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Journal of Jilin University (Information Science Edition)
ISSN 1671-5896
CN 22-1344/TN
主 任:田宏志
编 辑:张 洁 刘冬亮 刘俏亮
电 话:0431-5152552
地 址:长春市东南湖大路5377号

Table of Content
25 July 2011, Volume 29 Issue 4
Stereo Matching Algorithm Based on Feedback
WANG Zheng, DIAO Yan, WANG Chang-Jing, CHEN He-Xin
J4. 2011, 29 (4):  284-288. 
Abstract ( 498 )  

As the depth map created by traditional belief propagation (BP:Belief Propagation) algorithm is not very accurate causing the distortion of the depth map rendering and threedimensional reconstruction.We proposed a stereo matching algorithm based on feedback to optimize the depth map. The traditional BP algorithm is used to get the depth map. We utilize the left eye viewpoint and depth information to render the right eye viewpoint which is to be compared with the real right eye viewpoint and send the result of comparison back to the data cost. The depth map will be created again with the new data cost. Experimental results show that by using the proposed algorithm, the PSNR(Peak Signal to Noise Ration) of the rendered viewpoint will enhance 02 dB.

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Development of Magnetic Resonance Sounding Signal Generator for Groundwater Detector
ZHAO Yi-ping,WANG Chun-min,WU Hai-yan,NIE Cai-xia,DONG Lei
J4. 2011, 29 (4):  289-295. 
Abstract ( 689 )  

Generator that can generate the MRS(Magnetic Resonance Sounding) signal is design to develop JLMRS groundwater detection system. It is convenient to indoor testing of JLMRS groundwater detection system using simulate MRS(Magnetic Resonance Sounding) signal. Due to the low amplitude and highresolution frequency of MRS signal, the hardware of generator is based on the principle of DDS(Direct Digital Synthesizer). The phase accumulator is programmed by CPLD(Complex Programble Logic Device), the MRS signal data is calculated by Matlab, and then stored in the nonvolatile RAM(Random Access Memory), which can save data after power down, so it is not necessary to repeat downloading. This generator can adjust the amplitude, frequency, delay time constant, and phase of the MRS signal, and it can be added in various noises of different SNR(Singnal to Noise Ratio). It has been authorized the national utility model patent (200820072674.2), and was already used in the development of the JLMRS groundwater detection system. It is testified that the amplitude error is lower than 0.02 V, the frequency resolution is 1 Hz, the output is stabilization, can be used repeatedly, and meets the demands of the JLMRS water investigation instrument.

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Development of Environmental Detection System Based on ZigBee Protocol
DUO Zhen, LIU Hong-Qi, HONG Wei
J4. 2011, 29 (4):  296-302. 
Abstract ( 631 )  

In order to reduce the complexity in wiring when measuring the temperature and humidity of the complex environment, the wireless sensor networks solution based on ZigBee agreement is introduced, using JN5139-Z01-M01 as the chip of measurement subsystem, and using the SHT15 sensor to measure the temperature and humidity and transfer the measured data to the network harmony equipment, which uses the JN5139-Z01-M02 as the chip. The network harmony equipment sends the data to the computer and accomplishes the monitoring of temperature and humidity and store the experimental data,and memory the experimental data simultaneously. In order to make corresponding adjustments in time, the data processing software is developed by Visual C++ 6.0, which can monitor the running states of all measurement subsystems in realtime.The experiment results show that the system goes well. And it can get the accuracy temperature and humidity in strong interference.  And compared to traditional wired measurements, a good solution to the convenience of communication and measurement problems.

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Blind Digital Watermarking Algorithm for Color Image Based on Arnold and DWT
WANG Qi-Liang, BAI Feng-Meng
J4. 2011, 29 (4):  303-309. 
Abstract ( 1018 )  

Considering most of the present color image watermarking techniques still use binary images or gray images as the watermarks, and these techniques only extract the watermarks while ignoring the original host image restoration. A blind digital watermarking algorithm is proposed to embed a color watermark image into a color host image. The algorithm allows extracting watermark without the original watermark and host image. The original watermark image and host image can be restored simultaneously by using the image embedded with watermark. Firstly, Arnold transform was respectively used on R, G, B component of the watermark image with different times to scramble the watermark image. Then decomposed separately the R, G, B component of the color host image by 2D DWT(Discrete Wavelet Transform), and got the respective horizontal detail coefficients. Finally embedded the disorderly R, G, B component of the watermark image into the horizontal detail coefficient of R, G, B component of the host image. IDWT(Inverter Discrete Wavelet Transform) is masterly used as the embed way. Due to using HVS(Human Visual System) and adopting multiple key mechanisms, the digital watermarking algorithm has very good transparency and security. In addition, the algorithm is robust against various signals processing such as scrawling, adding noise, cutting, and JPEG compression etc.

