吉林大学学报(信息科学版) ›› 2015, Vol. 33 ›› Issue (6): 662-.

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基于LED 点阵屏的智能视力仪

宋丹, 司夏岩, 吕晓玲   

  1. 长春理工大学光电信息学院电子工程分院, 长春130012
  • 收稿日期:2015-09-28 出版日期:2015-11-27 发布日期:2016-01-04
  • 作者简介:宋丹(1978—), 女, 长春人, 长春理工大学讲师, 主要从事检测技术与自动化装置研究, (Tel)86-18143030218(E-mail)sdan1020@163. com。
  • 基金资助:

    吉林省教育厅“十二五冶科学技术研究基金资助项目(吉教科合字[2014]第B062 号)

The Intelligent Visual Instrument Based on LED Dot-matrix Screen

SONG Dan, SI Xiayan, LüXiaoling   

  1. Electronic Engineering Department, College of Optical and Electronical Information, Changchun University of Science and Technology, Changchun 130012, China
  • Received:2015-09-28 Online:2015-11-27 Published:2016-01-04


为解决青少年视力下降问题, 设计了改善和提高视力的智能仪器。该仪器以眼睛的生理特点为研究基础, 结合计算控制技术和双色LED(Light Emitting Diode)显示技术, 采用了高性能的stm32f103zet6 微处理器控制LED 显示和人机交互系统, 并采用RLE(Run Length Encoding)图像压缩技术, 使图形的显示更灵活多变、丰富多彩。测试者通过操作平台(语音提示和液晶显示), 用眼观察LED 屏显示的各种训练图形调节眼睛的紧张状态, 缓解视力疲劳。测试结果表明, 经过一段时间的仪器治疗, 学生的视力普遍得到了提高, 效果显著。

关键词: LED 屏, 计算机控制, 图像压缩技术, 提高视力


In order to solve a common problem of vision drop in teenagers, we design an intelligent instrument for improving vision, which is based on the Physiological characteristics of the eye. The instrument applies computer control technology and dual color LED (Light Emitting Diode) display technology, and uses stm32f103zet6 microprocessor to control LED display screen and man-machine system, and uses RLE(Run Length Encoding) image compression technology to make display flexible, rich and colorful. The tester uses the operating platform (voice prompts and liquid crystal display) to observe various types of training graphics, which can adjust the tension of the eye and relieve vision fatigue. After a period of treatment, the test results show that the students‘ eyesight is generally improved, and the effect is remarkable.

Key words: light emitting diode ( LED ) screen, computer control, image compression technology, improve eyesight


  • TP23