects of the current clustering routing algorithm in wireless sensor network, such as the unaverage energy consumption and the premature death of nodes, we proposed an improved low energy adaptive clustering hierarchy (LEACH) routing algorithm for wireless sensor networks. Firstly, aiming at problem of the premature death of wireless sensor nodes, the dynamic determination of cluster radius was introduced, and the whole wireless sensor network was divided into multiple inhomogeneous clusters. Secondly, we considered the problem of fast energy consumption of cluster heads, and selected the cluster heads in each round according to the location of the cluster heads and the residual energy of the nodes. Finally, the data transmission mechanism was improved to ensure the balance of the energy consumption of nodes, and the performance of clustering routing algorithm in wireless sensor networks was tested on the MATLAB 2014 platform. The test results show that the improved LEACH algorithm solves the problem of premature death of nodes, prolongs the lifetime of the wireless sensor network and balances the energy consumption of each node. The performance of the whole wireless sensor network is significantly better than that of other comparison algorithms.
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Cognitive Radio Power Allocation Algorithm Based onParticle Swarm Optimization#br#
WANG Hongzhi, JIANG Fangda, ZHOU Mingyue
Journal of Jilin University Science Edition. 2018, 56 (6):  1483-1487. 
Abstract ( 303 )   PDF (1129KB) ( 68 )  
Aiming at the interference power threshold of the primary user (PU) in the cognitive radio network (CRN), transmission rate limit of the secondary user (SU) and the signaltointerferencenoiseratio (SINR) requirement, we proposed a learning traditional particle swarm optimization (LTPSO) algorithm, in which the evaporation factor was set according to the particle swarm learning factor,  a new particle swarm memory form was established, and the fitness values were screened proportionally. The simulation results show that the LTPSO algorithm achieves better optimization results.
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A Localization Algorithm Based on Convex Optimizationfor WSN Obstacle Environment #br#
CHENG Chao, LI Meng, WANG Jiuhe, CHEN Bilong
Journal of Jilin University Science Edition. 2018, 56 (6):  1488-1494. 
Abstract ( 286 )   PDF (538KB) ( 103 )  
Aiming at the problems of low positioning accuracy of traditional DVhop algorithm and node positioning failure caused by objects blocking information dissemination in the positioning environment, we proposed an improved highprecision localization algorithm suitable for obstacle environment. Firstly, the algorithm introduced an error correction value that took into account the minimum number of hops of the positioning node. Through this parameter value, the anchor nodes participating in the positioning were screened, and then the average hop distance of the anchor nodes was optimized. Secondly, the distance between the unknown node and the anchor node was calculated by using the trigonometric function combined with the accurate distance between the two anchor nodes. Finally, through the convex optimization calculation of the location of unknown nodes, the data transmission between nodes had the optimal path, optimized the positioning process and improved the positioning accuracy. Simulation results show that the improved algorithm not only solves the problem of difficult localization in the obstacle environment of wireless sensor networks, but also effectively improves the positioning accuracy of unknown nodes.
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Character Edge Image Extraction Based on NicheArtificial Bee Colony Algorithm#br#
ZHANG Shuang, WANG Hua, GAO Jingang
Journal of Jilin University Science Edition. 2018, 56 (6):  1495-1500. 
Abstract ( 267 )   PDF (1400KB) ( 176 )  
Niche technology was used to enhance the identification ability and clustering ability of the algorithm for local optimal solution, 
improve the local search ability of the artificial bee colony algorithm, and improve the characteristics of rapid search for global optimal value of the scout bee. We proposed an artificial bee colony algorithm based on niche technology, and applied it to extract the character image edge on the bogie wheelset axle end. This algorithm improved the disadvantage of show 
recognition speed and poor recognition effect of character edge image caused by the large amount of operation. Neighborhood gray gradient value was used as the fitness function value of the algorithm, and the niche radius was used to maintain the diversity of the population, so as to improve the local search ability of the characters, and finally a high quality edge image of the character image was obtained. The experimental results show that the number of local character edge points can be increased 1.66 times by using niche algorithm.
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Network Scheduling Optimization Strategy Based onSpectrum Coefficient and Proportional Fairness Algorithm#br#
ZHOU Zhonghua, PENG Zhichao
Journal of Jilin University Science Edition. 2018, 56 (6):  1501-1507. 