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Study on New Edition Survey and Design Charging Standards of Communication Engineering
ZHANG Qing-Shan, ZHANG Xue-Feng, ZHANG Qiu-Jie
J4. 2011, 29 (4):  310-318. 
Abstract ( 767 )  

In order to make the large numbers of communication works use the 2002 edition survey and design charging standards of communication engineering normally, we introduces the national survey and design charging standards of communication engineering in which interpolation is not concluded; neither definition of charges range nor clear correspondence between the amount of engineering charging and charge benchmark was included in design charging standard sheet, which made it difficult to calculate the charging. Aiming at solving the above problems,we did the following study: the objective law of charges, definition of the amount of charging, correspondence between the amount of engineering charging and charge benchmark, interpolation calculation of each section, supplement and improvement of the charge standards. Finally the paper briefly introduces a specific calculation method for survey and design charging.

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New Mathematical Model of Chaff's RCS and Its Simulation
LIU Chang,ZHAN Guang, LU Jing-Shuang, ZHANG Guo-Yi
J4. 2011, 29 (4):  319-322. 
Abstract ( 655 )  

In order to show change of chaff RCS(Radar Cross Section) with electromagnetic wave of different frequency,a new mathematical model of chaff's RCS is presented by analyzing statistics of chaff cloud echo's ower spectrum. The model indicates that Gaussian distribution can be used to describe the frequency response characteristic of single chaff RCS, and its maximum is the average chaff RCS. The result demonstrates that the simulation is useful for analyzing the frequency response characteristic of chaff with electromagnetic wave of different frequency and verifying the feasibilty in designing chaff cartridge. It has a high application value.

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Privacy Preservation of Sensitive Edges in Social Networks Publication
LAN Li-Hui, SUN Yang-Hui, JU Shi-Guang
J4. 2011, 29 (4):  323-330. 
Abstract ( 464 )  

Individual privacy can be breached if social networks are released directly. So privacy protection should be carried on. The privacy protection method named (k,2)-anonymity publication is proposed. The method is suitable for the scene that the aggressor with background knowledge of neighborhood information wants to identify sensitive edges in published social networks. The minimum structural modification is performed on origin social networks graphs and the largest amount of information from the published networks is obtained. Design and implement the algorithm meeting privacy preservation requirements of the published anonymously and carry on experiment on dataset to validate. Experimental results show that the method can effectively resist the sensitive edges identify attack and get acceptable release quality.

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Logic Function Modification of Self-Correction in Twisted Ring Counters
LIN Jun-Yuan
J4. 2011, 29 (4):  331-337. 
Abstract ( 727 )  

States transition in twisted ring counter working progress is analyzed. A new design scheme that the logic function modification is made to excitation function in any counter is put forward, where this scheme does not conflict with the right shift and back cycling shift rules. In present framework design, the only solution needs to be worked out is that the excitation function for the first flipflop. The method is modified while remaining the inside structure of right shift register invariant. It is aimed to explore the logic function modification of selfcorrection in twisted ring counters. The method is to minimize the excitation function with next state Karnaugh map, to check the next state values in invalid state and to carry out selfcorrection synchronously. Design progress of twisted ring counter is simplified.

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Research on Enhancing Embedded Linux's Real-Time Performance
ZHOU Bao-Tu, KONG De-Gang, ZHAO Hong-Wei, ZHONG Meng-Jie
J4. 2011, 29 (4):  338-342. 
Abstract ( 822 )  

The analysis on how the task scheduling policy, interrupts processing procedure, kernel locks and virtual memory mechanism of linux 2.6 influence its real\|time performance has  been done, and a solution aiming at improving its real\|time performance is designed.This solution includes a new way to make interrupts handled as a kernel thread, and has been developed on i386 platform. To test the solution, a special module is designed, which uses the saved interrupt number to emulate software interrupts.The result shows that the solution successfully prevent real\|time tasks form disturbing of interrupts, and helps a lot in improving real\|time performance.

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Public Project's Investment Decision-Making Based on Sustainable Development
TUN Yu-Meng, LI Ci-Hai
J4. 2011, 29 (4):  343-347. 
Abstract ( 473 )  

In order to invest more reasonable and choose the best scheme, a kind of investment decisionmaking method is put forward based on OWA(Ordered Weighted Average) and OWGA(Ordered Weighted Geometric Average) from the perspective of sustaintable development.And this method is proved applicable and feasible by an example.Demonstration results show that the approach is consistent with construction projects and programs features, and simple and practical.

