Journal of Jilin University (Information Science Edition) ›› 2024, Vol. 42 ›› Issue (2): 217-225.

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Dynamic Bandwidth Allocation Strategy Based on Extensible TTI in Warning Information Dissemination

XIE Yong a , WU Shiyu a , LI Tian b , YAO Zhiping b , XU Xin c   

  1. a. Jilin Emergency Warning Information Dissemination Center; b. Jilin Meteorological Traffic Center; c. Jilin Meteorological Information Network Center, Jilin Meteorological Service, Changchun 130062, China
  • Received:2023-04-06 Online:2024-04-10 Published:2024-04-12

Abstract: To effectively reuse URLLC(Ultra-Reliable Low-Delay Communications) and eMBB(enhanced Mobile Broad Band) on the same carrier band and improve the performance of the hybrid traffic system, a dynamic bandwidth allocation strategy based on scalable transmission time interval is proposed. The system bandwidth is dynamically divided according to the traffic type. URLLC scheduling priority is promoted in time domain. And in the frequency domain, different lengths of TTI ( Transmission Time Interval) are adopted to carry out user- centered wireless resource allocation. The dynamic system-level simulation shows that, compared to the traditional wireless resource allocation algorithm, the proposed scheme can effectively meet the delay requirements of URLLC users and optimize the throughput consumption of eMBB users under different load levels. The maximum delay gain of URLLC users is 83. 8% . The quality of service for different types of traffic in the 5G hybrid traffic system is satisfied.

Key words: emergency warning dissemination, transmission time interval, enhanced mobile broadband, ultra- reliable low-latency communication, bandwidth dynamic partition 

CLC Number: 

  • TN92