J4 ›› 2009, Vol. 27 ›› Issue (02): 139-.

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IEEE 802.16系统的上行带宽调度模块的

李晓堂,詹 峰   

  1. 深圳信息职业技术学院 计算机应用系,深圳 518029
  • 出版日期:2009-03-20 发布日期:2009-07-06
  • 通讯作者: 李晓堂(1971— ),女,辽宁海城人,深圳信息职业技术学院讲师,主要从事计算机应用技术研究 E-mail:Lixt@sziit.com.cn.
  • 作者简介:李晓堂(1971— ),女,辽宁海城人|深圳信息职业技术学院讲师|主要从事计算机应用技术研究,(Tel)86-13632677151(E-mail)Lixt@sziit.com.cn.

Design and Implementation of Uplink BandWidth Schedule Module for IEEE 802.16e System

LI Xiao-tang,ZHAN Feng   

  1. Department of Computer Application,Shenzhen Institute of Information Technology,Shenzhen 518029,China
  • Online:2009-03-20 Published:2009-07-06


针对无线城域网(MAN:Metropolitan Area Network)对准入控制、流量控制、带宽调度算法问题,在分析IEEE 802.16 MAC(Media Access Control)协议的基础上,提出了一种具体的QoS(Quality of Service)架构以及死限制调度和余量调度相结合的上行调度算法,并对其进行了设计和测试。结果表明,该算法能对实时业务提供较好的支持, 基本功能得到实现。

关键词: IEEE 802.16协议, 带宽调度, 死限调度, 余量调度, 服务质量


As next generation  communication technology,wireless MAN(Metropolitan Area Network)(IEEE 802.16e) has put forward QoS(Quality of Service) for many services.IEEE 802.16 standard is only specific the QoS service type,such as bandwidth request and allocation and so on,but some schedule arithmetic,admittance dose not be researched.A new QoS architecture and uplink schedule algorithms that is deadline and surplus schedule arithmetic were proposed,and the design the uplink bandwidth schedule module was implemented, the result shows it can supply the real-time operations very well.

Key words: IEEE 802.16, bandwidth schedule, deadline schedule, surplus schedule, quality of service(QoS)


  • TN919.72