Abstract ( 455 )   PDF (685KB) ( 143 )  
The traditional proportional fairness wireless network resource scheduling strategy could not effectively guarantee the fairness of users, and had the shortcomings of low resource utilization of wireless network communication system, so we designed a resource scheduling optimization strategy based on spectrum coefficient and proportional fairness algorithm for wireless network communication system to solve the problems existing in the current resource optimization scheduling process of wireless network communication system. Firstly, the channel model of wireless network communication system was established, and the reasonable spectrum coefficient was determined by adaptive genetic algorithm. Secondly, according to proportional fairness algorithm, the scheduling priority was calculated, and the resources of wireless network communication system were allocated to users, and the shortcomings of traditional proportional fairness algorithm were improved accordingly. Finally, the performance of wireless network communication system was analyzed on the platform of MATLAB 2016. The resu
lts show that the proposed strategy can better ensure the fairness of users’ use of resources, improve throughput of wireless network communication system, and improve the resource utilization of wireless network communication system.
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Analysis of Level Structures of 94Tc Based on Shell Model
WU Yiheng, YANG Dong, MA Keyan, LUO Pengwei, CHENG Fei
Journal of Jilin University Science Edition. 2018, 56 (6):  1508-1512. 
Abstract ( 289 )   PDF (366KB) ( 77 )  
Using the NUSHELLX spherical shell model program, we considered the level structure of 94Tc under two different configuration spaces. The calculation results show that the excitation mechanism of positiveparity spin states of 94Tc is dominated by the excitation of protons from the p1/2 orbit into the jg9/2 orbit across the Z=40
 subshell closure and protons from the (f5/2,p3/2) into the (p1/2,g9/2) orbit across the Z=38 subshell closure. The negativeparity spin states are the excitation of neutrons from the d5/2 orbit into the (g7/2,h11/2) orbits across the N=56 subshell closure.
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Reflection of Solar Wind Ions on Lunar Surface andIts Influence on Lunar Surface Electric Field#br#
LIU Muming, FENG Yongyong
Journal of Jilin University Science Edition. 2018, 56 (6):  1513-1520. 
Abstract ( 321 )   PDF (2618KB) ( 69 )  
In order to explore the principle of reflection of solar wind ions on lunar magnetic anomaly area, based on the detection data of the solar wind ion detector carried by Chang’E2 satellite, we inverted the motion of the solar wind ions by using single particle simulation, and analyzed incidence angles and reflection angles. The experimental results show that the solar wind ions are firstly scattered by lunar regolith in all directions, then accelerated upward by lunar surface electric field. There is a positive potential of 45—75 V on dayside lunar surface in solar wind, which has a significant effect on the solar wind ions reflected
 from the lunar surface.
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Calculation of NAO Contribution of Molecular OrbitalS-Leu System under Implicit Solvent#br#
ZHANG Zhijun, GUO Shuhuai
Journal of Jilin University Science Edition. 2018, 56 (6):  1521-1525. 
Abstract ( 298 )   PDF (715KB) ( 103 )  
We calculated the contributions of the natural atomic orbital (NAO) of the molecular orbital S-Leu system under different implicit solvents by using the Gaussian natural bond orbital (NBO) analysis program. The results show that the implicit solvent methanol and chloroform have great influence on the molecular orbital of S-Leu system according to the contribution of NAO. The contribution of NAO of implicit solvent methanol is closer to the calculation result of the implicit solvent H2O. The total contribution value of NAO of carboxyl fragment under implicit solvent methanol is closer to 
the calculation result of the implicit solvent H2O. The effect of contribution of NAO of carboxyl fragment under implicit solvent chloroform is different from implicit solvents methanol and H2O.
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Multi-peak MPPT of Photovoltaic ArrayBased on GWO Algorithm#br#
ZHANG Qiaojie, WANG Kaili, FANG Xueqing
Journal of Jilin University Science Edition. 2018, 56 (6):  1526-1532. 
Abstract ( 603 )   PDF (1130KB) ( 149 )  
The maximum power point tracking (MPPT) algorithm was invalid because the power characteristic curve of the photovoltaic array under partial shading condition was changed from a single peak curve to an overlapping peak curve, and other intelligent algorithms (such as particle swarm optimization (PSO) algorithm) had the disadvantages of more parameters, slow convergence speed and large amplitude of oscillation in the tracking process. The grey wolf optimization (GWO) algorithm with fast convergence speed and high precision was applied to multipeak MPPT algorithm of photovoltaic array. Firstly, a mathem
atical model of photovoltaic array under partial occlusion was established. Secondly, the principle of MPPT algorithm based on GWO algorithm was analyzed. Simulation results show that the GWO algorithm can track the maximum power point quickly, the tracking speed of the GWO algorithm is 1 times higher than that of the PSO algorithm, and the tracking efficiency is improved by 0.1%.
