J4 ›› 2012, Vol. 30 ›› Issue (3): 321-326.

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  1. 吉林省经济信息中心 公共技术开发办公室|长春 130061
  • 收稿日期:2011-11-21 出版日期:2012-05-24 发布日期:2012-06-08
  • 作者简介:李蕴奇(1976—)|女|长春人|吉林省信息中心工程师|主要从事信号处理、分布式数据库应用研究|(Tel)86-13086868202(E-mail)li_yunqi@sina.com。

Collision Detection Algorithm for Deformable Objects

LI Yun-qi   

  1. Public Technology Development Office|Economic Information Center of Jilin Province|Changchun 130061,China
  • Received:2011-11-21 Online:2012-05-24 Published:2012-06-08



关键词: 计算机应用, 计算机仿真, 碰橦检测, 可变物体, 蛇形模型


Increased variability object collision detection in virtual reality technology efficiency and accuracy, an improved detection algorithm based on deformable objects collision, the algorithm uses ant colony algorithm to optimize the snake contour model, and the snakeshaped contour model is applied to a fixed direction hull bounding box update process. The experimental results show that:this algorithm greatly simplifies the reconstruction process of the fixed direction hull bounding box algorithm to improve the efficiency of collision detection, join Ant Algorithm to improve the accuracy of collision detection.

Key words: computer application, computer simulation, collision detection;deformable objects, snake model


  • TP391