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Intrusion Tolerance System Based on Failure Detector Algorithm
DIAO Hui, FANG Die-Yi, LI Mo-Long, ZHENG Shan-Gong
J4. 2011, 29 (4):  348-355. 
Abstract ( 466 )  

An intrusion tolerance system that provides self-adaptation and recovery ability is built based on failure detector and diverse redundancy technology,proposing the architecture of the system, and designing the failure detector algorithm for the intrusion-tolerance system. This system can distinguish node\|level and service-level failure,taking different shielding measures and recovery strategies assuring the system be reconfigured in time after being attacked and intruded.The result of experiment shows that the failure detector algorithm can solve the wrong judgement problem caused by network latency and packet loss.The accuracy of detection is clearly improved.

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Mapping UML Diagram to Colored Petri Net for Analysis and Verifcation
TUN Hai, SUN Yong-Xiong, FU Qiang-Xin, XU Jia-Qi
J4. 2011, 29 (4):  356-364. 
Abstract ( 895 )  

To solve the problem that UML(Unified Modeling Language)cannot support formal verification and analysis because of lacking accurate semantic expressions. Here we transfer UML model into Colored Petri Net and do correctness verification to find the defect. Thus a lot of loss which comes out until the end of software development could be saved. The accuracy and security of system are improved. The result indicates that the efficiency of the algorithm has been improved to certain extent.

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Metadata Standardization of Educational Resource Database Based on XML
JI Chi
J4. 2011, 29 (4):  365-369. 
Abstract ( 550 )  

To improve the utilizing rate of network educational resource and share the data of different database with different structure,the construction of our educational resource database is short of unifed planning, which results in some problems such as repeat construction and inconsistent formal. Resource in the distance education system can not propagate efficiently. Put forward a scheme about metadata standardization technology of educational resource database based on XML(eXtensible Markup Language) and study a method of date exchange based on formwork. This scheme can change other structure data to XML by complying with metadata of educational resource and implementing directives which can achieve the sharing and exchange of data in different educational resource database.

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Investigation of Spatial Configuration Among Engineering Undergraduate Freshmen in Engineering Graphics Examination
MENG Xiang-Bao, BO Zi-Jian, SHU Yu-Xiang, LI Jun
J4. 2011, 29 (4):  370-374. 
Abstract ( 377 )  

One of the main objectives of engineering graphics is to cultivate prospective engineers to enhance the ability of spatial geometric configuration to represent industrial products clearly and precisely with engineering drawings in manufacturing activities in their future career. The examination process breaks up the convention that both the graphics questions and the accompanying answers are designed in limited case beforehand, thus making answers to the questions multiply and flexibly, and the result shows that it is of practical value to guide teaching process of engineering graphics from traditionally introducing course contents to divergently cultivating and streng thening and students' creative ability in spatial configuration in limited class hours.

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Design and Research of Multifunctional Digital Frequency-Counter
LING Zhen-Bao, XIE Jian-Feng, SUN Zheng-Guang
J4. 2011, 29 (4):  375-381. 
Abstract ( 678 )  

To achieve the purpose of precision measuring signal frequency, we design a simple multi-function digital frequency meter with the fuction of measuring signal frequency, cycle, pulse width and duty ratio, using STC89C52 single-chip computer as the core controller, triode 3DG120, 74HC14 chip and 74HC4040 chip as the signal processing circuit, and present the unit module circuit and matching software. We put forward some anti-interference measures for the small-signal measurement. Experiments show that the system has achieved the design object, including its frequency measurement range for 1~50 MHz. The measuring error is less than 0.1% and the measuring small signal amplitude can be lower than 0.5 mV. It meets the testing requirements.

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Improved Multiple Patterns Matching Algorithm Based on WM Algorithm
DONG Ying-Liang, XUAN Xue-Hua, WANG De-Min
J4. 2011, 29 (4):  382-386. 
Abstract ( 687 )  

To improve the efficiency of intrusion detection system,we analyzed WM(Wu-Manber)multiple patterns matching algorithms, and then presented an improved patterns matching algorithm.This algorithm  uses trail table to decrease the comparison times in matching process.The experiment result shows that it improves the intrusion detection system matching efficiency.

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Multimedia Field Network Construction Based on Movement of VPN
LIU Ming, LIU Yue-Xi, WANG Qiu-Shuang, QIN Wei
J4. 2011, 29 (4):  387-391. 
Abstract ( 503 )  

To address the VPN (Virtual Private Network) applications in mobile multimedia metropolitan area network security issues, a VPN link establishment and certification method is proposed. The temporary IP address si used in the method to achieve anonymous communication, which effectively hides the user's private information to avoid information leaks to other dedicated local area network, the VPN network model to further enhance security. Meanwhile, in a single-key encryption system, encryption, encryption of data processing package, to ensure that the user data during transmission confidentiality and integrity.

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