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Design of an Ultrawideband Antenna of a UShapedFloor Semicircular Ring Feed Terminal#br#
OU Renxia
Journal of Jilin University Science Edition. 2018, 56 (6):  1533-1537. 
Abstract ( 356 )   PDF (1404KB) ( 108 )  
The author designed an ultrawideband antenna of a Ushaped floor semicircular ring feed terminal, and the effects on antenna performance of the parameters such as sector radius, inner diameter and the outer diameter of the semicircular ring, the length and width of the rectangle on the  Ushaped structure floor were analyzed. The antenna consisted of a semicircular ring feed terminal, a coplanar waveguide feeder and a Ushaped floor, coplanar waveguide was used to feed the antenna. The results show that the designed antenna has ultrawideband performance, the effective working bandwidth is 3—12.9 GHz, the design size is 20 mm×20 mm, the radiation characteristics and gain characteristics are good, so it can be used in ultrawideband wireless communication terminal system.
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Mechanism of Optical Isomerism of Valine Catalyzed by Hydroxyl Water Clusters and Damage Induced by Hydroxy Radicals in Water Environment#br#
ZHANG Xin, TONG Hua, YAN Hongyan, WANG Zuocheng, Y ANG Xiaocui
Journal of Jilin University Science Edition. 2018, 56 (6):  1538-1548. 
Abstract ( 179 )   PDF (6123KB) ( 102 )  
We investigated the mechanism of optical isomerism of valine catalyzed by hydroxyl water clusters of two conformations of valine molecules and the damage induced by hydroxy radicals in water environment by using MP2/6-311++G(2df,pd)//B3LYP/6-31+G(d,p) doubletheory and SMD model method for self consistent reaction field (SCRF) theory. The results show that the optical isomerism of valine can be  achieved in two channels a and b. In channel a, the substrate is formed by hydrogen bonds of hydroxyl water clusters with α-H and amino groups, hydroxyl abstracts α-H, and then α-C abstracts the hydrogen of water molecular at the other side. And in channel b, the substrate is formed by hydrogen bonds of hydroxyl water clusters with α-H and carbonyl groups, hydroxylabstracts α-H, and then α-C abstracts the hydrogen of water molecular at the other side. Water molecular assists abstraction of αH by hydroxy radicals can induce valine damage in channel b. The optical isomerism energy barriers of ratedetermining step of conformation Val1 (mono-hydrogen bond between aminoand carboxylgroup) and Val2 (dualhydrogen bond between aminoand carboxylgroup) are 6057, 6524 kJ/mol in channel a, while the energy barriers are 5676,64.11 kJ/mol in channel b. So the damage of valine by hydroxy radicalwater clusters of them in channel b was moderate exothermic reaction.
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Preparation and Characterization of CdTe@SiO2@GdF3Fluorescence/Magnetic Resonance ImagingDual Functional Microsphere#br#
JIN Li, LIU Fangtong, LI Wei, ZHANG Jianpo
Journal of Jilin University Science Edition. 2018, 56 (6):  1549-1555. 
Abstract ( 249 )   PDF (2906KB) ( 110 )  
CdTe@SiO2 microspheres were synthesized by modified Stber method, and then CdTe@SiO2@GdF3fluorescence/magnetic resonance imaging dual functional microsphere with core/shell structure were prepared by direct precipitation method. Furthermore the structure, magnetic resonance imaging and fluorescence property were characterized by transmission electron microscope (TEM), energy dispersive Xray analysis (EDXA),  magnetic resonance imaging (MRI), Fourier transform infrared spectroscopy (FT-IR) and fluorescence spectrum. The experimental results show that the synthesized microsphere has obvious spherical core/shell structure, a large number of GdF3 dispersed well on the surface of silica in the form of small particles, and the particle sizes are 5—8 nm. Si,O and Gd elements can be detected on the surface of CdTe@SiO2@GdF3 microsphere, and Gd has been doped into the CdTe@SiO2 materials. Compared with CdTe quantum dots, the fluorescence emission spectra of CdTe@SiO2@GdF3 microspheres have a red shift, but still have good fluorescence property. The relaxation parameter r1 of CdTe@SiO2@GdF3 microspheres is 3.48 s-1/(mmol·L-1), so the synthesized CdTe@SiO2@GdF3 microspheres can be used for T1weighted magnetic resonance imaging. When mass concentration of CdTe@SiO2@GdF3 is 200 μg/mL, the cell viability is still above 90%, indicating that the toxicity of the microphere on cells is weak.
