吉林大学学报(信息科学版) ›› 2014, Vol. 32 ›› Issue (6): 646-652.

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赵靖华, 张文波, 谭振江   

  1. 吉林师范大学 计算机学院, 吉林 四平 136000
  • 收稿日期:2014-07-19 出版日期:2014-11-25 发布日期:2015-01-09
  • 作者简介:赵靖华(1980—), 男, 吉林四平人, 吉林师范大学讲师, 博士后, 主要从事发动机尾气排放控制研究, (Tel)86-13654390225(E-mail)zhaojh08@mails.jlu.edu.cn。
  • 基金资助:

    吉林省科技发展计划基金资助项目(20130522157JH); 吉林省科技发展计划、 吉林省公共计算平台基金资助项目(20130101179JC-16); 吉林省教育厅“十二五”科学技术研究基金资助项目(吉教科合字[2014]第488号)

Design of Urea-SCR Systems Controllerfor Diesel Engines Using Backstepping

ZHAO Jinghua, ZHANG Wenbo, TAN Zhenjiang   

  1. College of Computer, Jilin Normal University, Siping 136000, China
  • Received:2014-07-19 Online:2014-11-25 Published:2015-01-09


为实现urea-SCR系统较高的NOx转化率以及较低的氨逃逸, 提出一种面向控制的urea-SCR(urea Selective Catalytic Reduction)模型,设计了一种基于backstepping技术的非线性控制器。将模型参数误差看作外界的干扰输入, 并在输入到状态稳定性框架内分析了该闭环系统的稳定性。同时, 研究了基于一种配有urea-SCR系统的精确enDYNA模型, 并在ECE(Economic Commission for Europe)瞬态测试循环条件下进行了测试。该控制器能调节参数可变的非线性系统, 跟踪理想的氨覆盖率, 适用于轻型车辆配备的urea-SCR系统。与传统的PID(Proportion Integration Differentiation)控制器控制效果对比实验表明, 基于backstepping控制器降低了氨逃逸量且具有更好的鲁棒性。

关键词: 非线性控制, 逐步反推方法, 输入到状态稳定性理论, 尿素选择性催化还原系统


For simultaneously achieving high NOx conversion efficiency and low ammonia slip, a new control-oriented model presentation of urea-SCR systems is developed. And a novel nonlinear controller using backstepping is presented, which drives the parameterdependent but also varying nonlinear system totrack the desired ammonia coverage ratio. Taking into account the lower vehicle weight and costs, the proposed controller was suitable for simple SCR aftertreatment system of light-duty vehicle. Model uncertainties including parameter error, etc. were also considered as additive disturbance inputs, and the closedloop error system dynamics was analysed in the frame of input-to-state stable. Based on a validated enDYNA diesel engine model with urea-SCR aftertreatment systems, transient ECE(Economic Commission for Europe)driving cycle simulation is conducted to evaluate the effectiveness of the proposed control strategy. And comparisons with conventional PID(Proportion Integration Differentiation) urea-SCR controller are presented to show the adva
ntages of the proposed control strategy.

Key words: nonlinear control, backstepping, input-to-state stable, urea selective catalytic reduction(ureaSCR)


  • TP273