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Preparation and Photocatalytic Activity of α-Fe2O3 with Different Morphologies#br#
CHEN Rui, YAN Yan, WANG Lili, AN Tao, YANG Qiang, WANG Xin
Journal of Jilin University Science Edition. 2018, 56 (6):  1556-1560. 
Abstract ( 266 )   PDF (1965KB) ( 90 )  
α-Fe2Owith spindle or hexagonal morphologies were prepared by hydrothermal method, we investigated the photocatalytic properties of methyl orange and rhodamine B under visible light irradiation. The results show that all samples are rhombohedral phase of hematite with uniform sizes. The energy gap of hexagonal α-Fe2O3 is less than that of spindle α-Fe2O3,meaning that it can absorb visible light with larger wavelength range. The hexagonal α-Fe2O3 has higher degradation rate and degradation rate constant, and has higher photocatalytic activity.
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Preparation and Catalytic Application of Mesoporous ZSM-5 Zeolite Molecular Sieves#br#
XU Ling, ZHANG Qiang, ZHANG Miao, GAO Xin, LIU Zongrui
Journal of Jilin University Science Edition. 2018, 56 (6):  1561-1565. 
Abstract ( 229 )   PDF (1994KB) ( 182 )  
Using 3aminopropyltriethoxysilanes (APTES) as soft template, we prepared mesoprous ZSM-5 zeolite molecular sieve by soft template method. The samples were characterized by Fourier transform infrared spectroscopy (FT-IR), X-ray diffraction (XRD), N2 adsorptiondesorption and transmission electron microscope (TEM), etc. The effect of adding amount of APTES on the pore structure of the synthesized samples was investigated. The acid catalytic performance of the synthesized sample
s was analyzed by model reaction of phenol.
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Judgment of Uniqueness of Molecular Structure in Gaussian Calculation#br#
WANG Haiyan, CUI Wenchao, YU Shuang, DING Yihong
Journal of Jilin University Science Edition. 2018, 56 (6):  1566-1569. 
Abstract ( 322 )   PDF (491KB) ( 171 )  
We used a computer aided molecular isomer construction algorithm STRUauto to solve the difficult problem of judging the uniqueness of the molecular structure in Gaussian calculation. With the help of the iterative comparison of energy and bond length, the algorithm completed the batch deduplication of the molecular structure, avoided the error of the judgment of uniqueness of the molecular structure under normal conditions, and obtained accurate molecular isomer. Experimental results on several types of typical molecular structures show that the algorithm STRUauto can significantly improve the efficiency of judging the uniqueness of molecular structure.
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Effect of NanoTiO2 on Mass Ratio of Nitrate Nitrogenand Activity of Nitrate Reductase in Soil#br#
FENG Baogen, GUO Ping, LI Linhui, SUN Ying, CHEN Weiwei
Journal of Jilin University Science Edition. 2018, 56 (6):  1570-1576. 
Abstract ( 270 )   PDF (640KB) ( 72 )  
The effect of nanoTiO2 on the mass ratio of nitrate nitrogen and activity of nitrate reductase (NR) in soils were investigated by laboratory simulation experiments. The results show that the nanoTiO2 can reduce the mass ratio of nitrate nitrogen and the activity of NR in soil, with the increase of time, the degree of reduction increased first and then decreased. Under the same sampling time, the mass ratio of nitrate nitrogen and NR activity of nano-TiO-2 in different types of soil decrease as follows: sandy soil>black soil>peat soil, and the degree of reduction increases with the increase of nanoTiO2 addition. In the presence of alfalfa, nanoTiO2 decreases the mass ratio of nitrate nitrogen and NR activity in the soil. Therefore, the nanoTiO2 can reduce the intensity and rate of soil denitrification, and alfalfa can reduce the biological toxicity of nanoTiO2.
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